【#二年级# 导语】如今,英语已经成为了世界语,渗透在全世界的每一个角落,政治、经济、文化、娱乐,可以说,我们每天的生活,以及生活的每个方面,都在这种语言的影响之下。所以,从小教育孩子学习英语,是为了将来更好融入社会而刻不容缓的事情!以下是©文档大全网整理的相关资料,希望帮助到您!
Mimi: We are going to a farm today.
ChinChin: We can see all the animals in the barn.
ChinChin: What kinds of animals are on a farm?
Buba: There are cows,chickens,pigs,sheep and many more!
Mimi: I don‘t see any chickens.
Buba: Sh! They’re sleeping in the barn.
Mimi: What sound do cows make?
Buba: Cows say,“moo,moo”.
ChinChin: What sound do chickens make?
Buba: Chickens say,“ cluck, cluck “.
Cosmi: What sound do chickens make?
Costa: Chickens say,”cluck, cluck “.
Cosmi: What sound do sheep make?
Costa: Sheep say,”baa,baa“.
Cosmi: What sound does Coco make?
Costa: Coco says,”oink,oink“. Hahaha.
Costa: She eats like a pig,so he says “oink,oink”. Hahaha.
Costa: It is very hot.
Coco: How is it outside?
Costa: It is very hot outside.
Samsik: Wow,you surprised me.
Samsik: What,what? Is it hot today?
Costa: It is really hot today.
Costa:I will have some ice cream.
Mimi: How is it? Is it cold?
Mimi: Well,yeah a little cold.
Mimi: But look at the snow!
Mimi: It is like Christmas!
Costa: Aren‘t you guys hot?
No,we are cold.
Coco: Cold? Are you cold?
Let me tell you.
Costa: So, it is windy.
Costa: And it is cold in Mimi’s place.
Costa: And Mimi is wearing a long sleeve shirt?
Costa:Samsik,Do something!
Samsik: Okay wait.
Costa: What is this?
Samsik: Oh oh...my bad!
Mimi: Try this ice cream.
Mimi: It melts in my mouth.
Mimi: It is so sweet and yummy.
Mimi: I‘m happy with my cake.
Buba: Mmmm. Sweet and yummy!
ChinChin: I love apple pie.
ChinChin: No wait.
ChinChin: I love all of them!
Mimi: Yeah.
Mimi: I love dessert!
Mimi: Do you want another piece?
Cosmi:It looks like you guys having fun here.
Cosmi:Can I join you?
Mimi: Come on over Cosmi.
Mimi: Sit over here.
Cosmi: Thanks!
Cosmi: Okay I’m done.
Cosmi:Thanks guys.
Mimi: Oh my goodness.
Next day,on the street...
Mimi: Hello Cosmi,oh my,you look very fat today.
Cosmi: I know.
Cosmi:I‘m always fat!
Cosmi: But this morning,I look bigger.
Cosmi: I don’t know why.
Mimi: You know why?
Mimi: If you eat too much desserts,you‘ll get fat.
Mimi: Be care next time! Okay?
Cosmi: Okay. I will be careful.