
时间:2022-06-02 09:16:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】期待已久的六一儿童节终于如约而至。以下是©文档大全网整理的内容,希望对您有所帮助。


  Look! How happy father-in-law sun is! Those lovely smiling faces, bursts of happy songs, how happy... How lively our campus is! Let me tell you, today is our children's day.

  The sun on June 1 is always so cheerful; The flowers of June day are always so bright and fragrant. On International Children's Day, everything becomes happy and wonderful! The blue sky, white clouds, flowers and green grass are all so beautiful and relaxing. The students came to the campus happily in their holiday costumes. At eight o'clock, the whole school came to the playground in a neat line to watch the program. With the sound of the salute, the whole playground became a sea of joy. The children danced gracefully on the stage, like fairies. Singing and dancing, the activity lasted for more than three hours, and the students were very happy. How they hoped that every day would be as happy as today! How time flies! Beautiful dancing, beautiful singing and fluent poetry reading ended in cheers, applause and praise.

  Today is a sunny day, today is a day of flowers, today is a day of singing and laughing... What you see in the sun is the same as what I see, that is, the children's smiling faces full of happy flowers.


  My first time playing trampoline was last year's International Children's Day.

  At the beginning of that day, I stepped on the soft bed as if I were stepping on cotton. I could not stand steadily with my head heavy. I was very afraid. I just bent my waist, lowered my head, looked at my feet, and dared not jump. At this time, my father and mother encouraged me to say, "don't be afraid, baby, jump boldly..." I tried and gently jumped on the trampoline for a few times. I thought it was fun, but it wasn't so terrible. Slowly adapted, I jumped higher and higher. I usually fell on the ground in pain, but I didn't feel any pain when I fell on the trampoline, and I could bounce my body up again. This feeling is as sweet as that of the kindergarten when my father threw me up in his arms and gently caught me. At that time, I always let my father throw and receive until I laughed and my father was exhausted.

  Jumping on the trampoline is much higher than jumping on the ground. Looking at my parents' praising eyes and smiles, my interest jumped higher and higher. The fun trampoline seemed to give me magical skills. I jumped and bounced up to my heart's content. It really looked like sun Dasheng's head turning cloud. Although I was sweating, I didn't feel tired at all.

  The International Children's Day left me a very happy memory.


  Today is International Children's Day. Early in the morning, my father asked me where I was going? I thought for a long time but didn't come up with it. Dad said, "I want to buy a new pair of trousers. Why don't we go to Haimen by ship to buy one?" I said, "that would be great!" Mother thought I had left her behind, so she quickly asked me, "can I go?" I said, "you are my mother in my heart. How could I leave you behind?" "That's good." Mother said. With that, we took a battery car to the Yangtze River, where we could not see the border, and took a ship.

  We were anxiously waiting for the arrival of the ship, saying that the ship was coming. It sounded a whistle, indicating that we could get on the ship. I ran on the ship at a high speed for fear that it would leave.

  After a while, the ship slowly drove away to the distant Haimen. Listen to the sound of the waves; Look, the clouds in the sky are changing. They are really beautiful!

  It was almost ten o'clock before we got to Haimen. We walked for a long time before we got on the bus. I was exhausted.

  We played a lot of fun. My father bought me a watch and my mother bought me three skirts. I like these gifts very much. But I prefer the four books my father bought me because they give me wisdom. I love all the books in the world.

  I like this children's day.


  Today is International Children's Day, a holiday for our children. Early in the morning, I carried my schoolbag, saxophone, accordion and flute and came to school happily.

  Today is sunny, and every student's face is also sunny, filled with the joy of the festival. It's time for Chinese class. Mr. Wang walked into the classroom happily. The teacher quickly told us about the No. 1 student. The teacher announced the start of our class reunion. Everyone cheered excitedly. I was the first one to perform on the stage. I plugged in my flute and played "riding on the wings of singing". Mi Jing and Gao Tiansheng sang along with my accompaniment. The sound of flute and singing echoed in the classroom. When the song was over, everyone applauded warmly. We got off the stage, and the students competed to perform on the stage, including singing, erhu, crosstalk... The wonderful performance of the students welcomed the warm applause of the students. My harmonica and sax were also warmly welcomed by the students. How time flies! Class will be over soon.

