金融知识 英语,证券金融英语知识第1期:如何计算市场收益率

时间:2023-02-16 11:06:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

Calculating market returns is all in the measuring

The stock market goes up and down. Suppose its level alternates each year between 50 and 100, with no upward or downward trend. What is the capital return on the market?
Common sense suggests the answer is zero. But is that common sense right? In the good years you obtain a return of 100 per cent. In the bad, the yield is minus 50 per cent. The average return is therefore 25 per cent. There is logic to that. If you invested the same amount every year, and sold at the end of a year, you would indeed make – on average – a very attractive return of 25 per cent a year.

证券金融英语知识 第1期:如何计算市场收益率.doc
