

时间:2023-05-31 14:45:08 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

  1 The dentist has decided to extract her bad tooth.

  A take out

  B break off

  C push in

  D dig up

  2 The economy continued to exhibit signs of decline in September

  A play

  B show

  C send

  D tell

  3 This table is strong and durab1e.

  A long-lasting

  B extensive

  C far-reaching

  D eternal

  4 He endured great pain before he finally expired.

  A fired

  B resigned

  C died

  D retreated

  5 The girl is gazing at herself in the mirror.

  A smiling

  B laughing

  C shouting

  D staring

  6 It is obvious that he will win the game.

  A likely B possible

  C clear D strange

  7 There is no risk to public health.

  A point B danger

  C chance D hope

  8 Did anyone call me when 1 was out?

  A invite B name

  C answer D phone

  9.It took us along time to mend the house.

  A build B destroy

  C design D repair

  10.I don't quite follow what she is saying

  A believe B understand

  C explain D accept


  1. 答案为A。 extract a tooth是“拔牙”的意思,在四个选项中只有take out可以替代。

  2. 答案为B。 句子的意思是“九月份经济继续呈现衰退的迹象”,和exhibit同义的只有show。是答案。

  3. 答案为A。 durable:耐用的,long.1asting:持久的。画线词与选项A意思相同,可互换,故A为正确答案。

  4. 答案为c。 expire的意思是“断气”,即“死了”,与选项C意思相同,故c为答案。

  5. 答案为D。 gaze的意思是“长时间盯看……”,与选项D意思相同,所以D为答案

  6 C obvious:显而易见的。clear:清楚的。It is not clear whether the incident was accidental or deliberate.还不清楚这一事件是意外的还是故意的。Likely,possible都有“可能的”意思。strange:奇怪的。

  7 B risk:危险。danger也是这个意思。point:中心意思;chance:机会;hope:希望。

  8 D call:打电话。phone也是这个意思。invite:邀清;name:命名;answer:回答,回电。

  9 D mend和repair都有"修理"的意思。Zhangsan repaired the roof to ensure the house is windproof.张三修理了一下房顶,使得房子不进风。build:建设;destroy:破坏:design:设计。

  10 B follow此处有“理解”的意思。understand:懂,理解。This book is difficult to understand此书难懂。believe:相信;explain:解释;accept:接受。

