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【#英语资源# 导语】缕缕寒风,吹去的都是温情;片片雪花,凝聚的都是叮咛;片片落叶,摇曳的都是期望;点点星火,照耀的都是心声;字字句句,包含的都是安宁。冬至到了,©文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考阅读。

1.有关冬至节气的英语作文 篇一

  It was another winter solstice, and the cold wind of winter still blew on the window, lifting a white fog, as if a flower with silver edge had opened. The darkness covered the sky, and I could see the reflection in the room, reflected on the glass and reflected in my eyes.

  As soon as I got home, I took off my heavy cotton padded jacket and shook my hair. Then I heard Grandma's voice, "Come and eat quickly. The dumplings are already wrapped!"

  I looked back, and sure enough, the delicious food I had been thinking about all the way was already neatly placed on the table, as if it was waiting for me. It was still steaming, and my glasses were a little smoky. Grandpa took the dishes out of the kitchen, so he put a bowl of rice porridge in front of me, and told me, "You have a bad stomach these days, drink more."

  I answered his words with a smile and ate a mouthful of dumplings. The dumplings were fragrant and warm enough to flow into people's hearts. One winter solstice after another, the dumplings remained unchanged, just like the love contained in the dumplings, pure and beautiful.

  The family is integrated into the long night, accompanying me at the summer solstice and winter solstice.

2.有关冬至节气的英语作文 篇二

  This Friday I came home from school. Grandma was cooking dumplings. I asked my grandma strangely, "Grandma, why do you want to eat dumplings today?" Grandma replied with a smile, "Because today is the winter solstice."

  But what is the winter solstice? Why do we eat tangyuan at the winter solstice? I quickly checked on the Internet and finally got a glimpse of something. The Winter Solstice is one of the 24 solar terms in the Chinese lunar calendar, and it is also a very important solar term. It is a traditional festival in China. People in the north are used to eating dumplings on the winter solstice, while the custom of Shanghai people is to eat tangyuan. This is the difference between the north and the south. Tangyuan is also called "Tangtuan", because there are "yuan" and "tuan", which means "completeness and reunion", and we wish every family a happy reunion.

  What are the characteristics of the winter solstice? Grandma also told me that the winter solstice is characterized by the shortest day and the longest night of the year, that is, the day will be dark earlier. Every year, the winter solstice is on December 21 or 22 of the Gregorian calendar. Because there is no fixed specific day, it is also called the "Living Festival" like the "Tomb Sweeping Day". After the winter solstice, we will enter the "ninth" period, which is also known as the "third nine severe cold". The 27th day after the winter solstice is the coldest season of the year. By the time of the "ninth nine" period, which is 81 days after the winter solstice, the winter has already passed and spring is coming.

  I thought to myself: winter has finally come. I wonder if I can make a snowman with the children this year? Thinking about it, Grandma shouted, "Eat dumplings!" Hee hee, the warm winter solstice!

3.有关冬至节气的英语作文 篇三

  Today is the winter solstice. In the morning, my mother went to the supermarket with a basket to buy the flour of tangyuan and prepared to cook tangyuan in the evening.

  In the evening, my father picked up the tangyuan powder that my mother bought in the morning and began to make tangyuan. Dad put the rice noodles in a small amount of water to soak for a while, and then mixed them with his hands to make the rice dough softer. After that, Dad put the dough into a container. I started to make glutinous rice balls. I took some glutinous rice balls and made them into small glutinous rice balls. I did the same. After finishing, the water just boiled, and Dad put the dumplings in the pot. The next step is to wait.

  After more than 5 minutes, the skin of Tangyuan became soft. I thought: I really want to taste my own craft. It must be delicious. So my father brought me a bowl to taste. I also wolfed down. "Yummy, yummy." Dad said while eating. "Ah, the tongue is really sweet and smooth, fat but not greasy, and the rice does not stick to it." Mom also said while eating. So I ate quickly and wanted to eat another bowl. After a while, all the dumplings were finished.

  This winter solstice night, I am most happy to eat dumplings.

