

时间:2022-04-24 00:00:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】北京时间2022年4月16日09时56分,神舟十三号载人飞船返回舱在东风着落场成功着陆,以下是©文档大全网整理的内容,希望对您有所帮助。


  On April 16, the three astronauts of Shenzhou 13 returned to earth and landed safely in the east wind. Welcome the hero home, pay tribute to the hero, and see the safe landing of Shenzhou 13. The feeling of pride and pride arises spontaneously. "01 feels good! 02 feels good! 03 feels good!" This is the happiest word. Precise positioning and independent medical vehicles for each astronaut reflect the maturity of China's aerospace technology and the strength of China.


  At 9:58 on April 16, the return module of Shenzhou 13 manned spacecraft successfully landed in the predetermined area of Dongfeng landing site.

  I feel very shocked. The goal of our Chinese nation to "capture the stars and the moon and catch turtles in the five oceans" has been realized step by step with the unremitting efforts of generations of scientific researchers. All these achievements indicate that China's aerospace technology has been at the forefront of the world's top science and technology.

  China is moving forward in one field after another. We will be witnesses of history. This is the power of the Chinese nation!


  Back, back! The Shenzhou 13 re-entry module has landed successfully! This moment is really exciting. After 183 days of space life, the three astronauts finally returned to the embrace of their motherland. When the return capsule opened the main umbrella, a red and white "big jellyfish" appeared in the blue sky, which was very beautiful. It carries the sweat and hard work of several generations of the motherland. The landing moment is spectacular! Space heroes "feel good" out of the cabin. This is really a moment worth remembering! I wish the motherland more and more powerful and space technology more and more developed.


  After 183 days in space, Shenzhou 13 successfully landed at the Dongfeng landing site today. Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and ye Guangfu set a new record for the continuous duration of Chinese astronauts in orbit. Seeing their triumphant return, I can't help feeling the rapid development of China's aerospace industry and the hard work of all astronauts. During their flight mission, they carried out a variety of experimental activities, among which the space teaching activity of "Tiangong classroom" is still fresh in my memory. They showed you the wonderful phenomena in the universe in the space station. The interest of science stimulated more children's interest in aerospace and benefited you a lot. To explore the vast universe, develop the aerospace industry and build a powerful Aerospace country, young people from generation to generation need to inherit it, jointly devote themselves to the development of aerospace and jointly realize the great Chinese dream.


  "The romance of Chinese astronauts is to turn the myth into reality." Building a dream in the vast space has condensed the long cherished wishes of several generations of Chinese people. After watching the live broadcast of the return of Shenzhou 13, I can't bear the excitement and pride in my heart! Shenzhou 13 has completed China's longest manned flight so far, and China has completed breakthrough innovations again and again. This is inseparable from the unremitting efforts and difficulties of generations of astronauts and the strong support of the motherland. I deeply realize the happiness of being born in New China and growing under the national flag! As a new generation of young Party members, I should learn from their noble qualities, serve the people wholeheartedly, and be determined to contribute to the country.


  Today is April 16, the 16th day of the third month of the lunar calendar, which coincides with a good day on Saturday. Shenzhou 13 returns smoothly. The three astronauts who had been on a "business trip" in space for six months successfully returned to earth. Although astronauts have a rich and diverse life during the flight, their actual range of activities is greatly limited. In addition to ensuring the normal operation of the instrument, it is also a challenge not only to the body but also to the mind in the environment where they can't feel gravity for a long time. However, they firmly believed, overcame many difficulties, turned incredible things into reality, and set the longest record of continuous on orbit flight, which will be a big step forward for China's aerospace. I believe that in the future, there will be more Chinese marks in the vast universe.


  Today, the Shenzhou 13 crew returned to earth, and Chinese aerospace heroes Ye Guangfu, Wang Yaping and Qu Zhigang successfully left the cabin.

  The six-month space trip should have exhausted them physically and mentally, but the three space heroes happily shared their feelings and opinions. They were happy to contribute to their motherland. Ye Guangfu also happily took a picture with the cow doll puppet on the bulkhead. An astronaut revealed that they can't rest too long after they go back and still have to continue to work. I'm a little surprised. The astronauts are really hard! For the sake of the motherland and the aerospace industry, he sacrificed his precious rest time and was willing to contribute! This spirit is worthy of worship and learning by all of us. They are the brightest stars in the universe.


  Today, God 13 returned to earth. Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and ye Guangfu went home on a business trip for half a year! The vast space witnessed the hard core technology of China's aerospace and the unique romance of China. I feel the persistence and efforts of all the astronauts who are fighting for China's manned space industry. The completion of this space project represents the progress of China's manned space industry and demonstrates China's scientific and technological strength in this regard. In order to complete the task, they are ready to sacrifice, fearless and forge ahead. Seeing that my motherland is prosperous, science and technology are more and more developed, and society is more and more progressive, I am proud that I am a Chinese!


  At 09:56 on April 16, 2022, after half a year's space business trip, the trio finally went home! The successful landing of Shenzhou 13 is a milestone in China's aerospace and even the world's aerospace.

  It has set a new record for Chinese astronauts in orbit for 180 days, independently and rapidly rendezvous and docking with the three module assembly for the first time, verified the space station segment transposition technology and mechanical arm heavy load for the first time, and spent the first spring festival in the space station

  Every breakthrough picture broadcast excites us in front of the screen. Aerospace dream, aerospace is not a dream! In the future, we will continue to witness every leap of Shenzhou 14 and 15, and pay tribute to the scientific researchers and astronauts who have made contributions to China's manned space industry!


  On the morning of April 16, the return module of Shenzhou 13 manned spacecraft landed safely at the Jiuquan Dongfeng landing site. The three astronauts flew in orbit for six months and completed various experiments and the construction of the space station. In the six months, they connected with the ground on major occasions such as the Spring Festival and the Winter Olympics of the motherland, and also conducted two open classes of space experiments to closely connect the aerospace industry with the people.

  Early in the morning, I squatted and watched the live broadcast. When I saw the re-entry capsule landing from space and gradually opening the parachute, the red and white parachute set off against the blue sky next door. My heart sank at the moment of landing safely. The success of the space industry is inseparable from the hard work of the space heroes and the scientific research workers and logistics support team behind them. The great spirit of manned spaceflight will inspire all Chinese people to work tirelessly to realize the dream of national rejuvenation!

