

时间:2021-08-26 10:36:59 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】祖国华诞喜迎到,举国上下齐欢笑。各族人民高歌唱,国泰民安起舞跳。世界之强辉煌耀,国强民富生活好。和谐团结建设搞,花团锦簇喜乐陶。祝祖国万岁!©文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考阅读。


  In the past, when I was not sensible, the annual National Day would also make me very happy. That was because the national day would have a long holiday. I could have fun with my friends and travel with my parents. Now that I have grown up, I know that on October 1, 1949, Chairman Mao announced to the world on the Tiananmen Gate Tower: "the founding of the people's Republic of China, the Chinese people have stood up." I also know that countless ancestors have paid their blood and lives for this day, and it is countless blood and lives that have brought us today's peace and beautiful life. This year's "October 1st" is the 55th birthday of the motherland. At this time, my heart is full of gratitude and admiration, and I am extremely proud of the beauty and strength of the motherland.

   have seen some articles about old China in extracurricular books. Old China is a country despised by foreign countries and bullied everywhere. The Chinese are also known as the "sick man of East Asia". Old China also sent athletes to participate in the Olympic Games, but they didn't even enter the semi-finals, let alone win medals. At that time, newspapers all over the world laughed at the Chinese people and drew a cartoon of Chinese athletes holding duck eggs... However, one hundred years later, who will say that we are "sick men of East Asia"? Who will laugh at us? Chinese athletes showed their strength and style to the world at the Olympic Games and created brilliance one by one. Especially in this year's Olympic Games, the heavy gold medal of track and field athlete Liu Xiang makes us proud. He is not only the pride of China, but also the pride of the whole Asia.

  "Get up, people who don't want to be slaves, build our flesh and blood into our new Great Wall..." this magnificent national anthem sounded 32 times in this year's Olympic Games, and our solemn five-star red flag rose again and again with its melody. Whenever I feel very excited at this time, I think this is the best birthday gift given by Olympic athletes to the motherland before the national day.

  Inspired by the Olympic spirit, I will study hard and create a better tomorrow for my country.


  The golden fields imply this year's bumper grain harvest. But in this quiet field, an uninvited guest came: grasshopper. It is also known as locust. It changes its color with the change of rice color and eats crops in the field. So as soon as the National Day holiday, my brother and I couldn't wait to come to the field, rolled up our sleeves, rolled up our pants, rushed into the field and began to rectify the "insect disaster".

  The fields are full of hopping grasshoppers. They can care about this one and can't care about that one. After a while, we were exhausted. Helpless, my brother and I had to sit on the ridge and discuss countermeasures. When we were full of energy, we began to divide our work and cooperate: I meant where the grasshopper was. My brother caught the grasshopper. I pulled off the spring like legs of the grasshopper and took care of it. With a specific plan, the grasshopper immediately recognized it. In the twinkling of an eye, a few grasshoppers became my playthings. I played leisurely. My brother struggled to catch grasshoppers in the field. He was slowly unconvinced. He sat on the ridge and said he must catch grasshoppers with me. I couldn't tell him, so I had to catch grasshoppers with him.

  I saw a grasshopper, walked over quietly and patted it suddenly, but the grasshopper jumped on my head. My brother told me not to move, slapped me on the head, but the grasshopper jumped on his head. In order to revenge him, I patted it suddenly, but the grasshopper suddenly jumped into the field and disappeared in the blink of an eye. However, my "hatred" with my brother also offset.

  Maybe I was too narrow-minded. God wanted to give me a retribution: when we went into the "war" again, my feet tripped over the "hidden" clods. I fell on the thick straw. People were fine, but a large piece of straw fell. Maybe my scream alerted the master. The master immediately came out of the house. We turned and ran. Finally, we hid in a pile of weeds and escaped, but we were bitten by mosquitoes.

  This happened during the national day. It's really interesting. The Golden River in my memory has a gorgeous brilliance since then!


  During the festival, I traveled with my father and mother to Nanjing, Wuxi, Suzhou, Hangzhou and Shanghai.

  We first went to the Confucius Temple in Nanjing. My mother bought me two mutton kebabs. They were delicious. There were a lot of people there. Then we went to Xuanwu Lake. It was very beautiful. There were trees and grass everywhere. I also saw two puppies, one white and one brown. They were very cute.

  We also went to Zhongshan Mausoleum. We took the stairs first. Soon we saw a large tombstone, about nine meters high. I saw that there were words on the front and no words on the back. I asked my father why? Dad said, "Sun Yat Sen is so great that there is no language to express his credit." we walked through the tombstone and soon saw a big statue sitting there with a book in hand. I asked Dad who it was. Dad said, "it has been a statue of Sun Yat Sen for a long time."

