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Listening Part(听力部分)(60分) 一、听录音,找出你所听到的单词,将序号填在前面的括号内.(20分) ( )1. A. bedroom   B. living room   C. study ( )2. A. table   B. bed    C. bathroom ( )3. A. sofa    B. fridge    C. desk ( )4. A. floor    B. wall    C. fan ( )5. A. math B. Chinese  C. English ( )6.A.rice   B. chair   C. bed ( )7.A. window   B. study   C. pen ( )8.A. sofa    B. she C. floor ( )9.A. long B. short  C. strong ( )10.A.bus   B. driver   C.chair 二、听句子,圈出你所到的正确的词语。(10分) 1. Open the (door, window). 2. This is my (cousin, mother). 3. Let’s go to the (study, living room). 4. My uncle is a (doctor, farmer). 5. What would you like? I’d like some (soup, beef). 6. What’s your aunt’s job? She’s a (teacher, nurse). 7. What’s in your schoolbag? (an English book, three storybooks). 8. I have a new friend. She is (friendly, quiet). 9. What’s for dinner? I’d like some (chicken, rice). 10. Let me clean the (blackboard, door). 三、听录音,在与图片匹配的单词序号上打“√”(20分) 1. A.key B.fork 2. A. sister B. baby brother C.knife C.parents 3. A.cook B. farmer 4. A.light B.door C.doctor C. picture 5. A.floor B.window 6. A.phone B. light C.blackboard C. fan 7. A.TV B.computer 8. A.sofa B. bed C.fridge C.phone 9. A.Chinese B.math 10. A.box B.book C.English C. schoolbag 四、听录音,把你听到的句子序号填在括号里。(10分) ( )1. A. I have a new pen. B. The door is orange. ( ) 2. A. I like blue. B. Do you like noodles? ( )3. A.How are you? B. What’s your name? ( )4.A. What’s your mother’s job? B.He is tall and strong. ( )5.A.Turn on the light. B. Open the door. ( )6.A.My mther is a nurse. B.I have a bag. ( )7.A.What’s for dinner? B. It’s Wu Yifan. ( )8.A.I am a teacher. B. I’d like some chicken. ( )9. A. What’s in your schoolbag? B. Nice to meet you. ( )10. A.They’re on the fridge. B. My books are on the sofa. Writing Part(笔试部分)(40分) 一、圈出下列字母相对应的大(小)写字母。(10分) 1.S (a f s) 2.P (t f p) 3. h (N H K) 4.Y (i y v) 5.K (l k d) 6. e (D E T) 7.U (w m u) 8.t (T G D) 9.Q (m r q) 10.r(A R U) 二、按四线三格的要 求抄写下列单词。(5分) father boy home plate nurse 三、选择单词的正确意思。(10分) ( )1、study A、书房 B、卧室 ( )2、fridge A、书架 B、冰箱 ( )3、soup A、饭 B、汤 ( )4、window A、地板 B、窗户 ( )5、strong A、安静的 B、健壮的 ( )6、light A、灯 B、科学 ( )7、fork A、碗 B、叉子 ( )8、chicken A、牛肉 B、鸡肉 ( )9、doctor A、医生 B、老师 ( )10、parents A、家庭 B、父母 四、选择短语序号填空。(5分) A. parents B. light C. study D. fork E. teacher 1. Go to the _______. 2. Turn on the _______. 3. I love my ______. 4.This is my _______. 5. Would you like a ________? 五、情景对话(10分) ( )1、当你想对同学说“圣诞快乐”时 ,应该说: A. Merry Christmas!     B. How are you? ( )2、问妈妈自己的书包在哪里,应该问: A It’s in your bedroom. B Where is my schoolbag? ( )3、妈妈送给你新年礼物时,你应说:________ A、really? B、thank you! ( )4、当你问别人想吃什么时,应说:________ A、what would you like? B、can I have some fish? ( )5、当你告诉别人“我爸爸是个医生”时,你应该说: A. I have a bag. B. My father is a doctor. 听力材料 一、听录音,找出你所听到的单词,将序号填在前面的括号内.(20分) 1. C. study 2. A. table 3. A. sofa  4. C. fan 5. C. English 6. C. bed 7.A. window  8. C. floor 9. A. long 10. B.driver 二、听句子,圈出你所到的正确的词语。(10分) 1. Open the door, 2. This is my mother. 3. Let’s go to the living room. 4. My uncle is a farmer . 5. What would you like? I’d like some beef. 6. What’s your aunt’s job? She’s a nurse. 7. What’s in your schoolbag? an English book. 8. I have a new friend. She isfriendly。 9. What’s for dinner? I’d like some chicken. 10. Let me clean the blackboard. 三、听录音,在与图片匹配的单词序号上打“√”(20分) 1. C.knife 2. B. baby brother 3. C.doctor 4. B.door 5. A.floor 6. C. fan 7. B.computer 8. B. bed 9. B.math 10. C. schoolbag 四、听录音,把你听到的句子序号填在括号里。(10分) 1. A. I have a new pen. 2. B. Dyou like noodles? 3. A.How are you? 4.A. What’s your mother’s job? 5.B. Open the door. 6.A.My mther is a nurse. 7.A.What’s for dinner? 8. B. I’d like some chicken. 9. A. What’s in your schoolbag? 10. B. My books are on the sofa.

