
时间:2023-09-17 22:26:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

Directions: Write a composition entitled Generation Gap. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:
  1. 现代生活越来越好,但老年人和年轻人之间的代沟却依然不可逾越
  2. 产生代沟的原因
  3. 解决的办法

  Generation Gap
  Though many aspects of our social life have been improved, the generation gap between the youths and the olders remain and even grows wider.
  In my opinion, because of the influence of individualism from western civilization, the youths do not blindly follow what the elders say, that causes the gap. The young arecreative and revolutionary, always go along with the trend and like changing. While the old, accustomed to everything of the past, are hostile to change. Also with more and more different beliefs and philosophical ideas, it is natural the young hold different opinions from the old.
  I think in order to narrow the gap, both parts should try to understand and respect each other, instead of trying to change others as they wish. Diversity doesn't mean conflict so long as they hold the right attitude towards the problems.


  aspect n. 方面,方位
  influence n./v. 影响
  individualism n. 个人主义
  civilization n. 文明
  blindly adv. 盲目地,轻率地
  creative adj. 创造性的
  revolutionary adj. 革命的 n. 革命者
  trend n. 趋势,潮流 v. 趋向
  be accustomed to 习惯于
  be hostile to 对……有敌意,与……敌对
  philosophical ideas 哲学思想
  narrow v. 使变窄;缩小 adj. 狭窄的
  diversity n. 差异;多样性
  conflict n./v. 冲突
  so long as 只要