  We finished eye exercises and went out to see the comprehensive performance of the whole school. The most wonderful part of the performance is the magic show. The magician holds a magic wand in his hand and wears a suit to perform "miracles" for us. He also grabbed sugar from his cloth pocket and threw it to us. We rushed to pick it up. At this time, the discipline was very disorderly. The teacher quickly stopped us to prevent us from causing danger.

  The students performed Latin dance, dance, singing and poetry recitation. It's a pity that I can't hear or see clearly behind. When I see others laughing, I also follow them with a silly smile, which makes me confused.

  In the afternoon, we had a holiday. My father took me and zhangruiwen to the Xinhua film city to see the film "dragon training master". He also met many students to see the film. We watched the film with interest. I am very happy today.


  61 is the happiest silhouette of childhood; 61 is a feast for children; 61 is a treasure box for releasing happiness. Today is the international International Children's Day. Children all over the world are celebrating the day. Our school has also held activities to celebrate the day. Let's go and have a look!

  In the morning, each class held a celebration of June 1 in this class. Our class is no exception. At the same time, we also invited parents to spend June day with us. The students worked hard to rehearse this program, and they worked hard for it. The programs of this celebration include singing, dancing, telling jokes, playing games and so on. On the stage, the performers showed their own side to everyone, and the students and parents gathered warm applause for these children.

  In the afternoon, the literary performance of Shuxiang primary school kicked off in the musical instrument performance of the third grade. The art show was rich and colorful. There are environmental fashion shows, Chinese dances, Latin dances, solo performances, etc. The performance of the program was so wonderful that every class showed their talents. In the performance of the program, the children are like lovely little swans dancing on the stage; Other children are like beautiful sunflowers; Gently shaking his little head on the stage; The children's faces were like round red apples, smiling at us on the stage. The students who watched the performance were dazzled.

  The most impressive program is the performance of "chicken dance". Every action performed by a group of lively and lovely chicks on the stage is so vivid and interesting, and the funny chicks make the audience laugh more than ever.

  Happiness is always so short-lived. The art show made the students have a happy and unforgettable June day. May every child have a happy children's Day!


  Today is "International Children's Day", everyone can be happy! Finally, the snacks and beautiful clothes that have been prepared for a long time can be taken out!

  As soon as I walked into the classroom, I saw everyone gathered together. I went to have a look. It turned out that I was discussing "61". When Peng Mei saw me coming, she hurried over and said, "Mengmeng, the happy women's league has a logo. You can see it in a few days." Hearing this, I was overjoyed.

  After a while, Lili, who was wearing "colorful" clothes, and Lin Xue, the "golden lady", came. With a "brush", the girls in the class looked at them because they were so beautiful.

  After a while, Miss Yang came. She took a big group photo for us, took out two cakes from the platform, and said, "please come up with two little birthday stars." Then Lili and Lin Xue came up. Everyone finally understood why they wore such beautiful clothes. It was their birthday!

  After singing the birthday song, I began to eat the cake. The naughty me dipped some cream while no one was paying attention. With a scream of "wow", Amethyst suddenly turned into a big face. She shouted angrily, "Wang Meng!" Then we had a face wiping contest.

  The cake was soon finished, followed by "food sharing" and playing games. I was excited to play fruit squatting with a lollipop. When it came to me, I said, "honey peach squatting, honey peach squatting, kiwi squatting!" Su Lan was overwhelmed by my skill. She couldn't react and was out.

  After the game, I took lollipops and potato chips to exchange food with people. I changed a lot. I like them very much.

  "61" is really fun!


  Today is the annual International Children's day. We are all very happy. Wearing holiday costumes, because everyone is an actor, the whole class has put on makeup and looks energetic. Parents were also invited to the scene to spend this unforgettable party with us.

  Just after eight o'clock, the program began. Each wonderful program attracted me like a magnet. The most eye-catching is the walking model performed by the big brother and sister of the children in Singapore. With smiles on their faces, they stride to the stage, sometimes putting their hands behind their heads, sometimes forking their hands at their waists, and sometimes twisting. It really looks like a model! The parents applauded warmly, and the students kept waving their fluorescent sticks.

