The rapid development of China’s economy and growth in the number of people learning Chinese have made Chinese one of language learners’ favorites around the world. In recent years, the Chinese universities have ranked remarkably higher compared with its international counterparts. Owing to the huge progress in China’s education, it is no wonder that China has become one of the most favored places for overseas students. In 2015, nearly 400,000 international students swarmed into the Chinese market. The subjects they learn are no longer limited to Chinese language and culture, but include science and engineering as well. Although the US and the UK still dominate the global education market, China is striving to catch up.
China’s economy is booming, and there are an increasing number of people learning Chinese. So, Chinese has become one of the favorite languages for learners around the world. In recent years, the Chinese universities’ ranking has been a lot higher in the world. Owing to the huge progress in China’s education, it is understandable that China has become one of the most favored places for overseas students. In 2015, nearly 400,000 international students came to China. They learn not only Chinese language and culture, but also science and engineering. Although the US and the UK still dominate the global education market, China is catching up.
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