4.有关冬至节气的英语作文 篇四

  Today is the winter solstice. Every family has to eat dumplings. When I left school, my mother had already been busy washing leeks and chopping meat fillings. I imagined the delicious taste of dumplings. Sitting in the classroom, I couldn't help but drool! The round sun also recovered some dazzling gold, as if it was afraid of freezing its ears and coming to eat dumplings with us.      "Oh! What an attractive aroma!" When the first aroma of dumplings secretly floated into the classroom, the students could not sit still any longer. They sniffed around with their dexterous little noses and whispered endlessly: "I'm starving, I'm starving!" The strict teacher Liu didn't get angry. He also told us the story of Zhang Zhongjing, the medical saint, who made "cold dispelling sweet ear soup" to help the villagers in the last ten minutes. People eat dumplings at the winter solstice in memory of the medical saint Zhang Zhongjing! The classroom was quiet at once, and the students were enveloped in warmth, as if they smelled the breath of spring.

  My house is full of dumplings, and soon I ate a big bowl of them. After dinner, I didn't forget to call my father. My father said he was on a business trip in Xinyang and would come back tomorrow to eat. My eater smiled and said, "Dad, the winter solstice doesn't serve the dumpling bowl. No one cares if my ears are frozen off!" My father also laughed and praised me for my knowledge after the winter solstice!

5.有关冬至节气的英语作文 篇五

  Today is the winter solstice. The teacher organized a special winter solstice meeting. The first program of the winter solstice meeting was to perform ancient poems about the winter solstice. Just after the teacher said that, the students all raised their hands. Wang Zhenxing came to the stage first. Look at his voice, which is full of emotion and voice, is a little proud! After that, Yiqi, Siqi and others performed one by one, and the clattering applause in the classroom almost never stopped.

  Although everyone listened carefully, they had no idea where they were flying, because they were all looking forward to the next program to make dumplings. Finally, it was time to rub dumplings. Everyone was eager to try. As soon as the teacher handed out the dough, several anxious students immediately grabbed the dough, broke a small piece, and rubbed it vigorously. The dough broke, making everyone laugh. The uncles and aunts of the parents' council also came to help us make dumplings. They helped us knead the dough. Our group was all hands and feet, and soon we finished kneading the dumplings. The aunts of the parents' council just wanted to put the dumplings into the pot to cook. One person said, wait. It was Lin Jiaming. What's wrong? Everyone asked in unison. Jiaming said. Here are some small steamed buns. Everyone laughed. After laughing, we quickly rounded the small steamed buns and glutinous rice balls.

  Finally, we had tangyuan. We felt very fragrant when we ate our own tangyuan. It was really a happy winter solstice.

6.有关冬至节气的英语作文 篇六

  On the winter solstice, we got together in the canteen to make dumplings.

  As soon as the flour arrived, everyone started to work with great interest. Jin Yitong poured water, and several classmates and I kneaded the flour. Wang Yula has rich life experience. She commands us orderly: "Huang Xining, you can't beat directly. You should turn the dough around with your hands, and then press the dough at the upper part of your wrist." Wang Yula pays attention to life everywhere. Although she is a little boyish at ordinary times, after all, she is a daughter and does a beautiful job. Listening to her command, I felt ashamed. We kneaded the dough in a moment, and brought the filling. We should really start work.

  Su Liming did not say a word, but wrapped the dumplings carefully. It is said that Su Liming's dumplings are really unique. They are as big as those small dumplings without filling. I am too "generous". I wrap the dumplings one by one like a big fat doll. However, the people who eat them should be very happy. When they are so big, one can make two. Seeing that the size of other people's dumplings was just right, I began to lose weight for my dumplings.

  Everyone's dumplings are big and small. The big ones are bigger than table tennis balls, and the small ones are about the same as a finger. If someone eats our dumplings, I hope they don't care about their image, but feel our intentions and efforts.

7.有关冬至节气的英语作文 篇七

  People say that "the Winter Solstice is the big New Year". They say that the Winter Solstice is very lively, just like the Spring Festival.

  On this day, both children at school and adults at work rush back after school and after work, just to get together with their families.

  This winter solstice, the weather is extremely cold. Even the small flowers and grass beside the road have shrunk. The bitter north wind howled like a roaring lion. The north wind knife passed the pedestrian's face, and the dead branches creaked feebly, making the final struggle. I wrapped up my overcoat and hurried home. Suddenly, this scene hit my eye.

  An old man with pale hair was standing beside the road, looking around as if he was waiting for someone. I was wondering why Grandpa came out to wait in such a cold day. A tall man came over and heard him say to his grandfather, "Dad, why are you here? Don't you and Mom wait at home?"

