

时间:2022-05-04 11:00:02 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

1.When he was there,he______go to that coffee shop at the corner after work every day.
A.would B.should C.had better D.might
答案:A 从题意可知,“他过去下班后每天都去……”表示过去常常发生的动作,故用would。
2.Many teachers don’t want their students to______ doing too much homework.
A.keep busy B.be kept busy
C.keep busying D.be kept busying
答案:B keep的宾语是the students,它们之间存在被动关系,busy为形容词作补足语。事实上,该句是keep sb. busy doing sth.的被动结构。
3.Jack isn’t feeling______ well this morning because he had______ breakfast.
A.too much;too much B.much too;much too
C.much too;too much D.too much;much too
答案:C much too为副词词组,用来修饰形容词或副词,意思是“太……”;too much为形容词词组,用来修饰不可数名词,意思是“太多的”。根据句子意思应选C。
4.______ a reply,he decided to write again.
A.Not receiving B.Receiving not
C.Not having received D.Having not received
答案:C 本题考查分词的否定结构。 其表述形式为not doing sth.以及not having done sth.。此题中分词的动作发生在句子谓语动作之前,故应用完成时。
5.—Sorry,Joe,I didn’t mean to
—Don’t call me “Joe”.I’m Mr Parker to you,and______you forget it!
A.do B.didn’t C.did D.don’t
答案:D 在保留主语you的祈使句的否定句中,don’t要放在主语之前,并且要重读,句末常用感叹号。
6.The manager discussed the plan that they would like to see______the next year.
A.carry out B.carrying out
C.carried out D.to carry out
答案:C 此题考查两种分词及不定式作宾语补足语的区别。动词see 后的宾补形式有:see sb. do sth.;see sth. done和 see sb. doing sth.,plan 与carry 构成动宾关系,应使用see sth. done.。
7.You’d better,I think,______him a hand when necessary.
A.give B.to give
C.gave D.giving
答案:A 句中的I think 是插入语,分析句意时应忽略,整句结构为“You’d better do sth.”。
8.She looks forward every spring to______to the flower lined garden.
A.visit B.paying a visit
C.walk in D.walking in
答案:D 如果把every spring放到句末就很容易看出look forward to这一考查意图。paying a visit后需要跟介词to。
9.We are living in an age______many things are done on computer.
A.which B.that C.whose D.when
答案:D 本题考查定语从句,age为先行词,在定语从句中,in the age作时间状语。所以,选择关系副词when。
10.I would love______to the party last night but I had to work extra hours to finish a report.
A.to go B.to have gone
C.going D.having gone
答案:B 从后半句“but I had to work extra hours to finish a report”可知,昨晚想去参加晚会但由于要加班没有去成。would love to have done sth.表示“本想去做而未做成”,would love to do 表示目前的意愿及想法。
11.On hearing the news,the young man rushed out,______ the dictionary______ on the desk and disappeared into the distance.
A.left;lain open B.left;lay open
C.leaving;lie opened D.leaving;lying open
答案:D 现在分词短语leaving...在句中作伴随状语,表示与谓语动词rushed out同时进行的动作。leave+宾语+宾补结构中,因lie和book是主动关系,故用lying,后面的形容词open表示状态。
12.You are not allowed______the bike,for it needs______.
A.using;repair B.to use;to repair
C.to use;repairing D.using;to be repairing
答案:C need+doing(主动形式表达被动意思)=need to be done。allow sb. to do sth.固定结构,“允许某人干某事”。
13.______we can’t get seems better than______ we have.
A.What;what B.What;that
C.That;that D.That;what
答案:A 本题题意“我们得不到的东西似乎比已经拥有的东西好”,what引导主语从句,并在从句中充当宾语。
14.One can______ BBC______the air early with his short-wave radio.
