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【#英语资源# 导语】我们每天都在学习,但在学习面前态度决定一切,没有什么不重要的知识,只有不重视知识的人,不同的态度,决定不同的人生,有什么态度,就会产生什么样的行为,从而决定不同的结果。以下是©文档大全网整理的树立正确态度英语作文,希望对您有所帮助。


  In the face of different things, everyone's attitude will be different, attitude is often an important process to determine life.

  In the journey to success, failure is inevitable. Many people's success depends on their attitude. In the battle of Chibi, Cao mengde's 800000 troops were completely annihilated. Later, Cao Cao won the overall situation. In this process, his attitude had a great impact on his ambition at that time. At that time, Cao mengde mainly made up for his mistakes with a steady military mind. The growing military strength laid the foundation for the reunification of the Three Kingdoms. We will face more setbacks in the future only after experiencing heavy failure. Attitude is an indispensable condition to support us to succeed. Even if it is very small, we can make ourselves succeed or fail inadvertently.

  I once read an article about successful people. The key to success is to be indifferent to them, not to shrink back and not to give up in the face of setbacks and failures. With the heroic emotion of "long wind and waves will sometimes, straight hanging clouds sail to the sea", and the low-key style of "picking chrysanthemums under the East fence, leisurely seeing Nanshan", he once had the sadness of "yellow flowers piled up all over the ground, haggard, who can pick them now". The ancients left us unforgettable poems to assist us on the road to success. The secret to success is to have a good attitude.

  Attitude is a good medicine for one kind of people, but it is not enough for another. And that other kind of people will often linger on the edge of failure, looking at things around them differently and thinking differently. During the period of the Three Kingdoms, Zhuge Liang knew astronomy and geography, and his heart was to revive the Han Dynasty and assist his lord Liu Bei. He has a stable attitude and composure. FA Zheng, who is the same master as Zhuge Liang, has the heart of villain. His mind is not right and he looks at things superficially. It is Zhuge Liang's ingenious calculation that deserves his name.

  As the saying goes, "where there is a will, there is a way". Those who have great ambition will win, and those who have a mean heart will lose.

  We should not only attach importance to attitude, but also put it in the right place. Those who attach importance to attitude can achieve great things, and putting attitude in the right place is the foundation of life, and both are indispensable. In the road to success, we should learn to "bend down and listen to please". Whenever we want to take the overall situation as the most important thing, Cao Cao will be steadfast in the morale of the army, and Kong Ming will revive the Han Dynasty, taking its advantages to make up for its shortcomings. In short, having a good attitude is a big step towards success.


  For some shallow people, they may think that the amount of wealth determines the quality of life. The quantity of wealth, the size of the house and the brand of clothing all determine the quality of life. In fact, I don't think so in my heart. I think if you choose to appreciate, you will have a noble life. The quality of life depends on our attitude towards life. It depends on whether you appreciate or criticize life. If you choose to appreciate. You have a noble quality of life.

  Ancient Wang Wei, this name everyone is not strange! He once lived in seclusion in the mountain forest. He regarded the mountain forest as the paradise of the world and appreciated the beauty and tranquility of nature. Meet the fisherman, as a confidant.

  Wang Wei lives in the mountain forest, but he doesn't feel that he is in great pain. In the mountain forest, there is nothing but farming by himself. And he was at ease. What makes him think of life in this way? It turned out that he looked at this kind of life from the perspective of appreciation. In ancient times, many poets also lived in seclusion - Tao Yuanming, isn't he the same as Wang Wei?

  A mother took her two sons to the park to play. She saw an injured sparrow and asked her two sons, "do you think this sparrow is cute?" The first son replied, "lovely." But the second child replied, "it's not lovely. It's full of flowers. It's ugly." Mom laughed.

  Why does Mom laugh? Because the first son looked at the sparrow from the perspective of appreciation, he saw the lovely side of the sparrow, while the second son looked at the ugly side from the perspective of criticism. She was disappointed with the second son's view, so the second son's words were disappointed and laughed.

  I have a sister. She is the most beautiful one among my sisters. One day, she came to my house in all her clothes. She asked me and my brothers and sisters, "what's wrong with my clothes?" After we point out, there are few suitable ones.

  We all take a critical view of this dress, so what we find is inappropriate. If we look at them from the perspective of appreciation, they are all appropriate and have no shortcomings.

  Therefore, we should not look at things from a critical point of view. In this way, you will be useless and you will see the ugliness of the world. Be sure to look at things from the perspective of appreciation. You will be "perfect". Please believe that the quality of life depends on your attitude towards life.

  Remember, attitude determines your future. It can also reflect your outlook on life and values. Let's face the things of tomorrow with the attitude of appreciation and make our life carefree!


  "I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't“ The brilliant argument of Mencius tells us that the true "can" and "false" cannot "all depend on one's attitude.

  Attitude often directly determines the consequences of one thing. In a math class in University, the professor copied a math question on the blackboard in the next class. It is a difficult problem that he can't solve for many years. He told the students not to force if they couldn't do it. It happened that a student was late and didn't hear him. Just thought the problem on the blackboard was homework, they copied it down. Unexpectedly, the student with not very good grades was the student who made the problem the next day. It is attitude that creates the difference between the student and other students. This is worth pondering.

  The correct attitude is the same as being strong, confident and intelligent, which is a quality stored in one's heart“ When you break the branch for the elderly, you can not see the attitude of respecting the old between "and" and "and" old "and" I am old "and" old people "; Young I am young, and people are young“ It can be seen that the attitude of Mencius to be a person and to live in the world, Qi Xuan Wang is open minded to seek advice on the strategy of governing the country from the old man and son, and can see his attitude to govern the country.

  Since the correct attitude is a quality, it cannot rely on the impulse of the moment, and cannot be eager to achieve. It should permeate every drop of our lives and become part of our daily life.

  A correct attitude is a necessary quality for a person to succeed. Successful people have experienced a "bottleneck period" more. The so-called "bottleneck period" is a process that seems to be inaction, but actually a very critical process of preparing for the opportunity“ The most important part of bottleneck is that it is the head when it is not known. In fact, many people have experienced this period, but only those who succeed in this period always maintain a diligent attitude, brewing their own strength, and brewing the future. On the contrary, some people have been accustomed to a comfortable life in this period, and the spirit of pursuing and enterprising has been gradually removed. The skills and learning they have mastered in the past have gradually degenerated and the opportunities that have been seeking have fallen from the sky, and he has been unable to meet him and grasp him.

  We are not. We carelessly build our lives, not positive actions, but negative coping, everything will not be excellence, in the critical moment can not do our best. When we were surprised by our situation, we were already trapped in the "house" we built.

  Think of yourself as the carpenter. Think about your house. Every day you knock in a nail, add a board, or erect a wall, and build it with your wisdom! Your life is the only creation in your life, and can not be rebuilt. Even if only one day can live, it should live a beautiful, noble life, and the nameplate on the wall reads: "life is created by yourself."

