【#英语口语# 导语】柚子、柿子、枣子、栗子......这些秋天时令美味,英语怎么说? 美国秋天又有什么好吃的? 听小编告诉你吧 ,秋天,就该吃这些哦! Autumn还是Fall?
Fall means autumn. It's what Americans say: fall就是autumn, 秋天,不过是美语的说法 比如: Fall is my favorite seaon of the year: 秋天是我最爱的季节 Fall sale: 秋季打折 Fall fashion: 秋季时尚 Seasonal fall food: fruit, vegetable, desserts, drinks: 今天聊聊秋季当季食物, 包括水果、蔬菜、甜点、饮料 What's in season: 当季的、时令的 #1. Pomelo 柚子
#1. Citrus: 柑橘类植物 Pomelo 柚子 Grape fruit 西柚 Mandarin oranges 橘子 Grape fruit is sour and bitter: 西柚酸酸、苦苦的 We also call Mandarin oranges "cuties":橘子也叫“cuties"小可爱 Peelable: 皮容易剥 You must be salivating:聊到这些,非常生津 #2. Persimmon 柿子
Persimmon: 柿子 Unripe:没熟 Ripe: 熟的 Ripen: 放熟 Unripe persimmons taste very dry in your mouth: 没熟的柿子吃起来很涩 These words can also describe avocado: 这些词也能形容牛油果 Crunchy/crispy persimmon: 脆柿 Apple crisps, veggie crisps: 苹果脆片、蔬菜脆片 I used to think they were healthy. But actually they are not: 我以前以为这些很健康, 其实不然 Lots of marketing there:都是营销手段 #3. Dates/jujube枣子
Dates: 枣子 Jujube: 冬枣 *现在当季的冬枣其实用jujube这个词更确切。但是口语里dates的使用频率更高。 You don't see many fresh dates in America: 美国新鲜枣子比较少 Dried dates: 晒干的、蜜饯类的枣子 #4. Chestnuts 栗子
Roasted chestnuts: 烤栗子、炒栗子 In fall, you can smell the aroma of roasted chestnuts on streets: 秋天,路上常闻到糖炒栗子的香味 Aroma: 香味 除了糖炒栗子,秋天还有一种不可错过的味道: Osmanthus: 桂花 I love walking on the streets and smelling the aroma of osmanthus: 我最爱在路上边走边闻桂花的香味 It smells like candy, so sweet: 桂花闻起来像糖果一样,非常香甜 #5. Candied hawthorn 冰糖葫芦 It's Diana's favorite! 冰糖葫芦是Diana的最爱 Fresh hawthorn is not common in America: 新鲜山楂在美国不常见 But there is something similar in America: 但美国有很像冰糖葫芦的食物
Candied apple/toffee apple/caramel apple: 冰糖苹果、太妃苹果、焦糖苹果 I've always been tempted to try some: 我特别想试试 美国秋天有什么好吃的? #1. Pumpkin 南瓜 It's pumpkin spiced everything when it's fall in America: 秋天到来的时候,美国什么东西都是南瓜味的 Pumpkin spiced latte, pumpkin pie, pumpkin milk shake:南瓜拿铁,南瓜派,南瓜奶昔 *这里的"spiced" 不是辣,而是指用香料调味 Pumpkin is popular from Halloween to Thanksgiving: 南瓜从万圣节流行到感恩节 节日限定: Halloween jack O lantern: 万圣节是南瓜灯 Thanksgiving pumpkin pie:感恩节南瓜派 #2. Spices 各种香料 cinnamon 肉桂 nutmeg 豆蔻 ginger 生姜
These spices make you feel warm inside: 这些香料让你感觉暖暖的 所以圣诞节的时候,一定要有: ginger bread cookies 姜饼 ginger bread man/ ginger bread house 姜饼人、姜饼屋 这一点和中医理论也不谋而合呢,秋冬就得吃点暖的。 #3. Sweet potato 红薯 Americans love roasted sweet potatoes in fall: 美国人秋天也喜欢吃烤红薯 I don't think it's the most hygienic: 有时可能不太卫生 Depends on the can they use:要看那个烤红薯的筒干不干净
不过别怕: You can microwave it: 可以用微波炉烤红薯 Buy the small ones, cut criss cross and put butter on top: 买小红薯,划十字、上面放点黄油 The butter melts into the sweet potatoes. It tastes great: 黄油融入红薯,吃起来非常香 Put on weight: 长胖 最后来只大闸蟹
Alghough nowadays, you can find these different things anytime, seasonal food always tastes the best:虽然现在这些食物其它季节也吃得到,但当季的吃 Hairy crab: 大闸蟹 I love them! 我好爱吃
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