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【#小学英语# 导语】海阔凭你跃,天高任你飞。愿你信心满满,尽展聪明才智;妙笔生花,谱下锦绣第几篇。学习的敌人是自己的知足,要使自己学一点东西,必需从不自满开始。以下是®文档大全网为大家整理的《冀教版小学英语六年级下册教案【三篇】》 供您查阅。

【第一篇: At the Sports Store】


  1.知识目标:能四会单词need,any,or;理解any,some的用法;能灵活使用句子We need some ping-pong balls. Do you have any balls? Do you like this T-shirt or that T-shirt? I like this one. Do you like these runners or those runners? I want these runners.





  1. 单词卡片,运动服装,乒乓球,纸币,课后习题卡(每人一张)。

  2. 录音机或课件。


  Class Opening and Review

  1. 分给学生不同的球,让学生自己说出I like to play ____. My favourite sport is ____./ I like ____ best.

  2. T: What’s this/that?

  S: It’s a T-shirt?

  T: Do you like this T-shirt or that T-shirt?

  S: I like this one.

  T: What are these/those?

  S: They are runners.

  T: Do you like these runners or those runners?

  S: I like/want these runners.

  (设计意图:利用已有知识引出新知识,减小教学的难度,or在以前的教学中已多次用到,学生都已掌握,不必再多费时间,加深学生对this,that, these,those用法的印象为下面的学习做铺垫。)

  New Concepts

  1. If I want to play ping-pong,we need some ping-pong balls.Say “need”,please.让学生利用 need 造句。

  2. Do you have any balls? Say “any”,please.讲清some和any的用法,都跟可数名词的复数或不可数名词,如:some/any shorts;some/any soup;some用在肯定句中,any用在否定和问句中,举例说明。

  3. 完成课后习题。

  4. 听录音两至三遍。同时讲解美元和元的区别。如:one dollar,two dollars;one yuan,two yuan.练习一下如何问多少钱How much is it? How much are they?

  5. 布置商店的环境,让学生根据课文编短剧,三、四人一组。

  6. 汇报演出。


  Class Clossing

  Activity book




  Lesson2. At the Sports Store

  We need some ping-pong balls.

  Do you have any balls?


  一. 改错:

  these book this runners some ball

  those pencil that T-shirts any soups

  二. 选词填空:

  1. Do you like ______T-shirt or ______T-shirt?

  2. Do you like ______shorts or ______shorts?

  3. We need ______ ping-pong balls. Do you have ______ balls?

  (any, some, these, those, this, that)

【第二篇: Ping-pong and 】


  1. 知识目标:能四会单词sport,ping-pong,badminton,basketball,soccer,T-shirt,shorts,runners;能灵活使用句子What’s your favourite sport? My favoutite sport is ____./ I like ____ best. What do you wear? I wear ____ ,____ and____ to play ____.

  2. 能力目标:能运用所学的英语词汇和句式解决体育运动中所遇到的问题。

  3. 情感目标:培养学生热爱运动的思想品质,提高对运动项目的认识。




  1. 单词卡片,要求四会单词的实物,课后习题卡(每人一份)。

  2. 录音机或课件。


  Class Opening and Review

  1. Let’s guess. If you want to make supper/take a bath/watch TV/read books/buy things/play ping-pong. Where do you go?

  I go to the kitchen/the bathroom/the livingroom/the library/the store/the gym.



  2. 利用单词卡片What’s your favourite clothes? My favourite clothes is ____.

  也可以直接提问学生:Today is warm/cool,what are you wearing?

  What’s your favourite clothes?

  (设计意图:这个环节的设置用来复习服装的词汇,同时复习What’s your favourite ____?这个句式,用这些词汇和句式引出新的服装词汇和新句式。)

  New Concepts

  1. 利用复习二中的句式引出What’s your favourite sport?学习单词sport,


  并让学生模仿回答My favourite sport is ping-pong/badminton.

  2. 学生熟悉句式后,再利用实物和单词卡片学习单词 basketball,soccer.

  3. 带入句式进行练习。可以是连接式练习,也可以小组练习。

  4. 告诉学生回答这个问题还可以使用一个更简单的句式I like ____ best.

  5. 两人一组做问答练习。

  6. 让学生根据已有知识说出踢足球,打篮球都用play.


  7. If you want to play basketball, what do you wear?学习服装词汇I wear shorts,T-shirt.并引出runners,出示单词卡片,拼读单词,并让学生练习用这些词说一个句子。

  8. 两人一组练习这组句式。

  9. 听录音两遍,注意any和some,either 和too的读音和用法。



  (设计意图:学习第二部分内容时,要把either 和too的用法提一下, any和some的用法留到第二课去解决。编对话的内容可根据完成习题的内容进行,并利用实物表演出来,运用于实际生活中。)

  Class Clossing

  Activity book


  Draw your favourite sport and write your favourite sport.


  Lesson 1. Ping-pong and Basketball

  What’s your favourite sport?

  My favoutite sport is ____.

  I like ____ best.

  What do you wear?

  I wear ____ ,____ and____ to play ____.


  一. 填单词并连线:

  b__dm__nt__n 篮球 T-sh__ __t 运动鞋

  p__ng-p__ng 羽毛球 sh__ __ts T恤衫

  s__cc__ __ 乒乓球 r__nn__ __s 短裤

  b__sk__tb__ll 足球

  二. 填空:

  1.What’s your favourite sport?

  My favoutite sport is ____.

  I like ____ best.

  2.What do you wear?

  I wear ____ ,____ and____ to play ____.

【第三篇: Where did you go】

教学目标:知识目标:1.bought, taught and thought

  2.the story

  3.a song

  能力目标:1. past tense

  2.where did you do?

  3.What did you do?

  情感目标:When you play things, you must get good corporation with your players.

  教学重点、难点:1.I am throwing the basketball.

  2.hitting and throwing

  教具、学具:some balls and story a tape and pictures


  一. Class opening and review

  Review “ past tense” and “ future tense” verbs with a game. Write three columns of words on the blackboard and ask for volunteers to match them correctly. As each student makes a match, he or she says “Yesterday I___de. Today I___. Tomorrow I am going to__.


  Add “buy” “teach” and “think” to your “today” column. Ask the students to give you the future tense for each verb and write them under your “tomorrow” column. Then write “taught” “thought” “bought” in a different order than the other two columns, and ask the students to guess how they match with the present-tense verbs. Point out the similarities in spelling “bought” “taught” “thought”

  Use the student book

  Pause after Number 1 in the student book. Review the story so far. Today Jenny and Li Ming went to the store buy some clothes for Li Ming to the pictures in the student book. Who are they talking to?

  Note the word “player” in the lesson. A “players” plays something, such as a sport.


  Play “What’s wrong?” to practice the new past tense verbs, and other tenses and verbs.

  Play “spelling Bee” to practice spelling any vocabulary in this unit.

  Tech “Oh, what did you do?” in Number 3 of the student book.

  Use the activity book

  Number 2 in the activity book is a listening exercise. The students listen to each sentence on the audiotape and change it into the past—tense. Here’s how the audiotape goes:


  Lesson4 Where did you go?

  bought taught thought

  Where did you do?

  What did you do?


  ? 写出buy teach think 的过去式。

  ? 用Where did you do?练习说话。

  ? 用What did you do?练习说话。