  Then we went to Wuxi for about an hour or two. When we arrived in Wuxi, we first went to see the water margin city of the Three Kingdoms, made a boat in Taihu Lake, and watched the performance of the three British war Lv Bu. The performance was very lifelike and lifelike.

  We went to the Lion Forest in Suzhou. The lion forest is a beautiful garden. The best thing to see is the little lion made of nine stones. It's very interesting.

  In the evening, we went to Hangzhou district to see the performance of "eternal love of song city". They performed very well.

  On the morning of October 4, we made a boat tour of the whole west lake, heard the stories of "white snake and Xu Xian", "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai", and learned the legend of "long bridge is not long and broken bridge is continuous", and felt that the lake was more beautiful.

  On the 5th, we went to Shanghai and went to Jinmao building. Jinmao building is more than 300 meters, but the elevator speed is very fast. We reached the top floor in 42 seconds. Then we went to see the China Pavilion of the World Expo, watched the film, and saw the mural of "the river picture during the Qingming Festival". In the evening, we went on a cruise to the Huangpu River to see the night scenery of Shanghai. It was very beautiful.

  The next morning, we went to the Bund in Shanghai. After playing, we went home.


  There is a magical land in the east of the world, that is my motherland. My motherland is great, beautiful, full of vitality and vigor. Every day, many laughter spread all over the north and south of the river. I sigh your purity, I am proud of your strength, I am proud of your success, and I love your colorful four seasons.

  In spring, you are dressed in green ribbons, flying freely, decorated with bright flowers and reflected by the blue sky and clear water, showing your light and soft body. You sing a small Song of the stream, listen to the surging symphony of the sea, and the wind touches the green grass. Your life is like a hymn with beautiful melody, which should be expressed not only in songs but also in poems, It needs sincerity, love and hope to compose. You have a colorful life.

  In summer, you are like a lovely and lively fairy. Every place shows attractive youth. Everyone envies you, praises you and plays by the clear river. Hot you are brilliant, you walk in the huge space, so relaxed and happy. You are dancing, you are singing lyrically, you are describing beauty, you are weaving intoxicating dreams

  In the clear melody of nature, you usher in a cool autumn. In your warm arms, you always give people unlimited reverie and strange ideas, so that people love you so much. You are the romantic feelings of the youth. Things have changed. You still maintain your soft and beautiful face. You are also the youth meditating silently, liking and loving. You are also the unintentional maturity of the youth. In autumn, you are comforting and moving. The harvest of autumn wheat waves is boundless and fruitful. You give people grace and people benefit from you again.

  Winter is crystal clear and pure, even the water is covered with glittering ice.. You in the twelfth lunar month, the road is like the bright moon, the branches are like pear blossoms, and the snow-white cotton falls from the sky.

  You are accompanied by plum blossoms and whispering with them., We also like your pure body and tough character. Can I exercise in your arms., Struggle, success?

  Motherland, your world is so wonderful. Each scene shows a different you. Use your emotions to tell your perfection. It is intertwined and surging. It is constantly rippling in everyone's mind. Bit by bit, it condenses my deep love for my motherland. The waves of love are roaring in the deepest part of my heart


  Time flies like a shuttle, and in a twinkling of an eye, it is the annual national day.

  How did the national day come? October 1, 1949, was a very unusual day in world history. On this day, the great people's Republic of China was born, which marked that the Chinese people stood up from now on. In order to celebrate this day, people set October 1 as national day every year.

  On national day, my family and my mother's colleagues went to Heilongtan to play.

  During the journey, I saw many buildings with five-star red flags waving in the wind. After a two-hour bus ride, I came to the dam in Heilongtan. The dam is 271m long and 53m high, narrowing from the bottom to the top. This magnificent dam is made of stones. It is the crystallization of the wisdom and diligence of Renshou people. Beside the dam stands a granite monument with Guo Moruo's own insc ription "Heilongtan reservoir", which is glittering and vigorous. Beside the monument is carved a lifelike dragon.

  Then we went to take a cruise ship. The ship set sail. The breeze blew from time to time. It was very cool. On the boat, you can see a large group of fish swimming with the boat. It seems to be racing with the boat. In the sunlight, the water on the lake is sparkling. After a while, the ship stopped at the wharf of Panlong island. We happily went to Panlong island. The rugged mountain road was paved with stone slabs. There were dense forests on both sides of the mountain road. I thought I would see groups of monkeys, but to my surprise, I only saw two monkeys. From a distance, two monkeys seem to be playing.