A.pick up;on B.pick out;over
C.pick up;through D.pick at;by
答案:A pick up “捡起;接收;搭乘;接某人上车”,pick out “挑出; 捡出”,pick at “一点一点地吃”,on the air=over the radio=on the radio=by radio “通过收音机收听”。
15.Let us______out for______,______?
A.to go;a drive;shall you
B.go;drive;shall you
C.go;a drive;will you
D.to go;drive;will you
答案:C let sb.do sth.为一固定结构,并且let us的反义疑问句为will you?go out for a drive是固定短语 “驱车或乘车旅行”。
A leader of a 16 African country who was to 17 his visit to the USA 18 to learn some simple 19 words,so that he might 20 Bill Clinton,the president, 21 English.So he asked his secretary for 22 .The secretary 23 him,“When you meet Mr president,just greet him with ‘ 24 are you?’ To which he may 25 ‘ I am fine,and you 26 only to say ‘ Me,too’,and 27 everything to the interpreter(讲解员,翻译员).’ When his plane 28 the airport,the leader said to the smiling Clinton“Who are you?”Which beyond the 29 an- ticipation(预期).The president answered in surprise,“I’m Bill Clinton.” Somehow he quickly 30 himself down,still with smile 31 his face,he answered back 32 any hesitation(犹豫),“Me,too.” And 33 at the president’s 34 ,Hillary,smiling sweetly 35 .
16.A.certain B.certainly
C.sure D.surely
答案:A 某个非洲国家的领导人。
17.A.made B.put
C.pay D.send
答案:C pay a visit to固定搭配,“参观”。
18.A.thought B.decided
C.made D.considered
答案:B 决定而不是认为。
19.A.French B.Russian
C.Germen D.English
答案:D Clinton是美国人,讲英语
20.A.ask B.look at
C.greet D.search
答案:C 见面的时候对Clinton的问候。
21.A.in B.on
C.with D.by
答案:A 用什么语言,用in。
22.A.question B.advice
C.answer D.reply
答案:B ask sb. for advice向某人征求意见。
23.A.spoke B.talked
C.said D.told
答案:D tell sb.告诉某人,say to sb.对某人说,talk/speak with sb. or to sb.跟某人交谈/说话。
24.A.Who B.What
C.How D.Where
答案:C how are you英语常用问候语。
25.A.answer B.know
C.understand D.realize
答案:A 对方问候时,可用I am fine来回答。
26.A.have B.need
C.ought D.used
答案:B 根据题目的意思,此句是“只需说”的意思。
27.A.give B.send
C.take D.leave
答案:D leave sth. to sb.把什么留给某人。固定用法。
28.A.landed B.took off
C.arrived at D.reached
答案:A 在机场迎接总统,得在飞机着陆以后。
29.A.leader’s B.president’s
C.secretary’s D.his wife
答案:B 这位领导人的话让总统感到吃惊。
30.A.turned B.put
C.calmed D.send
答案:C calm oneself down使自己冷静下来。
31.A.in B.over
C.on D.onto
答案:C 在脸上用on the face。
32.A.without B.with
C.for D.at
答案:A 这位领导人自认为有把握,因此就“毫不犹豫的回答”。
33.A.shouted B.looked
C.pointed D.laughed
答案:B 因为这位领导人不懂Clinton的原话,因此只能是无意识的看了一眼,而不是“故意叫或笑”。
34.A.leader B.secretary
C.friend D.wife
答案:D 后面是同位语,Hillary是总统的妻子。
35.A.too B.as well
C.also D.either
答案:B 也在句末。可用as well和too,但是too前习惯有逗号,also位于句中,either用于否定句。Ⅲ.阅读理解
In urban(都市) China,where English is almost the official second language,many Chinese people have learned to speak as professionally as native speakers.However they may have an accent and make a few minor(小的) grammatical mistakes.Years ago many people used a certain Chinese-English dictionary or a series of textbooks and accepted their teachings.Consequently(结果),language learners developed a peculiar vocabulary.Some people call these word choices“Chinglish”.The words are not incorrect—native speakers still understand them—but they stand in the way of using standard English.Here are some common examples,both from written and spoken English:
Clever (adj.):Native speakers usually say “smart” instead. “Smart” is a broader and more common word.“Clever”suggests an ability to think your way out of a specific(特殊的) problem or take advantage of a specific situation.Being smart serves you for life.
