
时间:2021-09-06 00:35:31 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】人人都是防疫员,个个都是战斗员。©文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,希望对大家有帮助。


  Recently, the epidemic that has "disappeared" for a long time has appeared in the public's view, and the "Curse" of this round of epidemic counterattack is the delta virus imported from abroad into China.

  Unlike the past COVID-19, its mutation has led to an increase in the infectious extreme drama, and the transmission rate has nearly doubled. Moreover, its incubation period and the interval between generations have been shortened to 3 or 4 days. Moreover, the input place is Nanjing International Airport with huge circulation, with dense personnel flow. The input time also happens to catch up with the summer tourism season. It is midsummer. Many city currency tourists have a huge volume and dense personnel, which is very prone to continuous infection. Therefore, the state has carried out emergency prevention and control.

  The "go and go trip" was completely ruined. Many scenic spots are closed, and the city urges tourists to return... Maybe many people "have a good time", but they are "rushed" back to their hometown ", or they have made detailed travel plans but" feel lost "... The epidemic situation has become severe again. The state has to choose to narrow the scope of people's activities for the safety of people's lives. Moreover, even small-scale play is not allowed. Before going out of the market, you can go out only with approval. For their own health, masks should be prepared again! Although you don't have to "close your door" at home, you need to wear masks to give others and yourself peace of mind.

  Another round of "epidemic" is coming. I hope you can and I will do it: don't make trouble for the country. But after the storm, go to "compensate for the lack of" travel "these days!


  Everyone will grow up. Growing up is not only physical growth, but also inner strength.

  This winter vacation is too unusual. A sudden outbreak of New Coronavirus broke the peace and tranquility of the Spring Festival. My mother also returned to her job on the fourth day of the first month. My mother went to work during the day because she was afraid to bring the bacteria outside to me. The first thing she did when she came home was to wash her hands and disinfect her clothes. Moreover, she no longer studied with me as before and slept with me at night.

  That day was our first online class. Without my mother's company, I couldn't ask my mother if I met any problems as usual. Hey! How to solve this problem! I frowned and worried like an ant on a hot pot, as if a thick dark cloud was pressing on my head, making me out of breath. At this time, my mother's advice before leaving sounded in my ear: don't worry when you encounter problems that won't work, calm down, look at examples, and think about ideas step by step. Therefore, I patiently recalled the examples and formulas just mentioned by the teacher and calculated them on the paper. "Oh, I see. It's so simple!" I cried excitedly. In this way, I thought about each question slowly and carefully. Unexpectedly, I finally entered the top five of the class!

  After my mother came home from work, I ran to my mother like a happy bird and told her the good news. When I saw a sweet smile on my mother's tired face, I felt that I had suddenly grown up.

  In the process of everyone's growth, the road ahead will always encounter ups and downs. We can't wait in place. We should strive to move forward, experience and understand, and the picture of life can become rich and colorful. Spiritual growth may be just a trivial matter that can touch the heart.


  The bright moonlight decorates the night sky in spring and the earth. The night sky is like an endless transparent sea. It is quiet, broad, mysterious, and dense stars are like small sparks from sea stars.

  It was supposed to be a family reunion festival, but people were terrified by the epidemic. I don't know when I began to look forward to the beginning of school. I mechanically repeated getting up, washing, eating and going to class... Day after day, I looked forward to the stars and the moon. Finally, I looked forward to the notice of the beginning of school. Now I sit in the bright classroom and listen to the loud sound of my classmates, I can't help but recall what I saw and heard for more than four months.

  In the epidemic situation, our contribution is not to go out and protect ourselves. I once saw such a picture of Grandpa Zhong Nanshan, 84. Leaning on the dining car to take a nap, although this is a small photo, he is deeply imprinted in my heart, "the state is difficult, call back." the angels in white wrote letters of invitation, which made me feel the patriotism of boxing.

  I believe everyone has seen such a video. A nurse who has been fighting in the front-line ward for many days and expects her mother's daughter to hug every other space. Her mother is clearly opposite, but she can't hug. She can only look at her missing daughter day and night with tears in her eyes; My daughter is clearly opposite, but she can't hug and kiss... I see, I see the tears in the girl's eyes that are full of and controlled. I see, I see that touch of grievance, fear and long miss for my mother. At this time, I mean that life is so small and short!

