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【#二年级# 导语】书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。学习从来就不是一件轻松地事情,小学阶段要注重培养学生对待学习能坚持投入进去的决心,把学习当成一种使命。尤其学习一门外语,不像汉语有天然的环境熏陶优势,更加需要学生去坚持。以下是©文档大全网整理的资料,希望有帮助到您。


  一. 听力部分(40%)

  1. Listen and tick(听录音,勾出听到的单词)10%

  1) bowl (  )  boat (  )     2) summer (  ) supper (  )

  3) soup (  )  soap (  )     4) wind (  )  window(  )

  5) moon (  )  room (  )    6) dirty (  )   bird (  )

  7) eat (  )   egg (  )     8) on (  )   under (  )

  9) cook (  )  clock (  )    10) eight (  )  light (  )

  2. Listen and finish (听录音,完成下列单词)10%

  1)b___ ___sh  2)th___ ___sty 3)bi___ ___cle 4)t___ ___el 5)wi___ ___

  6)g___ ___e 7)Chris___ ___as 8)li___ ___t  9)t___ ___i 10)p___ ___cil

  3. Listen and number (听录音,按顺序给下列图编号)10%

  (  )     (  )     (  )     (  )     (  )

  (  )     (  )     (  )     (  )     (  )

  4.Listen and tick (听录音,勾出听到的句子)5%

  1) (  ) Give me that hat.

  (  ) Give that cat to me.

  2) (  ) He‘s an old postman.

  (  ) He’s a fat policeman.

  3) (  ) There is a bin for you.

  (  ) There is a bag for you.

  4) (  ) Close your books.

  (  ) Clean your box.

  5) (  )上海版2014年二年级下学期英语期中考试试题: I like summer. I can see flowers in summer.

  (  ) I like winter. I can see snow in winter.

  5. Listen and fill (听录音,选择并填入听到的词)5%

  1) Do you want ________(somesoup) cakes?

  2) Don‘t ________(cleanclimb) the tree.

  3) There is some soup in the ________(bowlglass).

  4) Spotty is ________(onunder) the sofa.

  5) At night, I brush my ________(face eeth).

  二.  阅读部分:60%

  1. Think and write(想一想,写出下列小写字母的邻居)10%

  1) ___ ___c   2) ___ f ___    3) p ___ ___

  4) ___ s___   5) ___ ___z

  2. Finish the words (完成下列单词) 15%

  l___nch  bre___kf___ ___t  t___me wa___c ___  d___nne___

  sch___o___   nigh___   d___y   clo___k   fi___e

  3. Read and circle (读单词,圈出不同类的词) 5%

  1) three    tree     four     five

  2) shirt     socks    snow    tie

  3) tree     under    in     on

  4) spoon    meat     soup    fish

  5) panda    hot dog    horse    dog

  4. Read and circle(根据图片圈出正确的句子)5%

  1)                2)

  A. The policeman is fat.       A. Spotty can jump.

  B. He is a postman.         B. The cat can climb the tree.

  3)                4)

  A. The wind is blowing.       A. I see a lamp on the table.

  B. It’s summer.          B. The book is under the desk.


  A. In my room, there‘s a bed.

  B.That’s a big sofa.

  5. Look and choose(看图,选择填空)8%

  1) (  ) There is a bed in ______ room.

  A.I    B. my    C. May

  2) (  ) There ______ three books in it.

  A. are   B. have   C. is

  3) (  ) The cat is ______ a book.

  A. writing  B. reading  C. drawing

  4) (  ) There is a bag ______ the table.

  A. on    B. in    C. under

  5) (  ) There are some ______ on the table.

  A. presents  B. juice  C. pens

  6) (  ) I see ______.

  A. a doll   B. three kites  C. two tables

  7) (  ) My friend and I are ______.

  A. eating   B. reading   C. singing

  8) (  ) There ______ a ball on the bed.

  A. is     B. are     C. is not

  6. Read andchoose(选出正确的答句)5%

  1)(  )What can you hear?

  A. I can see a horse.

  B. I can hear a horse.

  2)(  )May I have a cake?

  A.O.K. Here you are.


  3)(  )What do you like to eat?

  A.I like to play on the grass.

  B. I like to eat mooncakes.

  4)(  )The dog is my friend.

  A.He has two red eyes and two long ears.

  B. He has two black eyes and two big ears.

  5)(  )It‘s cold today.

  A.Put on your coat.

  B.Take off your coat.