“Examination(n.):Use “exam” ,the short form of it,or the more common word, “test”.(The verb for all three words is“take”.) Another word you may hear is “quiz” .It means a short and relatively unimportant test that the teacher often gives as a surprise.
Film:This is largely a technical word.The common term is“movie”.(Native speakers often say “short film for the movie”.)
House (n.):a stand-alone building with its own street entrance that is home to one family.A home in a building full of families is an “apartment” or a “flat”.When in doubt,just say“home”.
Puzzled (adj.):We use this word to describe mild reactions(反应) to difficult math problems,and not even very often for this purpose(we say “I’m stumped” or “I have no idea” instead).But when we’re addressing a life issue such as whether to pursue(从事) a graduate education or go straight to work,we say “confused”.This is a stronger word as well as a more common one.
36.The writer wrote this passage to______.
A.prove there are so many Chinese people learning English in a wrong way
B.teach us to choose correct and exact English words to express ourselves
C.tell people that if we want to speak English as well as native speakers we must memorize as many English words as possible
D.explain what Chinglish is
答案:B 通过通读全篇及对所举词汇的辨析,可以猜出作者的意图是指导人们使用准确的英文单词来表达自己的思想。
37.What’s the Chinese for the underlined part “stand in the way of”?
A.阻碍 B.有帮助
C.避免 D.有损害
答案:A 信息句“The words are not incorrect—native speakers still understand them—but they stand in the way of using standard English.”中,前句意思为“这些词并非错误”,表肯定意义。后句 “但是却……了我们使用地道英语”,由转折连词but我们可以推测答案为A。
38.According to the passage,which of the following is more common?
A.Would you like to go to the film tonight?
B.He will take an examination next week.
C.Tom is cleverer than his brother.
D.He felt confused whether he would go abroad for further study.
答案:D 由文中所列词汇辨析“when we’re addressing a life issue such as whether to pursue(从事) a graduate education or go straight to work, we say ‘confused’.This is a stronger word as well as a more common one.”可知答案。
39.This passage suggests that______.
A.native speakers say “I’m puzzled with this math problem.” more often used than they say “I’m stumped with the math problem.”
B.the word “home” is much often used than the word “house” in spoken and written English
C.the word “examination” is more common than its short form“exam”
D.we can say “do a quiz”
答案:B 文章倒数第二段的最后一句“When in doubt, just say ‘home’”.说明B正确,其他选项均可利用文中例子给予排除。
40.We can infer from the passage that______.
A.native speakers can understand “Chinglish”
B.saying “take a test” is more common
C.to English learners,developing more English vocabulary doesn’t mean speaking good English
D.it’s easy to learn English words well
答案:C 通读全文可以领悟作者的态度是学英语不但要掌握大量的词汇,而且要了解其具体用法。 ←根据对文章的整体理解及个别细节的描述来推测作者的态度。
Are you interested in the following course?Please read them and make a decision soon.
A.Understanding computers
This twelve-hour course is for people who do not know very much about computers but who need to learn about them.You will learn what computers are,what they can and can’t do,and how to use them.
Course fee:$75 Jan.7,14,21,28 Sat.9:00~11:50 a.m.
Equipment fee:$ 10.
Joseph Saunders is a professor of computer science at New Urban University.He has over twelve years of experience in the computer field.
B.Stopping smoking
Do you want to stop smoking?Have you already tried to stop smoking using the latest methods?You can stop smoking and this special course will help you do it.
Course fee:$30 Jan.4,11,18,25 Mon.4:00~7:00 p.m.
Doctor John Coode is a practicing psychologist who has helped hundreds of people stop smoking.
