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【#英语资源# 导语】在你开始新工作之前,你要仔细考虑几件事。我经常督促人们在做重大决定之前,要先做一些研究和认真思考。下面是你入职新公司前一定要考量的几个方面。

1、 Ambition.


The very best companies always have the right people in key positions. It stands to reason that if you are ambitious and forward thinking then you have to have like-mindedstaff. If your prospective employer has the same level of ambition as you do for your career, this can indicate a good fit in terms of helping you move forward.




In this ultra-competitive world it is the companies that have the vision and the ability to think ahead of the game which stand out from the rest of the pack. You need to ask yourself if you are moving to a job where you are going to be constantly challenged and expected to perform at the highest level. Being comfortable and carrying out routine andmundane tasks can get very boring very quickly. What you are looking for is a company which wants to go places and expects the best from its staff. 在这个竞争尤为激烈的世界中,脱颖而出正是那些拥有愿景和对商业博弈未雨绸缪能力的公司。如果你要开始一份充满挑战、被期待甚高的工作,那你就要好好问问自己。舒适的生活以及日常平凡的工作很快就会让你感到厌烦。你想要的是一家期望获得成功、并且对员工寄予厚望的公司。



Work is a very big part of all of our lives and there is no point in going somewhere that has no sense fun or enjoyment. We spend a large chunk of our lives within the office so you don’t want to be somewhere that makes you miserable and unhappy. The very best employers are the ones who can create the right atmosphere but at the same time remain highly productive. Remember culture is not just about Christmas parties and fun days out – it’s also about the people at the top being open to ideas from everyone.




There is nothing wrong with hard work but the most productive staff are the ones who get the work/life balance right. People need the opportunity to recharge their batteries. Sometimes you have to work harder and longer to get an important job done but a long hours culture where people are afraid to go home won’t necessarily mean that it is productive.


5、Big or small.


The demands of work are often linked to the kind of business you work for. Smaller firms tend to need people who are prepared to take risks and work under their own initiative. They offer you the opportunity to take on a great deal of responsibility and be flexible with what you do. The downside is that there is much more risk associated with smaller operations; larger and more established firms tend to offer security and stability. It makes sense as an individual to check your skills and temperament matches the firm you are planning to join.


