Word Count: 281
Theadvanced transportation and more diverse food preference render it possible andnecessary that people can choose food which is not cultivated locally. Aspopular to some extent it might be, I do not suppose that it is a wise choiceto follow this trend without second thought.
Thefood, cultivated and sent from other places, can offer more choices for theordinary customers indeed. This is because their options for food do not onlyconfine to their home-produced vegetables, fruits and meat, and they are likelyto be bombarded with a wider range of food. This can subsequently intensify thecompetition between the food suppliers, and the customers can enjoy arelatively lower price.
However,compared with the benefits this practice can provide, leading a life that dependson food from other areas cannot be sustainable and turning to local food isthus environment-friendly. The local food means that the distance from farm totable is shorter and renders the transportation convenient. Without longdistance transportation of food, the emission of exhaust will be cut down andless greenhouse gases will be discharged into the environment. In the meantime,delivering food from one place to another will consume a host of fuels becauselorries or vans are driven by energies, it is really not so insightful to putsuch a heavy burden on the transportation only for the enjoyment of more food.
Inconclusion, the local food is sufficient to sustain the locals to have abalanced diet and healthy life, more transported food can do little else andeven bring about some environmental problems.