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【#英语资源# 导语】交通是国民经济的命脉,交通安全不仅关系到国民经济的发展,也与广大人民群众的生命财产密切相关。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Traffic safety is often ignored by people. In fact, traffic safety is around us. Especially for those who don't obey the traffic rules.

  It was a cloudy and sunny day. My mother and I were walking in the street. On the way, several junior middle school students riding bicycles came into my mother's sight. I saw them in groups, looking very happy. They were chatting while riding bicycles. They ride to an intersection, do not obey the traffic rules, but also when the traffic light is a sundry. No matter whether you rush the red light or the green light, this behavior of running the red light adds some potential safety hazards to them.

  My mother and I didn't go far. As soon as I looked back, I didn't expect it. At that intersection, a car came and rushed towards junior high school students. Crashed a bicycle. I heard several junior high school students screaming, one of them was injured. How can this case not teach them a lesson?

  Another time, I was going to school in my father's car. I saw an uncle running a red light, overtaking and crashing for his children's school. Although the uncle didn't encounter any traffic accident, I also deeply understood the meaning of "precious life".

  I suddenly remembered a traffic detour: "stop at the red light, go at the green light, and stop at the yellow light."

  In normal life, even if there is something urgent or competition, I will keep reminding my father not to run the red light. Sometimes my father comes home late for entertainment. I often tell him that he can't drive after drinking. If my father doesn't listen, I will talk to my father about the harm of driving after drinking, so that my father can wake up again and again, and then he will take a taxi home consciously.

  Let's consciously abide by the traffic rules, so that our home has no traffic hazards and no traffic troubles!


  Life is unique and precious. The world becomes wonderful because of life. Do you cherish your life? If you want to protect your life, please obey the traffic rules.

  From the ancient century to the present, not only the dynasties are changing, but also science is becoming more and more developed in transportation. In a prosperous society, there are more and more vehicles on the street. Maybe at this time, your negligence or violation will not only bring inconvenience to the traffic, but also cast a shadow on your mind.

  According to incomplete statistics, 21922 traffic accidents occurred in Fujian Province in 2006, 3871 people were killed, 25000 people were injured and more than 80 million yuan was lost. The death toll of traffic accidents in China has always been the first in the world in recent 10 years. How many families lost their loved ones due to the car accident; How many families are in debt because of their responsibility to compensate for car accidents

  Last weekend, when my mother and I were floating across the square, we suddenly heard a scream behind us. I looked back, "Zhi..." with the harsh brake sound, a van had stopped in front of a little girl who fell to the ground. At the same time, a group of people rushed to the other side, and my mother and I crowded past. The girl was shocked and pale. After a long time, she cried. The girl's mother leaned down and lifted up the girl's trousers and sleeves. The bloody hands and feet were really distressing. The woman did emergency treatment for the child, so she quickly asked the van driver to take the child to the hospital. The people around said, "Hey, this girl really doesn't obey the traffic rules. Fortunately, it's no big deal." the car accident made me feel the seriousness of failing to obey the traffic rules. Because a moment of carelessness will bring irreparable mental harm to people.

  Here, I appeal to every classmate and friend: "traffic safety depends on us all. We should establish the concept of starting from me, starting from small things and starting from now on, and everyone strives to be a good citizen who abides by traffic rules. I believe that with the joint efforts of all of us, traffic accidents must be far away from us, and tomorrow will be more happy and perfect!


  Roads, one by one, cross the city. The cars speeding on the road also bring vitality to the prosperity of the city. However, on this dynamic road, many people have paid the price of their lives because of traffic accidents.

  Traffic accidents are often caused by man-made non-compliance with traffic rules. Traffic accidents can be completely avoided. As long as you don't run the red light, climb over the guardrail, drive faster... And so on. Doing this can avoid many traffic accidents.

  During the winter vacation, I took a bus to class by myself. Many people who violate traffic accidents are found: some do not take the "zebra crossing" and cross the road obliquely in order to get to the bus quickly; Some learned from Comrade Liu Xiang. No matter it was 3721, they did not look at the warning words on the guardrail and directly jumped over the guardrail. The car passed by them, which was very dangerous.

  On the bus, I found that some drivers were careless: the door opened before the bus entered the station; Or the door is not closed and the accelerator has been pressed to the bottom; Some drivers drive while chatting with people nearby. No one will look at the slogan in the full carriage: for the safety of you and others, please don't chat with the driver! Some drivers have to burst the accelerator in order to be in a hurry. A left wheel and a right wheel make the car no different from a pirate ship.

  There are countless examples. Too many people are full of confidence in themselves. However, traffic accidents often occur because of too much confidence. Only one life! Drivers who expect to drive cars and people walking on the road should pay attention to safety. Because life is more important than Mount Tai.


  In a modern society, our life is inseparable from traffic, and traffic safety is also a problem that can not be ignored. We must start from me. But some people don't pay attention to traffic safety. Have you ever thought that a little negligence may cause regret in your life.

  I remember once, when I was walking home from school, I suddenly heard a "hiss -" sound of emergency braking and impact not far away. I heard that a school bus had collided with a turning car. The front of the car hit the rear of the school bus. The paint of the school bus had been knocked off, and some of it was deformed, and the car's lights had also been knocked off. I was shocked and thought: how dangerous there are so many students on the school bus!

  If the driver's reaction was a little slow, the car's budding flowers might have been killed by the car accident before they could bloom. The thought scared me into a cold sweat. At this time, the owners of both sides argued. I came closer and smelled that there was a bad smell of wine on the car owner. Obviously, I drank a lot of wine. At this time, the traffic police also rushed to the scene to deal with the traffic accident.

  Those drunk drivers should not let their lives linger on the line of life and death; Those who don't obey the traffic rules, please obey the traffic rules! As a primary school student, I must set an example and strictly abide by the traffic rules.

  Traffic safety starts with me. This is an urgent issue. Let's cherish life and pay attention to traffic safety.


  I believe you should have heard of this word as much as I do. This word has been said thousands of times by TV news announcers since the reform and opening up, but I still want to say it this day. What does unsafe traffic mean? It means that people will lose their lives as tragically as the people in the Second World War. Life, do you understand how important a word is? You can't buy it with gold. Can you afford it?

  At the moment, the world is developing faster and faster. Human beings invented mechanical means of transportation that can make the world "small" hundreds of years ago, such as aircraft, which are supersonic at the moment. Not to mention the big ones, in the city where we live, handsome cars are flying everywhere to serve people. Smart people understand that technology is a "double-edged sword". In order to let cars know how to be humble to each other, they also invented traffic rules. But some cars take risks for a moment's pleasure and violate the traffic rules to protect their lives. I'd rather not have a car or a plane. If you have a recommendation for traffic rules, you can put it forward instead of using action to attract the police to educate you. This is not only dangerous, it may also take your life. Don't you think it's worth it? People can save cars and money, but they can't save people. Let's not talk about yourself. Do you think you deserve to love you and the people you love? Did your parents raise you white for decades just for a funeral for a white haired man to a black haired man? But now there are traffic accidents on earth every day, but there is only one life.

  Even for the hard won but easily lost life of ourselves, for the relatives who are still looking forward to returning home, we must be polite and strictly abide by the traffic rules when driving. For the earth, for life, for the perfect tomorrow of mankind, traffic safety is everyone's responsibility.

