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#初二# 导语:相信有很多学生作业没写吧~不用害羞,假期快结束才发现作业没有动,也是大自然的规律。以下是©文档大全网整理的初二年级英语暑期假作业【四篇】,希望对大家有帮助。



31. David is _______ honest boy. We all like him.

A. a B. an C. the D. /

32. My aunt sent a box of chocolate last week.

A. I B. me C. mine D. she

33. She told me that her first novel ______ in 2001.

A. came out B. took out C. gave out D. looked out

34. I will go to play football with you I finish my homework.

A. until B. before C. while D. after

35. Don’t forget us as soon as you get there.

A. phone B. to phone C. phoning D. to phoning

36. I’m looking forward my friends in Beijing.

A. to visiting B. for visiting C. to visit D. of visit

37. — Thank you for helping me so much.

A. That’s right. B. All right.

C. Don’t mention it. D. No, thanks.

38. I don’t know if he _______ tomorrow, I’ll call you if he __________.

A. comes;come B. comes;will come

C. will come;will come D. will come;comes

39. — go to the zoo tomorrow?

— Good idea.

A. How about B. why do you C. Why not D. What about

30. Do you know ?

A. when will the meeting begin B. where Lucy lives

C. what are they doing there D. where are they going


请阅读下面短文,从各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的选项。

Once there was a little boy. He got angry easily. His father gave 41 some nails(钉子) and told him, “ When you get 42 , put a nail into the wall.”

On the first day, the boy 43 some nails into the wall. The next day, he put 44 fewer nails. A few days later, he found it much 45 not to get angry. After a while, the boy was happy every day. Then his father asked him to 46 a nail each day if he didn’t get angry. After some time, all the 47 were gone.

Then the father took the boy to the wall and said, “Well done, son. But, look, the wall is full 48 holes. It will usually be the same. When you say things in anger, you leave scars(伤痕) in people’s hearts. No matter how many times you say 49 , the scars will always be there.”

It’s not nice 50 scars on people’s hearts. So people hold back your anger. Think before you say angry things to friends and family.

41. A. him B. his C. he D. her

42. A. happy B. sad C. angry D. outing

43. A. put B. puts C. putted D. putting

44. A. on B. up C. in D. out

45. A. easy B. easier C. easiest D. hard

46. A. take in B. take out C. take off D. take over

47. A. people B. walls C. boys D. nails

48. A. of B. at C. for D. on

49. A. goodbye B. hello C. sorry D. thank

50. A .leave B. leaves C. leaving D. to leave



( )1.A.Yes, there is. B.Yes, there will. C.Yes, I will.

( )2.A.I don’t think so. I think South Africa will win.

B.You’re welcome. C.I agree our school will win.

( )3.A.I passed the exam. B.I live in an apartment. C.I argued with my mom.

( )4.A.Yes, I did. B.That’s a good idea. C.I don’t like writing.

( )5.A.Sure. B.I don’t like it. C.I hope not.


( )6.What does Jim have to do first?

A.To do the dishes. B.To do his homework. C.To do some cleaning.

( )7.Why can’t Rose use Danny’s computer?

A.Because it doesn’t work. B.Because Danny is going to work on it.

C.Because Danny lent it to others.

( )8.Who can’t go to the movies?

A.Sandy B.Bill C.Peter

( )9.Why does Thomas like cleaning the bike?

A.Because it’s interesting. B.Because he can be outside.

C.Because he likes bikes.

( )10.What do they need?

A.Drinks and snacks. B.Snacks and fruit. C.Drinks and fruit



( )11.Who will visit Alice this afternoon?

A.Amy B.Tom C.Jack

( )12.What’s Tom’s hobby?

A.Baseball. B.Basketball. C.Football.


( )13.When is the birthday of the girl’s father?

A.Last Sunday. B.This Sunday. C.Next Sunday.

( )14.What isn’t the girl’s father interested in?

A.Football B.T-shirts C.Books


一. 根据汉语、解释或首字母提示完成句中所缺单词(15分)

1. Children should learn more about _____________(礼仪) now.

2. Don’t _______________(采) the flowers in the park.

3. It’s your _______ (顺序) to sing for us.

4. Everyone must __________(遵守) traffic rules.

5. It’s not right to drop ____________(rubbish) everywhere.

6. We should know the ______________(正确的) way to talk with our managers.

7. The museum is open to the __________(公众) at the weekend.

8. They start a ____________(交谈) about the report.

9. He didn’t know the _____________(主题)about the report.

10. My dear baby, give me a sweet ___________(轻吻).

11. (2013•云南)It’s polite to keep our voice down in p__________.

