

时间:2022-09-12 20:46:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】演讲稿要求内容充实,条理清楚,重点突出。在学习、工作生活中,接触并使用演讲稿的人越来越多,为了让您在写演讲稿时更加简单方便,®文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考阅读。













  Dear teachers and students

  hello everyone!

  I'm XX from class 1, grade X. the topic of my speech today is: learn to be grateful and welcome the new year.

  Learn to love your motherland. Whenever I wear a red scarf, I know I am a decent Chinese and I have a patriotism. Although I am still young and can't do anything big, I know how to love my mother. The motherland is the mother who nurtured my growth. She let me learn knowledge and grow up healthily in school. Today, I swear in our new school - Bohai Experimental School: "we must study hard, strengthen our body, serve the motherland and become the pillars of the motherland in the future."

  Let's start small. We should strive to learn all subjects well; At the same time, read more books and newspapers suitable for our primary school students in our spare time. Now, let us also use the motto "knowledge is power" to encourage ourselves to be a new generation who loves science and write more brilliant poems for the future of our motherland!

  Learn to love your parents, your teachers, your friends and all the people around you. Let love come into our life, let love make our life colorful.

  Teachers are the hardest. They are the leaders of our growth. Let's thank every teacher who has worked hard for us with warm applause. I wish teachers a smooth job! Healthy and happy! I wish the students good results and new progress in the New Year!

  Thank you. My speech is over!


  Dear teachers and students

  Good afternoon, everyone!

  I speak on behalf of the students of XX middle school.

  Time flies, years and months sing. In the twinkling of an eye, we are about to bid farewell to the colorful 20XX year and move forward to the 20XX year that we look forward to and look forward to.

  When the new year comes, looking back on 20XX, each of us is full of enthusiasm, pride, lingering memories and attachment.

  In this year, our school has been praised by the majority of social people and parents. These honors condense the wisdom and sweat of teachers and students. Thanks to every student and teacher who loves our school, these honors will become the driving force of our way forward. Looking back on 20XX, we are full of deep feelings! As we enter the year 20XX, we will be more energetic and heroic! New year, new starting point, new challenge. In 20XX, opportunities and challenges coexist; In 20XX, difficulties and honors coexist. In the new year, I hope that all students can become talents through their own efforts, develop in an all-round way, and repay the expectations of their relatives, teachers and the motherland with excellent achievements!

  I wish all teachers and students a happy new year, good health and happy family! Study progress, thrive and achieve excellent results!

  Thank you!


  Dear leaders and colleagues

  hello everyone!

  Spring flowers are smiling and firecrackers add joy. Today is a festive day, new year's day, which indicates that the new year has come. On the occasion of this festival, on behalf of the leading group of the enterprise, I would like to extend new year's greetings and wishes to all employees and new and old friends who have always supported us. I wish you good health, smooth work and all the best in the New Year!

  In the past 2021, our company was in the most difficult entrepreneurial stage. We were faced with many difficulties. The fierce competition in the external market and the shortage of internal equipment all caused us to maintain our strength, but all these did not hinder our progress. All our employees held together, adhered to our own ideals and beliefs, and used our strong perseverance, And the work style of not afraid of hardship and not admitting defeat, with the support of new and old friends, we have achieved a bumper harvest in 2021! We overfulfilled the annual plan and opened the market door for the company. This is our victory. I am proud of all employees and pay the highest tribute to all friends who support and cooperate with us!

  New year, new weather, and a new journey. Our future is bright and gratifying. The war drums are sounded in spring and the horn is sounded in! We write our wishes today, listen to the whistle of our career and rush on the runway tomorrow with our motherland! No matter how much sweat we can shed, we are not afraid to shed a lot of blood. Today we engrave the ideal of life and strive to the end!

  Finally, I wish all staff and guests a happy new year, a happy family and good health! Wish our company performance to a higher level!


  Dear teachers and students

  Good afternoon, everyone!

  The footsteps of 2021 are drifting away, and a new 2022 is coming to us. At this special moment of saying goodbye to the old and welcoming the new, carrying forward the past and forging ahead into the future, our teachers and students gathered together to celebrate the arrival of the new year.

  Looking back on 2021, it is an exciting year, a year of brilliant achievements, and a key year for our university to optimize management, enrich connotation, improve quality and realize sustainable development. In this year, the quality of education in our school has been steadily improved, remarkable achievements in teaching and scientific research have been made, and remarkable achievements have been made in the college entrance examination again; In this year, the construction of moral education in our school has been pragmatic and effective, and the experience education of moral education and the establishment of a civilized and safe campus have been steadily promoted. In this year, the reconstruction of our campus has broken the ground, and soon a new teaching building will be erected, and the school running conditions of our school will be improved day by day. In the coming year, the school has gradually achieved leapfrog development, and its work has been widely recognized and appreciated by the superior and the public.

  All this is the result of the joint efforts and courageous efforts of all our XX teachers and students. On behalf of the school, I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks to the teachers who have worked hard in education and teaching and cultivated countless pillars for the society! I also extend my warm congratulations to all the students who have studied hard, worked hard, developed morally, intellectually and physically, and achieved excellent results!

  Teachers and students, the new year has given birth to new hope, a new journey and new brilliance. Let's work together to build XX into a brand school.

  Holding the annual campus culture and Art Festival and new year's day art show is a major event of our school. It not only shows the fruitful results of the school's adherence to the implementation of quality education, but also provides a broad stage for students to show their individual strengths. I believe that the upcoming literary and artistic performance will be new, wonderful and passionate. Here, let's wish the performance a complete success with warm applause!

  Finally, I hope that in the new year, all teachers and students will be inspired, keep forging ahead, work hard, study hard, and strive for a more brilliant tomorrow for XX!

  I wish teachers all the best! I wish you a happy new year and progress in your study!

  thank you!

