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Lesson 57
? 答案与解析
1. 从Harry meets his classmate Sally at the bus stop.就能得知,他们在一个班。应填same。
2. Harry 问两个提包是不是Sally 的,她说是的。由此可见,该空应填two。
3. 从Harry 说的You can’t carry them two. Let me help you.可以看出,Sally 提不动两个提包。故应填
4. 由There’s nothing in it.可以看出,那个大包是空的。因此,此空应当填empty。
5. 从Harry 所讲的话就能得知,他要提那个重的提包。该空应当填写heavy。
? 答案与解析
1. 该句问的是Sally 是哪国人,这从She’s an Australian girl.一句中就可以找到答案:She’s from
2. 文中介绍了Sally 有父母亲和一个弟弟,这就是说,连同她在内,她家一共有四口人。故应回答:
There are four people in her family.
3. 从He mother, Helen Brown, teaches English in a school.我们可以得知,她是一个教师。要这样回答:
She’s a teacher.
4. 文中讲,After supper Mr. Brown watches football games on TV.可以说明他喜欢足球。该题的答案是:
He likes football.
5. 这篇短文中讲,Jimmy 只有四岁,只能在家里逗狗玩。该题要这样回答:He plays his dog at home.
6. 文章中的最后一句She likes him and often satisfies him with it.已经讲明,她喜欢弟弟,才满足他的
请求。故应这样回答:Because she likes him.
1. Watt goes to bed at 9:00 every day.
2. He is watching television at eight o’clock this morning.
3. Children often play in the park.
4. Father often shaves in the morning.
5. At this moment, he is reading an interesting book.
6. She often drinks tea in the morning.
7. I usually cook in the evening.
8. It’s five o’clock.

新概念英语第一册Lesson 57课后练习册答案.doc
