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【#英语资源# 导语】在现实生活或工作学习中,大家都经常接触到作文吧,借助作文人们可以实现文化交流的目的。相信写作文是一个让许多人都头痛的问题,以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Recalling my growth years, I learned filial piety, respect and tolerance through a small thing... And I, one thing I will never forget and let me know gratitude. It was noon one day. I came back a little late. My mother hadn't cooked yet. She was sitting on the sofa in a daze. I was very angry and shouted to my mother, "why haven't you cooked yet? I'm going to school at 12:30. I didn't tell you yesterday. I'll go early today."

  After my mother heard it, without saying a word, she hurried to cook. After a while, my mother finished it. I wolfed down and ate. Looking at my watch, it was 12:25. I was very anxious. My mother saw me and rode me to school. My mother came to the school at a fast speed. I hurried out of the car and went to school.

  Later, after listening to my father, I learned that at noon, when my mother saw that I hadn't come back, she rode to school again and again and asked around at my classmates' home. At that time, I was playing excitedly at my classmates' home, but my mother hadn't found it for a long time. She wanted to go home and see if I was at home. When she came home, my mother was panting and saw that I wasn't at home, I sat on the sofa and wanted to have a rest. I thought about where I had gone. At this time, I just came back and was angry with her. I felt very guilty. Looking at my mother who was cooking hard, I regretted very much. "Mom, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been angry with you at that time. Please forgive me." Suddenly, my eyes revolved in my eyes. I really wanted to hold my mother and say to her, "Mom, I love you."

  Students, I think your mother, like mine, broke her heart for us, so we can't talk back to her mother, lie to her mother, yell and scream like me. We should know how to be grateful and thank her for her upbringing!


  A special gift not only brought a memory, but also a laugh, but also embellished the brilliance of that night.

  Walking in the street, face-to-face faces are rippling with happy smiles, and moving melodies are sounded around. The beating notes are intertwined with satisfaction, which also opens the prelude to Thanksgiving.

  The rich dishes were served on the table, and the familiar faces came pleasantly surprised after the doorbell. The families were busy and did their own things. The aunt turned on the stereo to fill the whole home with the warmth from it; My aunt is responsible for arranging the table, which adds a touch of beauty to the icing on the cake; The uncle was busy welcoming his relatives and welcoming them to get together. The scene was very lively!

  Finally, everyone was sitting in their seats. At this quiet moment, the eldest parent of the family, grandfather, slowly said in a thick voice, "Dear heavenly Father, thank you for your care for our family. The family are healthy and successful. Thank you for giving us all this, Amen." What a sincere and sincere remark! In the future, it continues to reverberate in my ears, making me satisfied with the current situation. After that, the family members cared for each other and offered condolences. In a peaceful atmosphere, I tasted the sweet fruit of contentment and gratitude for the first time. Finally, because the earth was gradually shrouded in the late night, the family members left one by one with reluctance and satisfaction. I found a crescent like smile on their faces. When I looked at them, I also laughed.

  This special gift can't be seen or touched, but as long as you experience it with your heart, you will find its trace in people's happy smile - satisfaction. Maybe it doesn't need too many words. It's wonderful and beautiful. It's like a meteor across the sky. You can be satisfied in an instant, and the touch of this moment will be deeply rooted in my heart and become an eternal memory.


  Today is Thanksgiving. I want to dedicate this article to the two people who love me most: the beloved teacher sun and my dear mother.

  ——Insc ription

  One day, I coughed again in class. Mr. Sun asked me with concern: "Jiang peiran, why are you coughing again? Go home and ask your mother to cook some candied duck pears for you. It will be good for your throat."

  When I got home in the evening, I talked about it with my mother. My mother said it was a good idea. So, after dinner, we started to make candied duck pears.

  Let's take out three big pear peels first. I decided to try it myself. With my mother's permission, I cut it seriously. But I accidentally scratched my hand. My mother saw my bleeding finger and sucked it painfully.

  Then we cut the pear into small pieces, pour in water, add rock sugar and honey, and put it into the pot to cook slowly. After a while, the water boiled and I smelled a faint smell of pear. The water was getting hotter and hotter. At this time, when I looked out, the glass of the balcony had been frosted. However, in every corner of the room, there is a strong smell of sweet water and pear

  The pear in sugar water is ready. I looked at the snow-white pear and the clear pear soup. I couldn't help but pick up the spoon and eat it. Mother said, "it's too hot now. It's not delicious. It's necessary to chill in the fridge for a while."

  Half an hour later, I quickly took out a spoonful and put it in my mouth. I felt my throat was very refreshing. It seemed that I didn't want to cough at all.

  I filled a bowl for my mother and a bowl for my father. If you have a chance, you must give Miss Sun a bowl to taste.

  Finally, I wish Miss Sun and mother a happy Thanksgiving!