  Finally, it's our turn to perform. Our program is the aerobics "happy elf". The girl is dressed in a golden bodybuilding suit, and her long braids are tied firmly with red ribbons. She dances. The two braids are tossed and tossed, which is very lively and lovely; The boy was dressed in blue and looked very energetic. When I first came on stage, I was a little nervous. Watching so many audience staring at us, I felt like a little rabbit 'thumping' in my heart. I suddenly saw teacher Liao smiling at me. I immediately calmed down and jumped up to a brisk rhythm with beautiful music. Our whole class became happy elves. The audience couldn't stop cheering. At this time, our school has become a sea of joy.

  Our party ended with laughter.


  On International Children's Day, our class held a "happiness like flowers" International Children's Day party.

  My program is playing zither. There are seven people in our program. Bian Xiaoxuan and I play the zither. Some write with brush, some write with pen, and some draw. The last rehearsal was held at the venue of the supply department on the morning of June 1, and the formal performance was held in the afternoon. I hope I can play well. Finally in the afternoon, it was time for the official performance. At this time, my heart was both excited and nervous. My heart was pounding, as if it was twice as fast as usual. I thought I had practiced for so long. I hope I can leave a good impression on the teachers and students during the performance. Don't be laughed at by everyone because I play the wrong sound. My program is in the fifth place. I feel it will be my turn after a while. At this time, I was even more nervous. What if the two of us play the piano at different paces? At the beginning of the program, my heart calmed down and I just thought about how to play the piano well. When the program was finished, listening to the applause of my classmates, I was very happy, as sweet as honey.

  After my program is finished, I can also relax and enjoy the students' programs. The students' programs are very wonderful. I have been slapping my hands hard, and my hands are red. The last program is our class chorus song "Three Character Classic". After singing, the school also gave each student a 61 holiday gift, which was a book called "education of love".

  The party was over, and I went home happily, looking forward to the next party as soon as possible.


  The new year's International Children's Day is coming.

  61 is pure, 61 is lively, 61 is lovely, and 61 is also joyful.

  In the morning, all the students are early Get out of bed and put on your holiday clothes.

  The performance began, including flower head stage, folk music ensemble, colorful clouds chasing the moon and Golden Snake dance. Then came the dance "a good start" performed by the girls in our class. The girls came on the stage barefoot wearing new colorful skirts. After the music was opened, the girls danced with music and dance.

  As soon as the performance of "a good start" ended, the first grade children's "walk show" could not wait to appear. Then there are the programs performed by other classes and kindergartens. Each program is very exciting.

  The exciting lottery started. First, the teachers' representatives drew the third prize.

  After the lottery, the wonderful program continued to appear. When it came to our performance, we played gongs and drums and performed three and a half sentences of "praising our school". The clear sound of gongs and drums makes people intoxicated in the soft and beautiful world.

  After that, there were three lucky draw activities. There were 12 places for the third prize, six places for the second prize and three places for the first prize. The prize was a set of reading materials for primary school students. There are also two special prizes with rich prizes.

  This International Children's Day is really unforgettable to us all our lives!


  Do you know what festival it is today? Yes, today is International Children's Day! Let's celebrate our festival in our own way!

  Today, our school has launched a variety of activities, and my favorite is the program directed and performed by myself. The programs are colorful and dizzying.

  The first program is a dance brought by a girl. It is very beautiful and makes people applaud; The next program is more exciting. It is the song childhood. The student's voice is very pleasant and intoxicating. When the song is over, I am still quiet in the song. It is the warm applause of the students that brings me back to reality! The next program is reading aloud. Five female students stood together in a line. Their voices were soft and vivid. They told stories very exciting. When they finished speaking, thunderous applause broke out from the audience. The following program is a funny sketch. Two young actors are talking funny lines and performing exaggerated actions on the stage. After the sketch is well performed, bursts of laughter burst out immediately off the stage!

  It's my turn soon. I'm very nervous and excited. Because I performed a magic trick, I found a classmate to be my assistant when I came on stage. In the course of my performance, the students often exclaimed. My performance is over. Of course, there are bursts of warm applause to welcome me to step down!

  Today, we have celebrated a happy and unforgettable June day for ourselves!
