Angela Yeung, or most popularly known as Angelababy, has managed to nab a role in the upcoming Hollywood film, "Independence Day II." The Hong Kong based actress will star alongside the likes of Liam Hemsworth of "Hunger Games" and Jeff Goldblum. So what role will the actress be playing?
杨颖,或者更普遍地被称作Angelababy, 已经成功地在即将上映的好莱坞影片《独立日2》中饰演一角。香港出道的她将与《饥饿游戏》中的利亚姆·海姆斯沃斯、杰夫·高布伦一同出演。那么这位女演员到底饰演什么角色呢?
The film is set to be released for 2016. As for Angelababy's role, it is said that she would play the role of a fighter pilot and participate in an air combat along with the character of Liam Hemsworth.