【#英语资源# 导语】新员工入职吃蛋糕、同事结婚吃蛋糕、度假回来吃蛋糕、有人辞职吃蛋糕,甚至没什么理由,每周末就得吃一次蛋糕……流行于办公室的“蛋糕文化”引起了健康专家的警觉。“蛋糕文化”助长了肥胖和牙齿问题。现在对于许多人来说,办公室反而成为他们“糖摄入量”的主要场所。而那些竭尽全力减肥和健身的人们,也不得不屈服于办公场所充满诱惑的甜甜圈、饼干或巧克力。
Office “cake culture” in which staff bring in treats for birthdays and celebrations is becoming a daily health hazard and should be stopped, experts have advised.
In recent years, it has become popular for workers to offer birthday cake to colleagues or bring back sugary gifts from their holidays.
But the Faculty of Dental Surgery at the Royal College of Surgeons (RCS) has warned that in large offices, sweets and cakes have become a daily occurrence and the growing trend is contributing to poor oral health and the obesity epidemic.
The faculty says that “combatting cake culture” should be a New Year’s resolution of workplaces in 2017.