  Later, we went to take a speedboat. The speed of the speedboat was four or five times that of the cruise ship. The speedboat bumped left and right. People seemed to be close to the water surface. The strong wind came on our face, which was very thrilling. White waves were stirred up behind the speedboat, and the water on both sides of the speedboat was sprayed out. Twenty minutes later, after taking the speedboat, we returned to the shore.

  I'm so happy this national day! I will always remember this national day.


  "The sound of salute shocked the world, and the five-star red flag was like rosy clouds. The glorious journey attracted worldwide attention, and flowers were everywhere in China..." in this cool autumn October, we ushered in the xxx birthday of our motherland.

  On this day, I woke up early from my sweet dream. Open your loose eyes and suck the sweet air mixed with a trace of moisture in the morning, your spirit suddenly perked up a lot. My parents and I agreed to go to the riverside park. Everything was ready. Our family of three set out.

  It's a bit cool today. I can't help shivering with bursts of cold wind. But the bad weather didn't affect my good mood at all. I was full of joy all the way.

  Passing the Oriental building, there is a beautiful fountain landscape on the square in front of the building. It deeply attracted our footsteps. My parents and I couldn't help stopping to watch. I saw the fountain in different forms and wonderful. Sometimes it's heart-shaped, sometimes it turns into a wave... I can't help playing, but it seems to play hide and seek with me, jumping out from behind me, making me covered with water.

  About half an hour later, we came to the riverside park. The park is crowded with people. People are surging like a tide. We shuttled through the crowd. I was so happy that I had enough of all the entertainment in the park. High altitude bicycle thrills, bumper cars scream constantly, fishing harvest is not small, racing skills show, Crystal Palace is scary, bungee jumping makes my heart beat faster, boating is fun and fun. After a lap, I was exhausted, but my mood was still relaxed and happy.

  "11" is the birthday of our motherland, which is not easy. This day, I saw a lot, played a lot, and thought a lot. At the moment of enjoying today's happy life, we can't forget the heroes who gave their precious lives for this day. We should have patriotic enthusiasm and repay the motherland and society with a diligent learning attitude! On the birthday of the mother of the motherland, present a gift to her!


  I am proud that I am Chinese. How glorious and sacred it is. I am proud of my motherland! Not only because of her magnificent abundance, but also because of my love for her and life.

  In her arms, I felt incomparable warmth and joy. When I look back, I can't help thinking of my mother's bitter past

  From the middle and late Ming Dynasty, she gradually declined like a river. Falling behind will be beaten! Western "civilization" has been launched into China with shells. It left a monument, a heavy boundary monument built by children, the ruins of the ancient city wall and the heavy burden of a series of land cutting compensation... As Mr. Lu Xun said, some scum among children consecrated these green eyed animals and animals, hunched over and fed their mother's blood to the animals. On the eve of this day, the sad wind is urgent, and the great country is crumbling. This ancient nation with a history of thousands of years is facing the danger of subjugation.

  Where there is oppression, there is resistance. The heroic sons and daughters came forward and fought an arduous struggle with the enemy. They went on one after another and looked back to death. Even though they are in prison, they still persist in the struggle. Whether on the battlefield or on the execution ground, their noble national integrity and awe inspiring righteousness are full of the courage of the cold demons. It is the struggle of the heroic children and today's beautiful happiness.

  Now, the mother of the motherland seems to have returned to the age of 18. The Chinese nation has begun to take off again. The ideal of great rejuvenation is the belief pursued by our 1.3 billion compatriots. The common pursuit has gathered us into an unstoppable roaring torrent. The historical call to strengthen the forest of the world is echoing over the ancient territory. The great power is calling, and the powerful voice shocked every burning Chinese heart!

  Love for the motherland is a deep feeling, a firm national belief and a sense of responsibility to revitalize the Chinese nation. This powerful spiritual force promotes us to work and fight for the motherland!


  China is a bright pearl, on which stands the world's highest peak, Mount Everest; It stretches the magnificent Great Wall; The mighty Yangtze River and the Yellow River... China is like a giant dragon taking off between heaven and earth.

  Great China has a history of 5000 years. From the bronze wares of the Shang and Zhou Dynasties to the cars and books of the Qin Shihuang period, to the rule of Zhenguan in the prosperous Tang Dynasty, to the backwardness of the Qing government. It is now the new era of socialism. This includes how many Chinese tears and sweat. A cry, a pride, a piece of loyalty, an impassioned elegy. The motherland condenses the pain, bitterness, blood and tears, hope, faith and struggle of many generations. In order to save the sinking Chinese nation, how many people with lofty ideals have sought and struggled to break the halberd and sink the sand, and how many heroes have died in the bloody battlefield.

