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【#英语资源# 导语】“龙抬头”源于自然天象崇拜,与上古时代人们对星辰运行的认识以及农耕文化有关。“龙抬头”虽有着久远的历史源头,但成为全国性节日并出现在文献上记载是在元代之后。“龙抬头”相关的活动很多,但不论哪种方式,均围绕美好的龙神信仰而展开,它是人们寄托生存希望的活动。就全国而言,由于地域不同,各地风俗也各有差异。®文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,希望对大家有帮助。


  On the second day of the second month of the lunar calendar, there is a folk saying "on the second day of February, the dragon looks up", which means that when spring comes, everything recovers and the dragon begins to sting, indicating that the agricultural activities of the year are about to begin. In the north, February 2 is also called dragon rise day, also known as spring Dragon Festival. In the south, it is called the outing Festival, which was called the vegetable selection festival in ancient times. Since about the Tang Dynasty, the Chinese people have had the custom of "February 2". According to data records, the origin of this sentence is related to the understanding of star operation in ancient astronomy and agricultural solar terms.

  In ancient Chinese astronomy, 28 constellations were identified in the zodiac of the week, which is called 28 constellations. The ancients divided the 28 stars into four palaces according to the southeast, northwest and northwest, with seven stars in each palace, and attached the four palaces to four kinds of animals according to their image. Among them, Donggong 7 is imagined as a giant dragon stretching north and south, composed of 30 stars.

  Stars are relatively immobile. When the position of the earth makes the Dragon constellation in the same direction as the sun, the light of the sun will drown out the starlight, and people will not see the dragon in the sky; After a period of time, the position of the earth moves, and the Dragon constellation will reappear. Over and over again, the ancients found this Law and used it to judge the season.


  People say that a person's growth is in the new year, but my real growth is on February 2. It's not because I have encountered difficulties, but because my father's words have changed me. It breaks my dizzy life like a heavy hammer, making me feel that this is my first growth in 14 years.

  When I was in the first day of junior high school, I did well in the mid-term exam. When others talked, I said I wouldn't be proud, but it was just an excuse to deal with others. In fact, I had already been dazzled by victory. My primary school classmate Ren Xitong's grades were much higher than mine, but I took her making up classes as the reason to say that his grades were improved by making up classes, But of course, my heart knows the sweat she has paid behind her back. As soon as my parents mentioned Ren Xitong, I refuted it with a dismissive attitude. Now I think of it, my heart is full of guilt and deep apology. The results are obtained by sweat and hard work. I get up early in the dark every time I take the exam, but the time spent on rest is not in proportion to the time spent on serious study, I was in the school knowledge test. Because the teacher didn't choose me first, I lied that I had finished reciting, and the test suddenly asked me to go, but I came second to last in the whole school. When I knew the news, I cried, but I wasn't because of the honor of the class.

  Just because I have no face, I am not afraid of anyone at home, but I am bullied outside. When I stumble over a girl in my class, I don't resist like a man. I try my best to explain to others that I am a gentleman and I will tolerate it, but in fact, I don't resist because I'm afraid of her. My father said that my parents can't help you too much, It's up to you to decide whether it's good or bad. At this time, there was a crossroads in my heart. It was only up to me to decide whether it was good or bad. I felt only one in 100000 of my parents' love. In fact, my parents' words were full of invisible love for me. My father's words when he was angry actually hated iron rather than steel! It's my father's fault when he's trying hard at math. Try to find those objective reasons. Never find a reason in yourself. When my father said those words to me, I thought seriously and didn't want to be behind others. This is like a new sunrise in my heart. My heart is full of hope and expectation for tomorrow.

  February 2 dragon looked up. When I cut off my hair, what fell was not my hair, but my wasted time. On February 2, I grew up.


  In the annual February, Erlong looked up, just in time for the weekend. My father said I would shave my head, too, for good luck. It was a good year and everything went well.

  As a result, he forgot about his busy day. He didn't go downstairs until 5 p.m. when his mother urged him. Unexpectedly, he went to the barber shop, which was crowded with people. The barber shop opened inside and outside was full of people. My father said I would stay in line, or I really couldn't catch up. Fortunately, there are six people waiting in front of him. The barber is surprisingly fast today, because there are too many people, just like the assembly line. The shampoo comes here, the guide directs them, and the shampoo sits here. Then the barber comes over, communicates one-on-one, clicks a few scissors, and the hair disappears. He only hears the blowing of the hair dryer and the relentless pushing of the pusher, All over the place, the staff kept cleaning up the broken hair. Men, women, children, adults and children were here, waiting for the master to come to the scissors one by one, just for good luck. The barber on this day is the one who gives blessings.

  Then my mother went to the market to buy fried stews. One of them was delicious. We had eaten it once before. That day, my mother said to buy it again. Unexpectedly, his family's team had been lined up on the main road. This battle caught up with a camp. My impatient mother bought a stew without frying at his house and planned to show her hands at home. As a result, our taste was slightly different from theirs, It's really non-negotiable that mom cut it into flat pieces and others cut it into squares, but the fried crispy skin is commendable. At this time, a cold skin seller nearby showed eager eyes and greedy expression for the long queue. Who doesn't want to be crowded at the door of his house. So my mother said that since I lined up, I wouldn't buy it. Let's have a cold skin and solve aunt Liangpi's grievances.

