

时间:2022-02-05 21:04:04 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#PETS# 导语】不积跬步,无以至千里;不积小流,无以成江海。对于考试而言,每天进步一点点,基础扎实一点点,通过考试就会更容易一点点。©文档大全网为您提供了“2020年公共英语二级(pets2)词汇与语法习题”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注©文档大全网!

  1. We have worked out a plan. But I’m uncertain whether it will do in ______.

  A. fact B. practice C. deed D. time

  2. I have never heard such a more _____ story, which really _____ me.

  A. interested; excites B. interesting; excites C. interesting; is excited D. interested; is exciting

  3. Do remember to give my regards to your family?---Yes, I ______.

  A. do B. remember C. will D. give

  4. It is said that she ______ in a computer company since graduation.

  A. has employed B. has been employed C. had employed d. is employed

  5. After introducing the speaker, the chairman went on ____details of the meeting.

  A. giving B. to give C. with D. to

  6. Both teams were in hard training; _____was willing to lose the game.

  A. either B. neither C. another D. the other

  7. I think you’d better _____ your spare time better.

  A. employ B. hire C. take D. share

  8. I went on _____though I had already got wet in the rain.

  A. run B. ran C. to run D. running

  9. – I enjoyed playing football very much last term.---________.

  A. So do I B. So did I C. So I did D. I did so

  10. – Good morning, Peace Hotel.

  ---Hello, I’d like to book a room for the nights of 16th and 17th .

  --- ______________.

  A. What can I do for you B. Just a minute, please

  C. What’s the matter D. At your service

  【答案】1-10 BBCBB BADBB

