

时间:2023-11-30 19:44:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


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  Which city do you like the best?
  1. It is an ancient city with a longhistory.
  2. It is a tourist city with beautifulscenery.
  3. People there are really kind and polite.
  4. Food there is really mouth-watering.
  I will like to describe Hangzhou. First ofall, Hangzhou is an ancient city with a long history. It was the capital ofChina in the Southern Song Dynasty. General Yuefei was the national hero ofthat dynasty. He fought many successful battles and he was never defeated. Butit was sad that he was killed by Qinhui, a traitor. Secondly, Hangzhou is atourist city with beautiful scenery. The West Lake is world-famous. It turnsgold in the sunlight and turns green in the moonlight. When I go boating on thelake, I will feast my eyes on the smoky mountains. Thirdly, Hangzhou people arereally kind and polite. When you are on the bus, you will see young peopleoffer their seats to the elderly. When you are at the crossroads, you will seepeople are patiently waiting for the green light to come. When you have achance to visit the homes of local people, you will see parents live happilywith their sons and daughters.
  Traveling can …
  1. eliminate preconceptions
  2. make me more tolerant and open-minded
  3. ease tension