  "Look," Grandpa took out a bag of hot dumplings from his sleeve, "your mother said that when you came back, the dumplings might be cold. Let me take the dumplings and wait for you. I've always covered them with my hands. Now they are still warm. Eat quickly. They are your favorite fillings." The master smiled happily.

  The man took the dumpling and bit it. After a long time, he choked and said, "Dad, let's go home. It's cold outside."

  Seeing this scene, I understand a lot. Our parents love us selflessly and meticulously, and they never ask us to return, just like the "winter solstice" hidden in the sleeve.

8.有关冬至节气的英语作文 篇八

  The arrival of the winter solstice caught me off guard. The winter solstice means that my responsibilities are getting heavier and heavier. It means that my mind is not only loaded with myself, but also moving towards maturity.

  But am I ready? Do I have enough ability to face difficulties? Can I really take the responsibility? No, really not.

  I can't get rid of my childhood childishness, my dependence on my parents, and my cowardice. I cannot bear the wind and rain alone, meet the challenges, and accept failure. There are many more things I can't do

  Perhaps I am used to being a flower in the greenhouse and forget the hardships of weeds in the past, or I am used to being a bird in a cage and forget the strength of eagles in the past; Maybe I am used to being a tourist in the tank and forget the vicissitudes of life of the fish, or I am used to being a pet and forget my responsibilities. Only know how to rely, only know how to get, only know how to enjoy.

  Fear of failure, fear of difficulties, fear of hardship, fear of everything that goes against one's wishes. How can a young rose understand the strength of a tree, an easy fish understand the blue of the sea, and a rich man understand the sadness of a beggar. I know my heart is too soft, my eyes are too short, and my shoulders are not wide enough. In short, I am not strong enough.

  I want to learn to be strong.

9.有关冬至节气的英语作文 篇九

  The Winter Solstice is a traditional festival in China. As we all know, we all eat dumplings on the winter solstice.

  After school, when I got home, I turned on the computer to read the composition? After reading the teacher's request, my mother said to me: "Smile, have you heard such a sentence?" I said hurriedly, "What is it?" Mother smiled and said, "This sentence is called, Winter Solstice Dumplings, Summer Solstice Noodles." It seems that eating dumplings on the winter solstice is an old tradition. I'm going to make noodles. I put it on the washbasin, pour water into the dough, and let it wake up for a while. First, I'll mix the dumpling filling, chop the leeks, and put some salt and oil on the minced meat. When I smell it, "Ah! It's delicious!"

  Next, it's time to roll out the skin. I dug the stuffing with a small spoon and put it in the skin. Under the guidance of my grandmother, I squeezed the dumplings along the edge bit by bit. This way, a dumpling can be wrapped. Although it's not beautiful, I think that as long as I make more dumplings, it will be OK. When the dumplings are finished, it's time to put the dumplings down. I added water to the pot and when the water boils, I slowly put the dumplings into the pot. When I put the dumplings down, I must be slow, Otherwise, they will be scalded by the boiling water. The dumplings put into the pot should be gently stirred with a spoon. After the pot is opened, pour cold water three times. After the pot is opened, the dumplings can be out of the pot. The dumplings on the plate are all delicious. They must be delicious. Of course, you can add some garlic paste and vinegar according to your taste.

  In the process of making dumplings, I deeply experienced the joy of the winter solstice and the hardship of adults.

10.有关冬至节气的英语作文 篇十

  Today is the winter solstice. It's windy outside and the sky is mixed with snow. I really want to stay in bed in this weather, but today I have no choice but to learn sketch.

  After a long bus ride from home to school, I finally arrived at the school. The wind was blowing outside, howling like a wild animal. The sound was very loud, and the snow in the sky was unstoppable. Although the heating is on in the house, I feel cold when I look at this weather. After school, the snow didn't stop at all. I arrived at the station for nothing, but came at a bad time.

  I don't know what happened to bus 122 today. I didn't see it either. I stamped my feet, rubbed my hands, and squeezed my neck. I was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. It seems that Feng Xue deliberately targeted me. The wind is blowing harder and harder, and it hurts like a whip. After waiting for nearly an hour, I simply ran home, but my home was too far away from the school. After a while, I broke the idea. I had an idea. I want to borrow a mobile phone from an uncle on the roadside and call home. My mother asked me to take a taxi. I was about to catch a taxi.

  People say that this year's winter solstice is a "auspicious snow augurs a bumper year", but for me, today is terrible.