  If life is a book, then time is a pen, writing little words of life. If life is a piece of white paper, then love is a box of paint, describing life wantonly. If life is a concert in full dress, then treasure is the little pouring notes, meaningful and profound.

  Life is real, life is sincere, and the grave is not its end.


  The arrival of the epidemic caught parents and teachers by surprise - online class is the first time.

  As soon as I heard that I had classes on my mobile phone, my mother was very worried about whether I could take classes seriously. Every morning, my mother gets up early to make breakfast for me. After breakfast, my mother prepares my mobile phone for me early.

  Look, mom is watching me again. Every time she always takes very light steps for fear of disturbing my class. Since my brother and I started online classes, my mother didn't dare to make a little noise when doing anything at home. She was always afraid of disturbing me and my brother, and changed her old habits.

  After every class, my mother will let us look away from the balcony to relieve our eyesight. After my mother heard that carrots can increase immunity and improve eyesight, my "nightmare" came. Every day, it's either cold shredded carrots or dumplings filled with carrots. There are many carrots. Now when I see carrots, I wonder if I have become a little white rabbit.

  Every day when I finish my homework after class, my mother will carefully check what I need to recite. My mother will urge me to recite it with me.

  During this time, my father also cares about us. In the evening, sometimes my father will play Gobang and poker with me. Sometimes we will read extra-curricular books and make some waste gadgets

  Thanks to this epidemic, my parents and I have more time to get along, and I have a deeper understanding of my parents' love for us.


  Once upon a time, we envied the Chinese soldiers for saying "if there is a war, call back", and admired them for turning themselves over to the country without hesitation. However, when this no fire epidemic campaign quietly began in 2020, I found that it was not only Chinese soldiers who handed themselves over to the country and the people, but also such a group of people who went against the trend with their ardent original intention of serving the people and taking responsibility bravely.

  Large loudspeakers, small stereos, drones, and rural cadres guard the front line. At the beginning of the outbreak of the epidemic, TV news took turns to publicize the dynamics and severity of the epidemic, but some people still did not realize the seriousness of the situation ideologically and still gathered to play cards, chat and visit, which seriously hindered the prevention and control of the epidemic. At this time, the majority of rural cadres of the "two committees" resolutely stood up and adhered to the front line of epidemic prevention and control. Although they are not well-educated and older, they are good at mass work. In the face of the people's lack of understanding and support, they show their magic powers. Some take the big horn in the village and speak a strong local voice to give painstaking advice to the villagers, some drag their wife's Square Dance sound to roll back and forth in the village, and supervise the villagers wandering outside to go home when they operate the UAV in the village, etc. These "hard core" operations not only caused fires on the Internet, but also successfully persuaded villagers to stay at home, building the most basic prevention and control line to overcome the epidemic war.

  Not afraid of danger, risk and responsibility, medical staff fight on the front line. It is said that doctors are kind-hearted, but does anyone remember these doctors who go retrograde to the front line of fighting the epidemic, they are parents and have parents; They are children and have children. When the people need it most, they give up their small home, stand up, race against time, go to the patients and give them new hope; Rush to the virus and start a tug of war for life. They never shout bitterness or fatigue. Although their faces are full of Le marks and fatigue, in order to save a set of protective clothing, they would rather eat less and drink less, but also insist on fighting until the last minute in the ward. Even if I miss my family, I will never shrink back in the face of the epidemic; Even if the eyes are full of blood, the movements on the hands are still fast and accurate; Even if the conditions are difficult, treat the patient with great care. This is the white angel who never forgets his original heart, practices his mission with action and fights on the front line.

  The so-called years are quiet, but someone carries it for you. Looking at these retrograde figures, gratitude arises spontaneously, filled with respect, and my heart is surging. But with the chilly spring breeze hitting my face, I move forward bravely with my original heart. This is probably a portrayal of the rebels fighting on the front line. May you return safely.

