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【#英语资源# 导语】在日常学习、工作或生活中,大家或多或少都会接触过作文吧,根据写作命题的特点,作文可以分为命题作文和非命题作文。那么,怎么去写作文呢?®文档大全网为大家准备了初中生暑假英语随笔,供大家参考阅读。


  Today is a sunny day. The sky is blue. The weather is very good. I went to Xinhua Bookstore to read with my classmate Guo Fangqing.

  When we arrived at the Xinhua Bookstore, we were surprised and shouted, "Wow!" Do you know why we are so surprised? This is because there are too many books here! There are suspense novels, children's literature, children's Encyclopedia and martial arts novels. Guo Fangqing and I came to "children's Literature", which includes four famous works in China: Journey to the west, outlaws of the marsh, a dream of Red Mansions and the romance of the Three Kingdoms, as well as modern children's literature writer Yang Hongying's Laughing Cat Diary, extraordinary series and naughty horse jumping series. You want to read this book, I want to see that one again.

  Guo Fangqing and I each took a book and sat down to read it. I took a Book Robinson Crusoe. What impressed me most about this book is Robinson's spirit of being not afraid of hardship and danger. Since Robinson was exiled on a desert island, he began his hard life. What he can do easily in the city. Now for Robinson who is exiled on a desert island, But it was very difficult because there were no suitable daily tools available on the desert island, so it was very difficult for Robinson to do things, but this did not stop Robinson's confidence. He began to learn to plant cereals on the desert island and tried to tame wild goats. The results were successful. After many years, Robinson lived and worked in peace and contentment on the desert island, and this desert island, Also became the kingdom of Robinson. Through this book, I know a truth: don't flinch when you encounter difficulties, face all difficulties with fearless courage!

  After looking at my watch, it's time to go home. I took Guo Fangqing and left Xinhua bookstore. After reading in the bookstore for some time, I felt a lot of harvest. I believe this is the happiest and most fulfilling day of my summer vacation!


  Looking forward to coming and going, I finally looked forward to the long-awaited summer vacation life. The summer vacation really came, but I didn't know what to do.

  I had planned to go shopping with my friends, but I accidentally hit my knee on the way to buy toothpaste. The next day, my aunt and sister Xiaoqian came to my house and said they would take me to their house for a few days. I wanted to go for a long time, but I couldn't go because of my leg. I'm very unhappy. I can only give this opportunity to my sister. A few days later, my sister came back and showed off in front of me that my aunt took them to the aquarium and held a welcome party for her that night. Now I regret it. I've been thinking: if I wasn't so anxious that day, wouldn't it be me? And Xiaoqian and I have a common language. How happy I would be if I went! But I can't help it. Who makes me acute.

  A few days later, my legs healed, and then I went to my aunt's house. My aunt said that in the evening, she asked me and sister Xiaoqian to go to the supermarket to buy some snacks, and then followed me 200 yuan. We went to the supermarket to buy two bottles of orange juice, some snacks I like to eat, and bought a vest for my aunt. After coming back, my aunt said, "Doudou is very good. Finally, my aunt didn't hurt you in vain." After a few days, school was about to begin. I said goodbye to my aunt and went home. My mother said, "did you have a good time at your aunt's house? After you went to your aunt's house, your little aunt called twice and said she would take you to her house for a few days, but you weren't at home. " I smiled and said, "it's OK to go next year! Besides, I'm about to start school. Let me kick my breath and get ready for school these days. "

  This is my colorful summer vacation life. Why, envy it!


  Summer life is rich and colorful, full of flavor and endless aftertaste. The most interesting thing is learning to swim in the swimming pool.

  I remember that I couldn't swim on August 10th. I was very happy when my friend said that the swimming pool of Wantai hotel was open. As soon as school was over, I ran home at a fast speed and told my mother. As soon as my mother heard it, she said, "OK! Your father and I will take you tomorrow. "

  The next morning, we changed our clothes and brought good things to the swimming pool. WOW! The water is so blue! Watching those big brothers and sisters walk freely into the water, but their feet shrink back as soon as they touch the water, I thought: if I can't swim, I will be finished if I accidentally fall into the deep water!

  I first warm up, put on diving goggles and swimsuit, and then learn to swim. The blue water gradually overflowed my knees and finally reached my waist. When I came here, I slowly stopped for fear that I would be drowned if I went further. Dad said to me, "stretch your legs!" He supported me with his strong arm, and I was like floating on the water. My father said, "push my legs back hard and draw my hands to both sides..." I'll swim a little in a while. Seeing my rapid progress, my father wanted to make a joke and let go of my hand. But I "plop!" He sank and choked a few salivas. Just stand up, just feel the nose sour, ears seem to be blocked by something, very uncomfortable.

  With the help of my father, I finally learned to swim, but I can swim more than ten meters a minute. It seems that swimming is really difficult!