  This year has passed, and every household's couplet hanging money and blessing words have been removed. It began in February, and year after year, we are on the right track. We are busy every day, working hard every day, day after day, year after year. My mother said that our hard work will be rewarded, and it will appear in the future. We work hard, study hard, make money and save money, Work hard and life will be more and more prosperous.


  Today is February 2, the day when the dragon looks up. Then I'll be a dragon tail.

  I have prepared materials for a string of dragon tails: popcorn, wool, straw, needles and fine thread for sewing clothes. I'll cut the wool to about 15cm first, and cut 8 or 9 such wool. Then put them together and fold them in half and tie them up from the middle. The dragon tail is ready. Then string the fine thread on the needle, use the string to put popcorn, and use the string to put a straw. Repeat this for 5 or 6 times. Then tie the finished dragon tail to a slender straw and hold it in your hand. This makes a beautiful dragon tail.

  Looking at the dragon tail I made with popcorn, I thought of the simple dragon tail, which is actually very difficult. Sometimes I want to give up, but I don't, because I'm not a person who gives up halfway.


  Today is February 2. My mother and I make chess pieces together.

  We prepared things first, and then put them into the basin one by one. When pouring milk, I was a little nervous. I was afraid that my hands would shake and pour more. After the collection of materials, I took out my chopsticks and stirred the noodles in a clockwise direction. As soon as my mother kneaded them, the golden dough would be reconciled. Let the dough take a nap. My mother and I began to do it.

  I sprinkled flour on the panel first, and then began to roll the dough. I use the rolling pin to roll it slowly. Because I have the experience of rolling dumpling skin, I quickly rolled out a large, round and thin golden cake. I began to cut the dough into strips with a knife, and my hands shook again, because I was afraid of cutting my hands for a while, and I was afraid of not cutting beautifully for a while. After my efforts, I cut the dough into small diamonds and put them into the baking pan one by one. At this time, the pieces of chess are next to me one by one, and I squeeze you, like elves at a party.

  The baking began. Soon, the fragrance came from the house. I waited greedily beside the oven and stared at the transformation of the elves in the oven. Less than half an hour later, the pieces were baked. I watched the pieces get fatter, more golden and bulging out.

  I took the tray and smelled it bitterly. It's really delicious. It tastes sweet and crisp!

  Guys, hurry up!


  Today is the second day of the second month of the lunar calendar. It is the dragon head up Festival. It is also a traditional festival in China.

  The second day of the second lunar month is one of the 24 solar terms. It is said that on this day, the hibernating dragon is awakened by the rumbling spring thunder and rises up. Therefore, the ancients called the second day of the second lunar month the spring Dragon Festival, also known as the dragon head festival or the Green Dragon Festival. In the south, it is called outing festival or vegetable picking Festival. Celebrate the "dragon head Festival" to show respect for the dragon and pray for rain, and let God bless the harvest. Grandma is used to eating dumplings here at noon. In the afternoon, I went to the barber's to have my hair cut again. "February 2, shaving the faucet, have a mental head all year." I hope I have good luck in this year!

  Did you all "eat dragon ears and manage the faucet" today?


  The gentle breeze is blowing on your face, fresh and fragrant with a little earth. The weak sunshine shines on the new buildings. The sunshine is not urgent or impatient. It is not as vicious as dog days, nor is it as cold as winter,. The cold high-rise buildings also show a trace of loveliness at the moment. The crowd on the bustling urban streets is even more bustling. Thousands of tourists pull large and small bags of luggage at the station and wharf, some sitting and some standing waiting for the train home. However, the expression on the tourist's face is also slightly interesting. It looks tired and embarrassed on the surface, but I always feel that there is a very comfortable feeling in which crowd. I can't describe it with any words here. It seems too superficial to like or hate it. The country road is full of wrinkles, and the joy is also written on the face. Washing and dedusting, cooking smoke curls, and I hope my relatives will return.

  Early spring and February, this is the season to go home. The outside world is really big and prosperous. Maybe you're thousands of miles away from home, maybe you're successful in your career, or maybe you're mediocre. Please forget time and space and focus on the old parents, children, relatives and friends who are waiting for you at home. Perhaps you have visited countless beautiful mountains and rivers, but the most beautiful scenery is not comparable to the journey home.

  Early spring and February, this is a season of its own. 365 days a year, how many people devote their time and energy to money and dignitaries. However, they forget that money, dignitaries and some important things like health and happiness, relatives and friends have been given in the journey of life. In the process from birth to death, how many people are getting farther and farther away from the real themselves in their hearts, and even lose themselves. Take advantage of the days and perhaps hours that belong to you in early spring and February, stay away from day and night work and aggressive bosses, put down the endless report summary, make yourself an existing self, give yourself some time to be alone with another self, and warm up the weak and cold family, friendship and love, Share your time with your aging parents. Let this early spring and February belong to you, escape from the noisy and impetuous world, experience plain and full happiness, and find yourself familiar and unfamiliar.


