
时间:2022-04-25 07:01:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#小学英语# 导语】英语故事会出现学生认识或是不认识的单词,而这个单词的重复不断出现,会加深同学们对单词的记忆,这种记忆不同于一般的死记硬背,而是在潜移默化中,让学生记住单词,并且不枯燥。以下是®文档大全网整理的《小学五年级英语故事5篇》相关资料,希望帮助到您。


  A man from the state of Chu was taking a boat across a river when he dropped his sword into the water carelessly. Immediately he made a mark on the side of the boat where the sword dropped, hoping to find it later. When the boat stopped moving, he went into the water to search for his sword at the place where he had marked the boat. As we know, the boat had moved but the sword had not. Isn't this a very foolish way to look for a sword?  


  A small crab was lying on the beach basking in the sun, and a small seagull flew over slowly.
  The little seagull saw the little crab and said, "Hi! Hello, little crab!"
  The little crab nodded and said, "Hello!"
  The little seagull said, "my God! Your pliers are broken!"
  The little crab looked around and said, "Hey! What's the matter? It was just broken when I was fighting with the sea snake. I pierced its eyes with big pliers and broke its neck. Although I lost the pliers for this, it was a glorious sacrifice!"
  The little seagull listened and worshipped and said, "then you are so powerful!"
  The little crab was very proud.
  Just then, a shell was washed up on the beach by the waves. It saw a small crab, greeted it and said, "Hey! I met you here again! How's your pliers broken by the tortoise?"
  The little crab listened and lowered his head in shame and anger.


  Blue bay, there is a small crab, it has a pair of clips, always bullying others.
  Small fish was it clamped straight shouted mother, small turtle was it clamped dare not put out his head, shrimp saw it ran far away.
  The little crab saw everyone afraid of it, very proud, looked up to spit bubbles. Suddenly, it found a small iron bar and thought, "Who dares to mess with me? Watch me catch you!"
  "Ha ha!" "I've caught a little crab."
  Small crab was caught, it regretted to think: before I always bully other children, this time no one to save me, then I have to wait for death. In this crisis, all of a sudden, fish, shrimp, turtle they appeared, fish, shrimp caught a small crab hard to pull back, the turtle bravely rushed
  Up, gnawed the rope of the hook, and the little crab was finally saved.
  It hung its head in shame and said, "I'm sorry, my friends."
  Small fish, shrimp, turtle are happy to say: "as long as you can mend, we are still good friends!"


  Taotao is a careless child. Every time he finishes his homework, he always puts his stationery everywhere and doesn't cherish them at all.
  Late at night, Taotao has slept soundly, but there is still a cry in his room. It turned out to be in a dark corner, Sister rubber said sadly, "our master doesn't cherish us very much. Every time he finishes his homework, he throws me all over the floor. Once he rubbed a hole in me and scratched this and that. It must hurt me to death. Look at my scarred appearance. I was still a beautiful rubber."
  Listen, the tears of the pen also came out. It said, "you're right. The master treats me like this. He has to bite the head of my pen every time, which hurts me to death." As soon as the voice of the pen fell, a ruler came over and said, "I heard everything you said. We have to find a way not to let him do this."
  In the morning, Taotao got out of bed early because he was going to the high school entrance examination today, but he found that his stationery was missing. Now it's too late to go home. The teacher criticized, "you can't throw things around in the future." Taotao realized his mistake and stopped littering stationery since then.
  The tearful eraser, ruler and pencil all smiled happily.


  The little swallow sings a happy song, roams freely in the sky and feels everything brought by spring. The little flowers stretch out beautiful flowers, the grass grows healthily and the children play freely. Spring came quietly, bringing infinite surprises to the children.
  The little flowers in the campus compete with each other. You see, how exuberant the plum blossom is. From time to time, it reminds me of the "early" in our text. Yes, there are 24 kinds of flower and trade winds. One Hou is the plum blossom, which blooms the earliest. We also need to learn the spirit of plum blossom, Lu Xun and everything early. The grass grows up healthily. Look, how green they are! Inspired by spring, you can experience the value of life happily. The little swallow flew back from the south. He wanted to know how wonderful and strange spring was. The children are playing happily. How naive they are. Look, they are flying kites! Look, that owl kite is flying. Spring adds a piece of green to the earth. Spring revives the earth, and spring adds a brilliant smile to the innocent children!
  I love spring, but I love the story of spring more.

