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【#雅思# 导语】为了让大家更好的准备雅思考试,®文档大全网整理了“雅思小作文范文集锦(2)”供考生参考,请关注®文档大全网!

  Many countries are spending a huge amount of money on supporting their
competitors to take part in some worldwide sports competitions. Others argue
that it would be better if these countries can spend the money on children to
take part in sports. Discuss both and give you own opinion.


  some worldwide sports competitions could improve the comprehensive state
power. However, other as opponents claim that to spend money on children to take
part in sports activities would be better than support these competitors. To a
certain extent, I agree with these opponents, with some reservations. I aim at
discussing both side of the issue and put up my opinion.

  On the one hand, it has well accepted that participating in more sports
activities could improve the health of children. However, nowadays, most of
young generation locks physical excises and are reluctant to take part in
sports. Accordingly, every country should implement pohueg to encourage and
support children sports activities. For example, the government can build more
sports fwl,t,eg fitting for children or set up scholarship for these positive
young sport participants. Consequently, when the government could spend more and
more money on the children sports activities, the more benefits under the
policies would address to children.

  On the other hand, spending a huge amount of money on supporting these
professional competitors would encourage young children to take part in the
sports. First of all, if a country has a huge expenditure on world wild
professional competitions, this would directly encourage young children to be
interested in sports and hope to be a professional sportsman. Besides, young
people would be encouraged to take part in the sports activities, when they can
find that has been supported by their country. Thus, under a certain extent, I
agree with these advocates to spend money on these professional sportsmen,
however the range of supporting should be controlled.

  To conclude, I concede that government should spend a huge amount of money
on supporting children sports, when these young generations are the hope of the
future. Nevertheless, I am convinced that expenditure on professional world wild
sports activities are also important, and which could effectively encourage,
directly or indirectly these children to participate sports.