12. Don’t p_________ each other when we are on the bus.

13. Don’t t_________ the wet paint.

14. You’d better speak ______________(大声地) when you give a speech.

15. He is a polite boy. He often _______________(say hello) everyone he meets.

二. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空(20分)

1. Don’t leave the tap _________(run) all the time.

2. Students should put the books back after__________(read) them.

3. I think he is too old ________(learn) a foreign language.

4. We should speak ___________(polite) to the old people.

5. Just as the saying _________(go),” Early birds catch the worm”.

6. Here are some ___________(tip) for learning English grammar.

7. Don’t shout or laugh ____________(loud) in class.

8. Students should behave __________(polite) at home as well.

9. It’s rude ___________(push) in before others when waiting for the bus.

10. Miss Zhang is polite enough _________(wait) without getting angry.

11. Lisa helps us __________(learn) more about manners in the UK.

12. You’d better not talk about __________(weigh) with British people.

13. I will invite Jenny ___________(talk) about the history of the UK.

14. It’s _________(polite) to be so rude to your parents.

15. Miss Green only greets her _________(relative) with a kiss.

16. __________(Britain) people are polite and gentle.

17. Mr Li will give us a speech on good _________(manner) tomorrow.

18. If you help them, you ___________(say) “thank you” to you.

19. I don’t know the proper way _________(greet) Americans. Can you help me?

20. We should treat everyone around us __________(polite).

三. 单项选择(15分)

1. Mind your ______; thank your friend when you leave the party.

A. advice B. ways C. manners D. manner

2. Mr Smith usually goes to work _____ his car. But sometimes he takes a bus.

A. in B. by C. takes D. on

3. ---Please don’t chat with each other after 9:10 p.m. It’s time for bed.

---OK, _______.

A. I don’t B. I will C. I won’t D. I never

4. –I’m going to Dalian for my summer holiday. --_________.

A. Congratulations B. Yes, of course

C. Have a good time D. Best wishes to you.

5. Do you want ____?

A. else anything B. anything else C. other anything D. something else

6. --“Would you like to go for a picnic with us?” --“____, but I’m too busy.”

A. No, I can’t B. I’d like C. Yes, I’d love to D. Why not

7. The flowers smell ____.

A. well B. badly C. good D. much well

8.(2013•莱芜) You’d better make a plan ________you take a holiday.

A. before B. during C. until D. after


1. What is the man doing?

A. Making a call. B. Reading a newspaper. C. Having lunch.

2. How much time does John spend jumping rope?

A. 45 minutes. B. 30 minutes. C. 75 minutes.

3. Where are the speakers probably?

A. In the classroom. B. At the store. C. In the man’s.

4. What does the man mean?

A. He wants some more steak. B. He is really angry. C. He is full.

5. What does the man enjoy doing?

A. Writing books. B. Reading books. C. Going to the movies.



听第6段材料, 回答第6、7题。

6. Where is the woman going?

A. The train station. B. The luggage room. C. The airport.

7. How much are tickets at the ticket booth?

A. Less expensive than those on the train.

B. More expensive than those on the train.

C. The same price as those on the train.

听第7段材料, 回答第8至9题。

8. How long has the man been on a diet?

A. For 3 months. B. For 2 months. C. For 4 months.

9. What did the trainer tell the man to do?

A. Exercise every morning. B. Slow his pace of life. C. Change his eating habits.

听第8段材料, 回答第10至12题。

10. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. Books about waste treatment. B. Recycling. C. School assignments.

11. Who might be the woman?

A. A researcher. B. A writer. C. A student.

12. What will the speakers do together?

A. Go to some recycling centers to do a survey.

B. Read about waste treatment.

C. Write papers about waste treatment.

听第9段材料, 回答第13至16题。

13. Who is Bergman?

A. A writer. B. An actor. C. A filmmaker.

14. What is most surprising to the man?

A. The kinds of films the woman likes.

B. The common interests they share.

C. The classic conflict in horror movies.

15. What kind of music does the man suppose the woman likes?

A. Classical music. B. Country music. C. Heavy metal.

16. What does the man like to watch when he is tired?

A. Comedies. B. Horror movies. C. Action movies.

听第10段材料, 回答第17至20题。

17. What kind of damage was caused to the houses in the city?

A. The roofs were destroyed.

B. Gas lines were cut.

C. They were completely flooded.

18. On which street did trees become uprooted and smash into cars?

A. Green Street. B. Main Street. C. White Street.

19. What do we know about the bus accident?

A. The bus ran into a tree.

B. No one was injured.

C. The bus was taking students home.

20. What will the weather be like tomorrow?

A. Stormy. B. Clear. C. Cloudy.

