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听力部分30分 一、听录音,选出你听到的选项(听两遍,8分) ( )1. A. bhd B. dbh C. hbd ( )2. A. NMWU B. MVUW C. VMUW ( )3. A. sad B. salad C. sandwich ( )4. A. three B. thirty C. thirteen ( )5. A. nice cake B. small cat C. sweet candy ( )6. A. run fast B. jump high C. swim well ( )7. A. would like a pie B. would like some juice C. like tea ( )8. A. in the bedroom B. in the kitchen C. in the bathroom 二、听录音,选出合适的应答句(听两遍, 12分) ( ) 1. A. It’s in the fridge. B. They’re in the box. C. Yes, here they are. ( ) 2. A. They’re pens. B. They’re books. C. It’s a pen. ( ) 3. A. Yes, I can. B. No, he can’t. C. She can run fast. ( ) 4. A. It’s five o’clock. B. It’s time for home. C. It’s time to eat cakes. ( ) 5. A. Four, please. B. Four yuan. C. I have four. ( ) 6. A. I’d like this doll. B. I like dolls. C. I like this doll. 三、听录音,根据所听对话作判断,用T表示相符,用F表示不相符(听两遍,10分) ( ) 1. Mike and his friends are in the library. ( ) 2. Mike has (有)some mangoes. ( ) 3. Su Hai has some sweets. ( ) 4. Yang Ling has four cakes. ( ) 5. Liu Tao has many grapes. 笔试部分70分 一、在四线三格内按正确的格式书写下列句子,注意大小写和标点符号(3分) mike can you play baseball well yes I can 二、根据发音规则选词填空(3分) good hat library hot family bike 1. Helen would like a hamburger and a _________ dog. 2. Fanny is flying a kite with her ________. 3. Bill bought a toy ________ for his brother. 4. I can see eleven lights in the ________. 5. My ________ little dog, go and get my bag on that log. 6. A fat cat is wearing a black ________. 三、英汉互译(12分) 1. 喜欢苹果 like ___________ 2. 跳得高 ________ high 3. 踢足球 ________ ________ 4. 开门 open the __________ 5. 十八个球 __________ __________ 6. 看那匹马 _______ at that ________ 7. 做水果沙拉 _______ a fruit __________ 8. 在课桌后 __________ the ________ 9. 一条绿色的短裙 a ________ ________ 10. 在卧室里 in the ______________ 11. pigs on the farm ________________________________________ 12. so funny and lovely _____________________________________ 13. I can’t fly either. ________________________________________ 14. Your cap is in the kitchen. ________________________________________ 四、选择题(10分)X ( ) 1. --- ________ you like robots? --- No, we ________. A. Can; can’t B. Do; do C. Do; don’t ( ) 2. I like dogs. ________ cute. A. They’re B. It’s C. They ( ) 3. ---I have ______ oranges. Do you have _____ oranges? ---Yes, I do. A. some; some B. any; some C. some; any ( ) 4. ---Is my clock_________ the living room? ---Yes, _________. A. in; it is B. in; they are C. on; they are ( ) 5. ---Can I     ? ---OK! A. have look B. have a try C. have a like ( ) 6. ---How many _______ do you have? ---I have one. A. toy trains B. toys trains C. toy train ( ) 7. I’d like_______ noodles. _______ five yuan. A. a; It’s B. some; They’re C. any; They’re ( ) 8. This toy is ________ your brother. A. with B. to C. for ( ) 9. ---______ my pencils? ---On the table. A. Where are B. Where is C. What ( ) 10. --- Don’t talk. --- ___________. A. Thanks. B. OK. I’m sorry. C. That’s OK. 五、在B栏中找出与A栏匹配的选项(6分) A B ( ) 1. Can birds swim? A. Yes, I can. ( ) 2. Can you close the window? B. Pineapples. ( ) 3. I can’t swim. C. No, I don’t. ( ) 4. What do you have? D. No, they can’t. ( ) 5. What do you like? E. I can’t swim either. ( ) 6. Do you like pigs? F. We have some toy monkeys. 六、连词成句 (12分) 1. make, let, a, us, kite( . ) _________________________________________ 2. like, we, living room, the, in, TV, the ( . ) ___________________________ 3. toy, cute, tigers, those, are (.)_____________________________________ 4. is, where, jacket, your ( ? ) ______________________________________ 5. fifteen, have, they, beautiful, pears ( . ) ____________________________ 6. orange, what, an, about (?) ______________________________________ 七、选择括号中的单词将下列对话补充完整(8分) A: ___________ (look, look at) these stickers. B: Oh, animal stickers. How lovely! A: Thank you. I like this ________(cow, cows)sticker. Do you like cows? B: No, I ________(doesn’t, don’t). A: ________ (What, What colour ) do you like? B: I like ________ (panda, pandas). They’re cute and fat. A: Look! I have ________ (much, many) panda stickers. Would you ________ (like, have) some? B: Yes, please. A: _____________ (how much, how many)do you want(要)? B: Two, please. 八、将下列句子排成一段通顺的对话(6分) ( ) Would you like a hot dog? ( ) A glass of milk, please. ( ) Thank you. ( ) Here you are. ( ) Anything else? ( ) Yes, please. ( ) Dad, I’m hungry. 九、阅读判断,正确的用“T”表示,错误的用“F”表示(5分) A: Hello, Liu Tao. B: Hi, Wang Bing. May I use (用)your ruler? A: Sure. Oh, where’s my ruler? B: Is it in your pencil box? A: No, it isn’t. B: Here’s a ruler. It is yours? A: No. It’s yellow. It’s Gao Shan’s. My ruler is green. B: I see a ruler under your desk. Is it yours? A: Yes, it is. Here you are. B: Thank you. ( ) 1. Wang Bing can’t find his ruler. ( ) 2. Wang Bing’s ruler is in his pencil box. ( ) 3. Gao Shan’s ruler is yellow. ( ) 4. The green ruler is Liu Tao’s. ( ) 5. Wang Bing finds his ruler at last(最后).