This course is for these want to learn to type,as well as those who want to make their typing better.The course is individualized.You are tested in the first class and begin practicing at one of the eight different skill levels.This allows you to learn at your own speed.Each program lasts 20 hours.Bring your own paper.
Course fee:$125 Material fee:$25
Two hours each evening for two weeks.This course is taught by a number of best business education teachers who have successfully taught typing course before.
41.The typing course is for______.
A.beginners B.skilled typist
C.unskilled persons D.A and C
答案:D 信息句“This course is for these want to learn to type, as well as those who want to make their typing better.”告诉我们答案是D。
42.If one wants to learn basic computer program,he must pay______.
A.$75+$10 B.$50+$10
C.$30+$25 D.$35+$25
答案:A 计算题要根据内容所在的段落提供的诸项信息,进行必要计算得出答案。Course fee:$75+Equipment fee:$10。
43.According to the ads,if you want to give up smoking,you will need at least______.
A.twelve hours’ study
B.some special medicine
C.pay forty dollars
D.buy a psychology book
答案:A 由信息句Jan. 4, 11, 18, 25 Mon. 4:00~7:00 p.m.可知,戒烟课程每周一次每天3个小时,共4天, 3×4=12(小时)。
44.Everyone taking a typing course can______.
A.work at his own speed
B.type fast
C.learn much more than others
D.begin practicing at his own level
答案:D 信息句“You are tested in the first class and begin practicing at one of the eight different skill levels. This allows you to learn at your own speed.”已告知答案。
Berlin—Germany will allow entry(进入) 20 000 foreign high-tech workers,under a plan announced on May 31st.Chancellor(总理) Gerhard Schroreder sees this as a way to keep the country from falling behind in information technology.
The plan for this so-called “green cards”,not like the US work permit system,came in answer to industry demands that there were not enough qualified workers to fill positions.
Workers who came to Germany under the new rules,effective from August will be given a five-year work permit after proving they have completed studies in a related field or can promise to at least 100 000 marks (US$48 000).
Family members are also allowed,though they too will receive work permits. “They are strong competition in the rest of the world for these people,” Schroreder said mentioning not only the United States but also British and France.Germany would be making a mistake if it didn’t take part in this competition.
He said employers have already offered 11 000 jobs through a “green card hotline” and some 4 700 applications emailed information requests.
The Chancellor also said the number of workers and the time limits of their stay may be extended,possibly under current German law.Allowing the workers to stay longer means they could finally become citizens.Since the beginning of this year,foreigners who have lived in the country for eight years can ask for being naturalized.
45.From the first paragraph we can get to know that Germany______.
A.is a less-developed country
B.used to be a developed country
C.is short of high-tech workers
D.once lost interest in information technology
答案:C 第一段中“Germany will allow entry (进入) 20 000 foreign high-tech workers”暗示德国高级技工很缺乏。
46.If a high-tech worker wants to work in Germany,he or she can enter Germany______.
A.in June B.after July
C.before August D.at any time
答案:B 由第三段“Workers who came to Germany under the new rules, effective from August”可知B对。
47.It is mentioned in the passage that competition in high tech______.
A.is only in America,Britain and France
B.has nothing to do with small countries
C.is weak in Asian countries
D.will affect the future of a country
答案:D 第一段中,“Chancellor(总理) Gerhard Schroreder sees this as a way to keep the country from falling behind in information technology.”可暗示出正确答案。
48.To be naturalized as a German,according to this passage,seems______.
A.difficult B.easy
C.impossible D.popular
答案:A 信息句“Allowing the workers to stay longer means they could finally become citizens. Since the beginning of this year, foreigners who have lived in the country for eight years can ask for being naturalized.”告诉我们要想成为一个真正的德国公民,需要有漫长的等待,并非易事。D
Nanjing Motor Wreck
Eighteen people died and 16 were injured yesterday when a farm vehicle left a mountain road and plunged(冲入) 100 meters into a valley.The accident happened in Fenshan country,in South China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.Police said 17 people,including the driver,died instantly and another died on the way to hospital.Fifteen of the injured passengers are in serious condition.
