一般而言,教学设计方面会涉及到的问题多与试讲的环节相关,如 Why do you tell students this class is a writing lesson at the beginning? (为什么在上课开始就要跟学生讲我们这一节课是写作课?),What’s your teaching difficult point? (你这节课的教学难点是什么?)在回答教学设计相关问题时考生需快速回忆试讲内容,一定要思考两三秒钟组织好语言再进行回答。
例:Why do you tell students this class is a writing lesson at the beginning?
At the beginning of the class, I announced the lesson type and the main purpose. Students can better understand the main task of this lesson in this way. And this is an application of task-based-teaching-method. Students can finish those following tasks consciously. That benefits for their learning while finishing the tasks.
英语专业知识的相关问题多与试讲知识点或在试讲过程中出现的语法错误相关,如Please talk about your understanding of sense group。(请谈谈什么是意群。)Please make a sentence with the phrase ‘grow up’.(请用grow up造句。)在回答专业知识问题,考生没有捷径可循,考前要多复习英语专业知识。
例:Please talk about your understanding of sense group。
According to the meanings and grammatical structure, a sentence can be divided into several small pieces, each a small section is called a sense group. Sense group can be a word, a phrase, also can be some short sentences or the clause in a complex sentence.
正在阅读: 幼儿园教师资格证面试辅导,2016教师资格证面试辅导:英语“答辩”高分技巧07-14 四川资阳2023年10月自考成绩查询时间:11月17日08-24 2022天津市滨海新区新城镇社区卫生服务中心招聘多种形式用工人员公告11-03 2017年江西南昌市中小学招生学区划片范围【各县区】02-05 2017年山东省潍坊市高密市动物防疫安全协管员招聘公告【116人】03-31 德国投资移民项目详细介绍05-25 2022年广西百色中考报名入口(已开通)04-23 小学生描写景色的作文400字【三篇】03-27 2020计算机毕业实习报告【五篇】11-30 2019食药监局党建述职报告02-25