

时间:2023-11-16 22:11:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

Study less. Test more.


  Get your nose out of that book. Avoid the classroom. Whatever it is you want to be the best at, be doing it. Here's Dan Coyle:Our brains evolved to learn by doing things, not by hearing about them. This is one of the reasons that, for a lot of skills, it's much better to spend about two thirds of your time testing yourself on it rather than absorbing it. There's a rule of two thirds. If you want to, say, memorize a passage, it's better to spend 30 percent of your time reading it, and the other 70 percent of your time testing yourself on that knowledge.

  不要死盯着书本,也不要去教室。做你任何想做且能做好的事情。Dan Colye (《一万个小时天才理论》作者) 认为,我们大脑通过练习来学习,而不仅仅是靠听,大部分技能,要花三分之二的时间来练习,不仅仅是单纯的学习。这就是三分之二规律。比如说,你要记忆一片文章,花30%的时间来读,70%的时间来测试你是否记得里面的内容。

  Naps are steroids for your brain


  If you're not getting enough sleep, you're not learning as well as you could be. In fact, research shows there is a correlation between student grades and average amount of sleep.


  Via NurtureShock: Teens who received As averaged about 15 more minutes sleep than the B students, who in turn averaged 15 more minutes than the C's, and so on. Wahlstrom's data was an almost perfect replication of results from an earlier study of over 3,000 Rhode Island high schoolers by Brown's Carskadon. Certainly, these are averages, but the consistency of the two studies stands out. Every 15 minutes counts.Too busy to get eight hours? I hear you. Naps to the rescue!

  NurtureShock 如是说:青少年学习成绩平均得A的学生比平均成绩得B的学生多睡15分钟,平均成绩B的比平均成绩得C的平均多睡15分钟,以此类推。Wahlstrom所的出的数据结论与之前由Brown 选取罗得岛高中3000人所得出的结论如出一辙。15分钟所体现的价值(划分的层次)。睡不满8个小时,懂你。那就让小睡来拯救你。