  7. Look and circle(看一看,圈出与单词或词组相应的图)7%


  一、 写出下列单词的汉语意思(20分)

  time ( ) breakfast ( ) hour ( ) lunch ( )

  thirty ( ) minute ( ) plus ( ) jump ( ) raincoat ( ) scarf ( ) get up ( ) eat lunch( )

  brush teeth( ) watch TV ( ) go home( )

  wash face ( ) get up ( ) play football( )

  birthday cake( ) Teddy bear( )

  二、 请为单词选择正确的意思并将字母填到前面的括号里。(10分)

  ( )summer A 、 夏季 B、春季 C、 季节

  ( ) cloudy A 、多云的 B、多雨的 C、 雪天

  ( ) bounch the ball A、跳 B、拍球 C、 打篮球

  ( ) rainy A 、 阴天 B、 晴天 C、 雨天

  ( ) throw A 、接 B、 扔 C、 跑

  ( ) attention A、稍息 B、向左转 C、立正

  ( ) climb A、爬 B 、跑 C、 跳

  ( ) sixty A、60 B、40 C、30

  ( ) warm A、冷 B、凉爽 C、暖和

  ( ) football A、足球 B、乒乓球 C、篮球

  三、 请将正确的答案将序号写有横线上。( 20分)

  1.When do you get up everyday? I get up 6:30.

  A: at B: in C: on

  2. What’s the weather like today? .

  A: It’s sunny. B: It’s spring. C: It’s summer.

  3. What season is it? .

  A: It’s winter. B: It’s cool. C: It’s cold.

  4. Tomorrow is your birthday. .

  A: Let’s go to school. B: We’ll have a party. C: Thank you.

  5. It’s 11:40. .

  A: It’s time for breakfast. B: It’s time for supper.

  C: It’s time for supper.

  6. 如果你想向别人询问几点了,应该说:

  A: What time is it? B: What’s the weather like?

  7. 如果你想吃蛋糕的话,你应该说:

  A: I want to eat cake. B: I want to eat apples.

  8. 如果你该上学了, 你应该说:

  A: It’s time for school. B: It’s time for supper.

  9. “ 整队” 应该怎么说:

  A: Attention. B: Line up.

  10. “ When do you eat lunch?” 应该怎么回答:

  A: I eat lunch at 10:30. B: I eat lunch 12:00.

  四、 请将下列句子连线 ( 10分)

  A What’s your favorite season? I go to school everyday.

  最新的2014年二年级第二学期英语期中考试试题:What time is it ,please? Summer.

  What can you see in the picture? It’s 1:20.

  What do you do everyday? I watch Tv at 8:30.

  When do you watch Tv? I see a tree in the picture.

  B It’s a sunny day. It’s time for lunch.

  It’s 11:40. Let’s play on the swing.

  It’s 5:30. How can we get some?

  It smells good. It’s time for supper.

  It’s 7:40. It’s time for school.

  五: 写出下列句子的汉语意思。( 14分)

  1.Don’t worry.

  2. I eat breakfast at 7:30.

  3. Stop playing,monkey.

  4. At 5:30, after school.

  5. It’s time for bed.

  6.Sixty minutes in an hour.

  7. Twenty four hours in a day.

  8. It’s 10 o’clock now.

  9. It’s time for English class.

  10.50 plus 10 is an hour.

  11.I’m sorry.

  12. Can you play on the seesaw?

  13. It’s winter in Beijing.

  14. What season is it?



  一. 听单词,辨别图片与单词是否相符,相符的打√,不相符的打×。(2*10)

  1. ( )  2. ( )  3. ( )  4. ( )

  5. ( )  6. ( )  7. ( )  8. ( )

  9. ( )  10. ( )


  11. ( ) A.   B.   C.

  12. ( ) A.   B.    C.

  13. ( ) A.   B.    C.

  14. ( ) A.  B.   C.

  15. ( ) A.   B.   C.


  16. ( )  17. ( )  18. ( )

  19. ( )  20. ( )


  1. tab___e  2. j___mp  3. s____eet  4._____rass  5. bic____cle

  6. ____ly  7. li____e  8. cle____n  9. ____ose  10. b_____rd


  一. 读单词,在相应图片的方框内写上序号。

  cow sofa  walk  rabbit umbrella


  1. panda  horse  bird  bear

  2. skip   climb  fly  bed

  3. ferry  plane  train  car

  4. lamp  vain   bed  table

  5. duck  sleep   pig  elephant


  1.       2.       3.

  Spotty can climb.      I like to write.         It‘s a table.

  Spotty can swing.      I like to dance.         It’s a lamp

  4.         5.

  The pencil is under the book.    I can ride.

  The pencil is on the book.      I can fly.

  四.读上句,圈下句, 在正确句子前面的括号里打√ 。

  1. What can Spotty do?   ( ) Spotty can run.  ( ) I can run.

  2. What do you see?     ( ) I see a duck.   ( ) I hear a duck.

  3. How are you?      ( ) Thank you.   ( ) Fine, thank you.

  4. Do you like winter?    ( ) Yes, I don‘t.   ( ) No, I don’t.

  5. Where do you live?    ( ) I live in Shiyan.  ( )I love Shiyan.


  1. Don‘t ride a bicycle here.

  2. Kitty is under the sofa.

  3. Close the window, please.

  4. Spotty! Come here.

  5. I’ve got four eggs.

