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【#银行招聘# 导语】银行招聘考试,主要分为三大部分:行测、综合知识、英语。其中行测包括逻辑推理、数字运算、言语理解、思维策略、资料分析;综合知识包括经济、金融、中行热点等;英语包含单选和阅读。©文档大全网为大家整理的《2019农村信用社秋招试题及答案:英语单选》,希望对大家有所帮助!
1.Research result reveals that those who are overweight or ( ) high-salt diets are candidates for hypertension.

A. subscribe to

B. engage in

C. hang on

D. indulge in

【答案】D。本题考查短语用法。调查结果显示,肥胖者或喜爱高盐饮食的人们容易患高血压。subscribe to“订阅,捐款”;engage in“从事于,参加”;hang on“坚持”;indulge in“沉溺于,喜爱”。根据句义,所以答案选D。

2.There is a ( ) difference in meaning between the words surroundings and environment.

A. sensible

B. subtle

C. feeble

D. Humble


3.Its recent gains in market share can be ( ) to price cutting efforts.

A. accounted

B. attributed

C. accused

D. appraised

【答案】B。attribute A to B= A is attributed to B,把A归因于B。account for说明,对……有责任;accuse +sb. +of (+理由)把……归咎于某人,指控。

4.The company last week just ( ) its plans for the coming year, including the opening of new offices in Paris.

A. revealed

B. rewrote

C. revised

D. Reversed


5.In western countries, wearing the ring on the third finger of the left hand, a married couple symbolically declares their ( ) love for each other.

A. incompatible

B. exceeding

C. instantaneous

D. eternal