  On February 2, the Dragon looked up. The hibernating dragon is awakened by the sprouting spring.

  Yesterday, the temperature was 12 ° C, wearing a short tweed coat to go out without any coolness. Today, the temperature dropped again and the cold came again. This spring girl is like this. She is a little pinched and shy. If she refuses to take off the veil on her face at once. But in the cold and warm repetition, it is always towards the warm. Maybe it's the idea. The trees, soil in the field of vision and the air in the smell all seem to have the breath and taste of spring. I know, this is the heart looking forward to spring!

  A few days ago, in the English chat room. A friend asked me: which one do you like best in the four seasons? After a little thought, I said, "I don't know. In fact, I like every season." My answer surprised the other party. I explained: "every season has its own beauty. Spring is full of green and hope. Summer is a dynamic season. Autumn has harvest and fallen leaves, and winter has snow and expectation." Really. I added: "it is precisely because of the four distinct seasons that I like the north rather than the south."

  The beginning of spring is always full of hope. Days, in hope, gradually green.

  After February 2, the "long Spring Festival" should be over. It's time to take off the festive red characters of blessing and the red lanterns of spring hanging on the white hollow partition. No matter how beautiful things are, they have to adapt to the situation. The Spring Festival is red and red, and the plain life is light.

  Spring Festival, that's a good name. In the name of spring, celebrate the festival. Therefore, after the Spring Festival, the taste of spring infiltrates people's hearts bit by bit.

Suddenly think of the English word spring: spring, there are so many beautiful meanings! Vitality, jumping, growing, gushing, jumping, etc. Besides, it also means spring water. Jinan is a spring city. Spring is in the surging and jumping spring.

February 2, also known as the outing Festival. Although the grass is not green, the leaves are not green. But the green idea is already sprouting in my heart!


  The annual February 2 dragon looked up again. We came to the school with our beautiful and characteristic dragon tails.

  As soon as we got to the classroom, we couldn't help but show our beautiful dragon tail for everyone to enjoy.

  Finally, at noon, unable to hold the excitement, we took all kinds of dragon tails to the table. WOW! Zhu Jiayu's dragon tail is made of a string of golden popcorn with a pungent aroma. Ha, I really want to have a bite. Miao Fenglin's dragon tail is the longest in his class. The middle is cut into a triangle with colored paper. Each has a different color.

  This activity made me forget all the unhappy things. How happy!


  It's the day when the bean blossoms are fragrant again. I think of the fried soybeans I've eaten for many years. Let's hear the specific taste.

  The fried soybeans in bags in the supermarket are big and full. At the same time, the production raw materials all have such instructions: select soybeans and vegetable oil, why not bring the production method? Needless to say, we all know that the food produced on the assembly line has only the taste of soybeans, but there is no smell of soybeans. At this time, it often reminds me of the soup stewed in the pressure cooker, which is always thicker than the soup slowly cooked in the casserole over a low fire. How can you be more than satisfied!

  The production process of fried soybeans that are fried and sold by vendors on the street is also quite simplified. A bucket shaped pot is set up by the roadside. The stall owner uses a large shovel to feed into the pot, and then switches on. In the "buzzing" sound of the motor, he keeps turning back and forth with the shovel, building a house at home. The procedure of mixing cement and sand set up next to him is the same. After a while, He will turn off the switch and fry soybeans out of the pot. This kind of fried soybeans tastes like soybeans, but when you swallow it, it will never leave your lips and teeth fragrant.

  Only my fried soybeans taste authentic and authentic. The day before February 2, grandma would soak and air the best soybeans harvested in a year. When the smell of fried soybeans from other families floated in the yard on the afternoon of February 2, grandma began to clean up the pot and prepare firewood. Waiting for the aunt in the front yard to send hot sand, which was used by several families in turn, it was both labor-saving and fire-saving. The grandmother with a scarf tied on her head is responsible for controlling the heat. When the sand reaches a certain temperature and the soybeans are poured in, the aunt will stir it with a shovel. The villagers who come to help will say the same sentence every year: "aunt, the soybeans you fry in the village are delicious. It's really strange that they fry the same way." In private, grandma once told me the secret. In fact, it's nothing. It's just to master the heat before coming out of the pot. This is called "being anxious can't eat hot tofu". When the soybeans make a "pop" sound in the pot, grandma will quickly withdraw the firewood from the stove pond. When the residual heat at the bottom of the pot fry the smell of soybeans, it should be out of the pot. Here is the last process. Grandma sat at the kitchen door, dipped the sand filtered soybeans in cooked oil with gauze, and slowly rubbed them back and forth on the cracked soybeans. Such fried soybeans are clean, shiny, crisp and delicious.

  The fried soybean was as like as two peas. The two identical containers that were prepared in advance were loaded with soybeans. The size of the soybeans was the same as the size of the soybeans. This made our siblings happy to eat fried beans every year, and no bother for soybeans.

