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【#英语资源# 导语】以下英语语法:定语从句关系词省略研究由®文档大全网整理发布,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注®文档大全网!




  当关系代词who, whom, which和that在定语从句中用作动词宾语或介词位于句末时的介词宾语时,可以省略。如:

  Is there anything (which) you wanted? 想要什么东西吗?

  Is there anything (which) you wanted? 想要什么东西吗?

  Have you anything (which) you’d like to sell? 你有什么东西想卖吗?

  This was the worst film (that) he had ever seen. 这是他所看过的*中最差的一部。

  That is the house (that) we built. 这就是我们盖的房子。

  He is the kindest man (that) I have ever met. 他是我遇到过的最仁厚的人。

  It was the most worrying day (that) he had ever spent. 这是他度过的最烦恼的日子。

  I wore the necklace (which) my grandmother (had) left me. 我戴着祖母留给我的项链。

  It’s the only building (which) I’ve ever seen which is made entirely of glass. 这是我所见过的的一座全部用玻璃造的建筑物。

  Who is the man (that / who / whom) you were talking to? 刚才和你讲话的人是谁?

  You remember the boy (who) I was going out with? 你记得那个跟我约会的小伙子吗?

  She’s the only woman (who) I’ve really been in love with. 我真正爱过的只有这个女人。



  China is not the country (that) it was. 中国已不是过去的中国了。(that作表语)

  My son is not the boy (that) he used to be. 我的儿子已不是过去的样子了。(that作表语)

  Can you remember the factory (that) it used to be? 你还记得工厂原来的样子吗? (that作表语)

  When he came back, he found that his hometown was not the one (that) it had been. 他回来的时候,发现家乡已不是原来的样子了。(that作表语)



  I’m not the madman (that) you thought me. 我并不是你所认为的那个疯子。(that作宾语补语)



  (1) 当定语从句为there be 结构时,作主语的that可以省略。如:

  I’ve told you all (that) there is to tell. 该告诉的我都告诉你了。

  It was the only cotton mill (that) there was then. 那时它是的一家棉纺织厂。

  (2) 当主句为there be结构时,在定语从句中作主语的that, which, who有时可省略。如:

  There’s a gentleman (who) wants to see you. 有一位先生要见您。

  (3) 当主句为it is, here is结构时,在定语从句中作主语的that有时可省略。如:

  Here’s a little book (that) will tell you how to raise roses. 这是一本关于玫瑰花栽培的小册子。


  用作时间状语的关系副词when通常不能省略,但有一种特殊情况,即用于day, year, time等少数几个词后时可以省略(也可换成that)。如:

  That was the year (that) I first went abroad. 就是那一年我第一次出国了。

  I’ll never forget the day (that) we met. 我永远也忘不了我们见面的那一天。

  That was the year (when) I first went abroad. 那是我第一次出国的一年。

  Now is the time (when) I need him most. 现在是我最需要他的时候。

  Do you remember the days (when) there were no jet planes? 你还记得那个没有喷气机的年代吗?


  用作地点状语的关系副词where通常不能省略,但有一种特殊情况,即用于place, somewhere, anywhere, everywhere, nowhere少数几个词后时可以省略(也可换成that)。如:

  This is the place (where) they met yesterday. 这就是他们昨天碰头的地方。

  Have you somewhere (where) I can lie down for an hour? 你有没有一个什么地方可以让我躺一个小时?

  Have you got somewhere (where) I can lie down for a while? 你有什么地方我可以稍躺一会儿。

  We need a place (where) we can stay for a few days. 我们需要一个能住几天的地方。

  Do you know anywhere (where) I can buy a second-hand typewriter? 你知道哪里能买到旧打字机吗?

  I know somewhere (where) you can eat Japanese food. 我认识个地方可以吃日本菜。


  关系副词why通常只用于the reason后引导定语从句,且通常可换成that或for which,均可省略。如:

  That’s the reason (why, for which, that) he came. 这就是他来的原因。

  Can you tell me the reason (why) he’s so late? 你可否告诉我他为何来得这么晚?

  That wasn’t the reason (that) he lied to you. 那不是他对你撒谎的原因。

  That’s one of the reasons (why) I asked you to come. 这是我要你来的原因之一。