Beijing New Library
A new library named after Hong Kong industrialist Xu Rongmao opened yesterday at the Beijing Chemical University.Xu donated(捐款)5 million yuan (US$604 594) for the building of the Rongmao Library,which covers 8 000 square meters and has over 900 seats.
Xu’s Overseas Investment Group has also donated US$1.21 million to set up an education fund for the university.
Beijing Empty Tomb
A live broadcast of the opening of the ancient Laoshan Tomb of the Han Dynasty (206BC~220AD) was cancelled(取消) when the tomb was confirmed(证实) to be empty.Experts believe that most of the relics(文物) in the tomb had been taken by grave robbers.A previous live show of digging part of the tomb attracted a large audience,but few cultural relics were found.That the television stations have not been ready for the live show scheduled around September 20 also accounted for the cancellation,officials said.
49.These items of news belong to______ section in a newspaper.
A.in brief B.what’s on
C.weather report D.advertisement
答案:A 阅读全篇可知,这是一些新闻摘要。
50.How many passengers died instantly when the motor accident happened?
A.18. B.17. C.16. D.34.
答案:C 由题干中的How many passengers和文章中的信息句17 “people, including the driver, died instantly”可知。
51.What’s the meaning of the underlined word “previous”?
A.Expensive in value. B.Large in size.
C.Proper in order. D.Early in time.
答案:D 阅读整个简讯内容,结合“A previous live show of digging part of the tomb attracted a large audience”可知词的意思为“先前的,远古的”。
52.How much has Xu’s Overseas Investment Group donated to set up an education fund for the university?
A.About 10 million yuan.
B.About 11 million yuan.
C.About 12 million yuan.
D.About 5 million yuan.
答案:A 信息句“Xu’s Overseas Investment Group has also donated US$1.21 million to set up an education fund for the university.”告诉我们答案为A。
The World Trade Organization(WTO),founded on January 1st,1995,aims to encourage international trade to flow as freely as possible,making sure that any disputes(争端) can be settled.
In the five years since its founding,the WTO has become well-known as one of the world’s most powerful economic organizations,taking its place alongside the World Bank and International Monetary Fund.
The system of global rules for international trade,however,dates back half a century to 1948 when the General Agreement on Tariffs(关税) and Trade (GATT) was formed after World War Two.As time went by,it became clear that the GATT had two major drawback—the limited areas of trade it covered,and the lack of an effective system to settle disputes.
After seven years of trade talks ending in 1994,the so-called Uruguay Round finally gave birth to the WTO,complete with an effective system to settle disputes and new rules covering trade in services and intellectual property(知识产权).
Even after seven years of talks and 22 500 pages of arrangements there were still problems,especially the difficult-to-deal-with areas of agriculture and services,which the member nations agreed to revise in 2000.
The WTO,with its head office in Geneva,has 135 members with 30 more waiting to join.
53.From the passage we know that the GATT stopped working______.
A.soon after World War Ⅱ ended
B.a little more than 50 years after World War Ⅱ
C.just in the year 1994
D.seven years before the Uruguay Round talk
答案:C 信息句为“After seven years of trade talks ending in 1994”。
54.Compared with the GATT,the WTO______.
A.didn’t pay enough attention to services and intellectual property
B.got its members to sign the agreement more easily
C.has got too many areas of international trade to deal with to work effectively
D.can do better to settle disputes in more areas of international trade
答案:D 由下列表述“it became clear that the GATT had two major drawback—the limited areas of trade it covered, and the lack of an effective system to settle disputes.After seven years of trade talks ending in 1994, the so-called Uruguay Round finally gave birth to the WTO, complete with an effective system to settle disputes and new rules covering trade in services and intellectual property(知识产权)”可知答案。
55.In the new century the WTO will______.

