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【#英语资源# 导语】压力是一种日常生活的一部分,没有办法避免它。我们所能做的是发展我们的适应能力来处理它,而不是逃避它。欢迎阅读®文档大全网为大家精心整理的“有关压力的初三英语作文”!更多相关讯息请关注®文档大全网!


  In modern society, most people are under the higher pressure than ever before and some people cannot handle the stress well and choose some extreme ways to avoid or settle their stress.However, is stress a bad thing? As far as I am concerned, everything has two coins, and we also need to realize it from two aspects.

  For one thing, stress is a kind of mental burden caused by nervousness or anxiety. In modern society, stress is mostly caused by the high requirements or heavy burden from surroundings or us, such as stress from peers or stress in economy. If we cannot handle the stress well, we would be easy to be in a negative mood and lost our motivation and courage to keep going or struggle with difficulties. In this aspect, stress is a threat for our body and mental.

  However, for another, stress can also be changed into a kind of motivation if we handle it well. For example, when you find that you are surpassed by your classmates in an examination, you feel stressful but at the same time, you also tell yourself that you need to work harder to surpass him next time. Under this stress, you will find yourself have more motivation and energy to study. In this point, is a propeller for us to get more improvements.

  stressThus, we need to use a dialectical method to treat stress and handle it properly.


  Nowadays people have more and more pressure.Different people have different pressure.

  Firstly,the student worrys about their learning achievement.They are requested to get great achievement by their parents.So this problem made students become more hard in studying and have less time for play.They would feel that they are bound. Secondly,the bachelor also have mach more pressure.

  As we know,the house become very expensive and the unemployment is also increasing in today’s society.They can not have much money to offer their owe house.What’s the worse,some of them give up to get married because of low income.

  In my opinion,those problems are from our society.We have 13 hundred million people but shortage of resources.This phenomenon leads us to competition with each other.However,our government should give more chance to obtain employment,let more people have their work.In addition,our parents need to encourage their children do whatever they like in their free time.


  Because of the high developing speed of the world, pressure has become a serious problem in nowadays. As our students, we also have to face with much pressure, such as the study pressure, exam pressure,relationship pressure and so on. But how can we cope with pressure? This is the most important.


  Firstly, we should face the pressure appropriately. Pressure is inevitable in our daily life, so we can't be afraid of them and try our best to cope with them. Secondly, tell our pressure to others. Talking is a very effective way to ease pressure, and during the talking, we may get some suggestions and solutions. Finally, trust ourselves. We should believe ourselves that we can deal with any troubles by ourselves or by others' help.



  Stress is an inevitable part in our normal life. Many kinds of things, such as natural disasters, war and death can cause too much stress in our life. But according to a psychologist, on a day-to-day basis, stress may result from the small things: taking an exam, waiting in line, and having too many things to do in a limited time.

  We all need stress to add flavor, challenge, and opportunity to life, but too much stress can seriously affect our physical and mental well-being, It reduces the body’s immunity and harms the brain, If the stress lasts a long time, it may cause physical illness, insomnia, headaches, backaches, ulcers, high blood pressure-even heart disease.

  When stress does occur, it’s important to recognize and deal with it. There ore some methods we can try. A large number of physical activities can reduce onxiety. Shoring our stress with others can be enormously helpful. Making time for fun such os listening to music may be good medicine. Sometimes even crying is on efficient way to releose stress.


  Stress is a state of being upset that happens when we are under pressure. Both our feelings and our bodies get upset. We can even get emotionally and physically sick if we have too much stress for too long.

  Stress can come at us from every direction. For instance, it can come from fights with other people. It can come when we have too many things to do and too little time to do them. It can also come when we do not have enough money to pay for what we want.

  Since stress can make us sick, we have to learn how to deal with it. There are good ways and bad ways to do so. We should deal with stress in good ways, of course. Good ways to cut down on stress include changing our lifestyles. For example, we can learn either to get along with people or to stay away from them. We can decide what to do now, what to do later, and what to leave off doing forever. We can also figure out how to get money or we can cut down on what we want.

  We should not deal with stress in bad ways because bad ways to cut down on stress just lead to more troubles, for example, skipping out and leaving our work undone, blaming our problems on someone else, stealing or cheating.