  Looking back on the past, we are ambitious; Looking forward to the future, we are full of ambition. How can we not cheer when we hear old Samaranch say "Beijing" with great vigour! When Yu genwei kicked the Chinese team into the world cup for the first time, how can we not revel! How can we not be happy when China first looked up to Shanghai to welcome the World Expo! The former sick man of East Asia has stood up. The land that was once in war has long been overturned, generous and vigorous. Today is better than ever. No one can forget that the success of China's first manned space flight in 2003 is another great achievement of China's reform and opening up and socialist modernization, another milestone in China's high-tech development, and another extraordinary feat of the Chinese people's continuous self-improvement! In the 2004 Athens Olympic Games, Chinese athletes won the gold medal and ranked second in the gold medal list! In 2005, the Qinghai Tibet railway was fully paved, which made the Tibetan people feel the power of speed for the first time! The success of the 2008 Olympic Games has let the world see a strong China, a great China!

  My dear motherland, I love the culture you have accumulated for thousands of years, I love your charming mountains and rivers for thousands of years, I love your breadth and depth, I love your great and magnificent motherland, my dear motherland, you are the eternal sustenance in my heart!

  Motherland, you will always occupy a noble and sacred position in my heart, because without you who are becoming stronger and stronger, we will not have a happy life now. Motherland, I will always bless you!


  One hundred years of vicissitudes, one hundred years of wind and thunder, one hundred years of rapid progress and one hundred years of brilliance. Today, the Yangtze River and Xiangjiang River dance together, and Macao and Longmen open together

  Looking back on China's long history, our great motherland has experienced all the vicissitudes. With the thunder of the Nanchang Uprising, the Communist Party of China began to spread the grand blueprint of Chinese history. They held high the flag forged by sickle and hammer to meet the dawn of victory. The diffuse smoke of gunpowder gradually dissipated, and the five-star red flag fluttered in the wind over the Republic! We broke free from the chains of nongli, so our great China was solemnly born in the typhoon in the Pacific!

  New China was founded. The people were the masters of the country. Under the leadership of the Republic, they worked hard. As a result, people moved from backwardness and ignorance to civilization and opening up. Shenzhen rose in the east of the ocean with a new attitude of vitality. The manufacture of aircraft, spaceships, satellites, computers and the Internet all told us that China is undergoing earth shaking changes

  At the Olympic Games, sports keys won countless wreaths for the motherland with his vigorous body. In November, China, with the expectation of black eyes and the victory of the 16th, became the garden of the human spirit and revealed the Qiba of Yifang. With the sound of firecrackers in December, another great news of Shenbo's success shocked the whole Shanghai, It will swing over the Pacific Ocean for a long time

  The great Chinese nation, the Oriental Express, carrying the joy of the 1.3 billion people and the vision of the Chinese nation, the banner of reform and opening up and the call to keep pace with the times, is running forward at an amazing speed. Looking at the prosperous motherland, I silently bless our great motherland in my heart. May the motherland shine forever!


  Our Chinese nation is an ancient country with a long history. In the development history of our Chinese nation for thousands of years, there have been countless hardships, but we can stand up again and again in these setbacks. It depends on the loyalty of every Chinese!

  This year is the 60th birthday of our motherland. October 1, 1949. It is an unforgettable day for us Chinese people. In different historical processes, it has distinct characteristics of the times.

  Yesterday, our motherland experienced a lot, including laughter, sadness, frustration and pride. At 14:28 on May 12, 2008. At this moment, we lost our loved ones and homes. But we were strong in this big earthquake. Therefore, the Chinese people are more united and friendly.

  Today, under the leadership of great leaders Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao. Our Chinese nation is becoming stronger and stronger. We have changed from yesterday's "sick man of East Asia" to a champion of the Olympic Games. Yesterday's defeat, today's glory. We in China are moving forward step by step, bit by bit.

  Tomorrow is an unknown. But I believe that with the patriotism of every Chinese, tomorrow's motherland will be more magnificent and more prosperous.

  October 1, 1949 is the day when our motherland was founded, and it is also the day we Chinese remember. On October 1,xxx, we ushered in the xxx birthday of our motherland. This is a day worth celebrating. On this day, the Chinese people should work hard with blood and patriotism. Study for the revitalization of China!

