

时间:2021-08-31 13:28:47 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】“为有牺牲多壮志,敢教日月换新天!”从1921年到2021年,过去的一百年间,中国大地沧桑巨变,中国共产党团结带领中国人民,书写了中华民族几千年历最恢宏的史诗。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  I watched the first issue of the party's glorious course, which was jointly recorded by the central organization department and the Central Radio and television station on October 16 and delivered by Xie Chuntao, vice president of the Party School of the CPC Central Committee.

  In the program, President Xie learned from what kind of party the Communist Party of China is; Completing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects; Why can the Communist Party of China; Rivers and mountains are the people, and the people are rivers and mountains; Five aspects such as the new road of Chinese modernization were expounded, and the on-site questions were given clear answers.

  Looking back on China, we will continue our dream and set sail again. Looking back on the hundred years of development of the Communist Party of China, it is a history of practicing the party's original mission and a history of connecting the hearts of the party and the people, breathing together and sharing a common destiny. The people are the deepest foundation and foundation of our party's governance. Adhering to the people's supremacy is the magic weapon for our party to always remain invincible. The great leap of the Chinese people from standing up, becoming rich to becoming strong has profoundly explained the significance of adhering to the party's comprehensive leadership, adhering to the development path of socialism with Chinese characteristics and adhering to the people-centered development thought.

  Under the passionate explanation of the keynote speaker, the party members are boiling with blood. The stories of our predecessors touch our heartstrings. The responsibility and mission of "remembering the Centennial party history, inheriting and carrying forward the party's glorious tradition and fine style" are deeply rooted in the hearts of the party members.

  After watching, we were deeply moved. We should always keep in mind General Secretary Xi's ardent entrustment, practice our original intention, take on the mission, sharpen our character and pool our strength with the party's glorious tradition and fine style, and inspire wisdom and guide the direction with the party's practical creation and historical experience, With a high spirited and indomitable attitude of struggle, we continue to promote the cause of district children's education to a new level.


  After watching "the party lesson begins", I feel very deep. Since 1840, we have been bullied by foreign powers. When the Chinese people are in dire straits, the Communist Party of China came into being. The Party United and led the people, washed away the humiliation of nearly a century and established new China. Later, he led the people in economic construction and achieved a great leap from standing up, becoming rich to becoming strong. President Xie talked about COVID-19, and talked about the work of helping the poor. It fully embodies the purpose of our party serving the people wholeheartedly, and is the first to realize happiness for the Chinese people and to revive the Chinese nation. As a party member, we should not forget our original intention and make our own contribution to building a modern socialist power.


  On October 16, Xie XX, vice president of the Party School of the CPC Central Committee, gave a live broadcast of the glorious course of the party on the comprehensive channel of CCTV. The third party branch of the Bureau of natural resources, planning, housing and urban rural development organized all Party members and cadres to watch and study, so as to review the Centennial struggle history of the Communist Party of China, further guide Party members and cadres to remember the glorious course and unite their efforts.

  In class, Mr. Xie affectionately talked about the CPC's cutting through thorns and hardships in the past 100 years and its trials and hardships in the past 100 years; It tells the glorious feat of generations of Communists to persevere in their original intention and go to their mission with their lives; It tells the magnificent epic and immortal chapter written by the Chinese people under the leadership of the party in the thousands of years of the Chinese nation. After class, the third party branch of the Bureau of natural resources, planning, housing and urban rural development also conducted exchanges and learning by means of wechat groups and collective review. Party members said that in the long river of history, the Communist Party of China represents the voice of the people. It is not easy to get a happy life now, and we should cherish it.

  Reviewing the history of hundred years of struggle is not only a review, but also a move forward. We are standing at the historical intersection of the "two centenary" goals. To carry out great struggle, build great projects, promote great undertakings and realize great dreams, we need to keep our original heart and mission in mind. The branch educates all Party members to devote themselves to work and continue to struggle with a strong sense of ownership and responsibility at a new starting point.


  At 8:00 p.m. on October 16, all administrative cadres and Party members of our university watched the first issue of the party's glorious course of the comprehensive channel of CCTV, the party class has begun, under the organization arrangement and call of the Organization Department of the county Party committee and the school Party committee.

  Xie XX, vice president of the Central Party school, led us to follow the track of historical development, review the glorious course of hundred years of struggle, and jointly find the secret of the success of the Communist Party of China. Our party has always put the people in a position in different periods. Rivers and mountains are the people, and the people are rivers and mountains. Although the environment has changed, the original intention and mission of the Chinese Communists have not changed. In those years, they worked for the happiness of the Chinese people and the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Today and in the future, they will still be. Therefore, our people today agree with the Communist Party of China, or even more.

  Through watching the program, the majority of Party members and cadres in our school always keep in mind the original heart and mission of the Communist Party, the purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly in their education and teaching posts, interpret the glorious title of "Communist Party member" with pioneering and exemplary actions, and strive for the party's education cause all their lives.


  Li Guirong, Secretary of the joint branch committee of Sidon Qiu kindergarten in Jinan high tech Zone, organized party members, probationary party members and activists to watch the current party class.

  One hundred years of wind and rain vicissitudes, one hundred years of stride forward! No cohesion can last so long; No harvest can be so rich! Without the Communist Party, there would be no new China!

  The glorious course of the party over the past 100 years, like a magnificent and wonderful picture, has been deeply engraved on the monument of history.

  Take history as a mirror, you can know the rise and fall. One hundred years of history shows that the party's successful experience and the party's fine tradition and style are always worth inheriting and carrying forward!

  The grand plan has been drawn and the horn has sounded. Ambition is in the heart and the road is at the foot. In order to realize the great dream of rejuvenation, let's take over the torch in the hands of our ancestors and work hard! Meet new challenges with pride!

