
时间:2021-07-30 12:48:09 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】神笔马良是中国童话故事,我国儿童文学作家、理论家洪汛涛先生创作于20世纪50年代,表现了封建社会百姓的苦难以及马良的正义和善良。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  I read a book called "the magic pen Ma Liang". The main content of it is: Once upon a time, there was a child named marliang, whose family was poor, his parents died early, and he was sold to a shop. Nevertheless, the child of MALIANG is very bony, he likes drawing and works hard. Every time he went up the mountain and cut firewood, he would use his rest time to draw a stick on the land for a while. Ma Liang was very hard to learn to draw things moved God, God wanted to send a magic pen to Ma Liang. One night, when malaiang was tired of cutting firewood and fell asleep, he suddenly saw a light shooting down from the sky. Then, an old man with white beard appeared in front of him, holding a pen in his hand and said to Ma Liang, "this is the divine pen that heaven gave you." Then he gave the pen to MALIANG, and the old man disappeared. Ma Liang was so happy that he drew a rabbit with a magic pen, and the rabbit jumped out. Since then, he drew to the poor and drew whatever he wanted. This thing has been spread to the owner of the shop. The shopkeeper wants to get the pen. He asks people to grab Ma Liang and rob Ma Liang's pen. However, the clever malaiang has overcome many difficulties by using the pen. But the trouble is not over. Because this matter also was known by the government, the government also caught Ma Liang, to draw the money tree they wanted. However, Ma Liang only drew a sea, and then drew a money shaking tree on the far shore. They called Ma Liang to draw a boat quickly, and MALIANG drew a boat for them. They sat on the boat, but they couldn't move because there was no wind ship. So they called MALIANG to draw a great wind. MALIANG always drew the wind. Finally, the wind turned the boat over, and all of them drowned. Since then, MALIANG can continue to draw to the people.

  This story is so touching! I think MALIANG has a kind, brave, strong heart, and is willing to help people. These advantages are always flashing on him, and they are worth learning forever!


  The hero in the book "magic pen malaiang" is an orphan. He grew up with the help and care of the villagers without his parents since childhood. Ma Liang liked to draw since childhood, and he was a child of ambition. Without a teacher or even a pen, he worked all over the world. He used branches, grass roots and charcoal to draw himself in his spare time. The paintings were the same as real. Finally moved a white beard fairy, in the dream gave him a magic pen. Ma Liang has this magic pen, drawing for the poor people in the village every day and helping them. Soon those greedy bad people knew that they should seize Ma Liang and let him draw gold and silver treasures for them. He got rid of the difficulties with his pen and wisdom, drawing a strong wind, and the sea of anger drowned the greedy emperors, ministers, generals, etc.

  Ma Liang is smart, kind and compassionate. His writing is not used to draw gold and silver treasures for himself, but to help people in need. At the same time, he is not afraid of difficulties and dangers. The courage and wisdom of fighting the bad people are worth learning.

  If I have a pen, I will let disabled people return to normal, live a happy life; If I have a pen, I will draw many learning supplies for children who can't afford it; If I have a pen, I will draw a lot of delicious, for the hungry children in Africa, let them grow up happily like us; If I have a magic pen, I will draw TV and computer to poor people, let them understand the world, understand society, make people's lives more colorful; If I have a pen, I will make desert become oasis, let earth wear green clothes, let air more fresh; If I have a pen, I will draw a lot to help those who need help; If I have a pen, I want to let the homeless people have relatives and live a happy life

  After reading this book, I understand the word "kindness". Ma Liang does good with his pen, helping the poor, even when avoiding the bad. Ma Liang is brave in challenge, let me know that no matter in any difficulty learn to go forward bravely. I want to thank the author of this book, to Ma Liang, let me understand the truth of being a person, and know "good, good, evil and evil."


  "Magic pen Ma Liang" this story I think you are not unfamiliar with it? This popular story can be said to be a household name in China, because it is very beautiful. This article tells the story of Ma Liang, a kind, brave, persistent, upright and helpful man, who used his magic pen to help poor people draw, making them live a good life, fighting against evil forces and punishing greedy emperors and painters.

  After the teacher introduced the story book "magic pen Ma Liang" to me, I couldn't put it down and read it in my hand. After reading it, I was deeply moved.

  In the story, Ma Liang painted for the poor since he got the magic pen. As long as the villagers need, he will draw.

  Once, he went up the mountain to cut firewood. When he came back, he saw an old man fainting in the field, so he ran to ask why. After asking, he realized that the old man was ill and could not work in the field. When Ma Liang knew about it, he drew a cow with a magic brush and asked it to plough. Another time, when he went to the river to draw water, he saw an old man with a bitter face. It turned out that his fishing net was broken and all the fish he caught ran away. Ma Liangli depicted a fishing net and asked the old man to fish with the new one. Reading here, I feel Ma Liang's simplicity, integrity and kindness. It is precisely because Ma Liang has an honest and kind heart, wholeheartedly doing good for the poor people, so he can get everyone's support and help. This gives me great enlightenment, understand that people should be kind to others, willing to give the truth“ Give someone a rose, hand has fragrance "ah!

  The story of "magic pen Ma Liang" let me know that the spirit of helping others is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, which has existed since ancient times. In ancient times, Ma Liang was kind and helpful; Nowadays, there are many helpful people like Lei Feng, Bai Fangli and countless volunteers... As a soldier, Lei Feng has devoted his limited life to serving the people. Their spirit of thinking of others, being anxious about others, being selfless and helping others is always worth learning and inheriting.

  We are the youth of the new era and the vanguard of the times. Shouldn't we have the spirit of helping others? In life, you can help grandma cross the road; In learning, we can help some students with learning difficulties. Therefore, we should develop good moral behavior habits from childhood, learn solid scientific skills, master survival skills, and grow up to be able to better serve the society, serve the people, help others, and contribute to a better and harmonious motherland.

