
时间:2022-04-30 07:08:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

Be a new academic year, school receives the Ministry of Education middle and primary school outgoing document notice to the whole nation , requires that school organizes the student and parents all parts of the country watching the "life program the video frequency Lesson 1 the beginning of the term" "knowledge" that the CCTV economy channel (2 set of CCTV) broadcasts on September 1 is defended. A large-scale public good activity that the large-scale "life public good activity CCTV economy channel "Lesson 1 knowledge" the beginning of the term" is defended holds, takes that life is aware of education as subject , the emergency the small and medium student every school term every year proposing the whole nation is carried out avoids meeting dangerous education , news video frequency. The disaster enters "Lesson 1 the beginning of the term" "teaching material from Wen Chuan" arriving at , education is especially fine as if we seeing China we will give Chinese education cheer a big hand spontaneously tomorrow. This is really with the education moving forward now and then all , this is really the children grows up becoming a useful person spring rain, this is really thing that students grasp need most, this is really educating one of the mainest purpose needing to reach. Teaching material is one vivid class "Lesson 1 the beginning of the term" , is also one wonderful class , is also that Chinese teen-agers grows up being badly in need of one class making up. As for China, be destined to be no ordinary in 2008 1 year: Both baptism having Wen Chuan disaster and, sports and culture having Beijing Olympic Games grand banquet. But come to talk in 2008 growing up to Chinese teen-agers, this all happened by li for 1 year is vivid teaching material of a volume simply: Have the life respecting , charm with knowledge , have beautiful sentiment , strength having team , have the nation being proud, ... These all are that they grow up must experience in process education, is also necessary trend society quality. Knowledge is come from in society , still is wanting return ultimately in society. Adopt such making use of "Lesson 1 " of integration of Olympic Games spirit with the spirit fighting natural calamities to say significance is far-reaching , effect is deep to teen-agers coming the student. This also will certainly become one class forgotting be difficult to most in the children life , multi-media video frequency teaching material is more cogent , vivider. "Lesson 1 the beginning of the term" how teaching material has let the children learn holding life in awe and veneration and has cherishes life. The especially big earthquake of Wen Chuan disaster can let the children experience the life treasure deeply , can experience life and life at the same time also, close flesh and blood feeling between person and person. While learning to avoid meeting dangerous knowledge, the life being able to improve everybody more realizes , understand that persist in being victory, not only can train the consciousness and ability protecting self life, more be able to let them how to go to respect others , to respect life. When the first lessons of teaching material video frequency life records an earthquake at the beginning of the term, our lovable schoolmate is how to exist. Any lofty quality all is to begin from respecting being keeping in mind to life, a lifetime will be affecting the children this one lesson , the people who affects this generation. Have let the children experience team spirit great and strength this one lesson. Disregarding making concerted efforts being Wen Chuan disaster all of one heart , be still Beijing Olympic Games,when the team spirit there is no do not carve appear in the scene. Uniting the harmonious team spirit is Olympic Games spirit and vigorous spirit of earthquake relief work essence. The spirit uniting the collectivism believing mutually , supporting mutually will lay a permanent brand at the children's heart "Lesson 1 the beginning of the term", this generation person benefits from this elitist quality all self's life with being able to be used, heavy responsibility bearing up times better. "Lesson 1 the beginning of the term" teaching material lets the children set up nation sense of honour and the national confidence. This is a due nation of the times teen-agers emotion, driving force big and powerful being also that they build better future. Wen Chuan has let the children see strength of the whole people of one mind in the disaster , a firm Chinese nation lets them be to feel proud as one of the Chinese nation; Beijing Olympic Games lets them experience broad and profound and enormous Chinese culture charm , dodge splendidness that they experience enormous the Chinese nation potential and witness Beijing Olympic Games creates in the world, have fostered their national confidence , their to be proud for self is one descendants of the dragon. "Lesson 1 the beginning of the term" be that one wonderful class, is best-quality be related to motherland future , nation hope this one lesson. And "Lesson 1 the beginning of the term" be hosted by Wang Xiao Ya and others, the forest inviting the Chinese Olympic Games star and the champion team to come singing "sing in praise of our motherland " on teacher , earthquake relief work hero teenager Lin Hao and opening ceremony as if it be distinguished guest and the classroom wonderful but will play the young team leader respectively in the program. The program form by the fact that celebrity teaches safe knowledge, has let the children understand the life how, to go to know life , to respect life , defend. Sichuan Province "of cattle President calms county mulberry Chinese date secondary school principal Ye Zhi Ping most on history being called" by net friend, in saying in sending word to "Lesson 1 the beginning of the term": "May 12, that moment of earthquake occurrence, our more than 2,300 name teacher and student of entire school has used 00:01:36 only , all withdraw from to the safe place. This one miracle, is because of us beginning from 2005 , a dispersion every school term student of organization is carried out manoeuver. I am proposed, when every school term begins , am given student previous hall necessity to levy. The value because of life, is higher than everything. Life Lesson 1 the beginning of the term , knowledge are defended". 又是新的学年,学校接到教育部向全国的中小学校发文通知,要求全国各地学校组织学生和家长收看将于9月1日央视经济频道(央视2套)播出的视频《开学第一课》“知识守护生命”节目。《开学第一课》“知识守护生命”大型公益活动中央电视台经济频道举办的一次大型公益活动,以生命意识教育为主题,倡议全国的中小学学生每年每学期都进行应急避险教育,新闻视频. 从“汶川灾难进教材”到《开学第一课》,我们仿佛看到中国教育更加美好的明天,我们不禁为中国的教育喝彩鼓掌。这才是与时俱进的教育,这才是孩子们成长成才的春雨,这才是学生们最需要掌握的东西,这才是教育要达到的最主要的目的之一。《开学第一课》教材是生动的一课,也是精彩的一课,也是中国青少年成长急需补上的一课。



  这一课让孩子们感受到了团队精神的伟大和力量。无论是汶川灾难的万众一心,还是北京奥运的齐心协力,团队精神无时不刻在现场显现。团结和谐的团队精神是奥运精神和抗震救灾精神的精神实质。 《开学第一课》,团结互信、相互扶持的集体主义精神将在孩子们的心中打下永久的烙印,这种高贵的品质将使得这一代人终身受用,更好地担负起时代的重任。 《开学第一课》教材让孩子们树立民族荣誉感和民族自信心。这是一个时代的青少年应有的民族情感,也是他们建设美好未来的强大动力。汶川灾难中让孩子们看到了全民一心的力量,一个坚强的中华民族让他们为身为中华民族的一员感到骄傲;北京奥运让他们感受到中国文化的博大精深和巨大魅力,让他们感受到中华民族的巨大潜力和见证北京奥运在世界创造的辉煌,培养了他们的民族自信心,他们为自己是一名龙的传人而自豪。《开学第一课》是精彩的一课,上好这一课,关乎祖国未来,民族希望。

  《开学第一课》由王小丫等人主持,并请来中国奥运明星及冠军团队当嘉宾和课堂老师,抗震救灾英雄少年林浩和开幕式上演唱《歌唱祖国》的林妙可将在节目中分别扮演小班长。节目通过名人教安全知识的形式,让孩子们懂得了怎样去认识生命、尊重生命、守护生命。 被网友称为“最牛校长”的四川省安县桑枣中学校长叶志平,在《开学第一课》的寄语中说:“5月12号,地震发生的那一刻,我们全校2300多生仅仅用了1分36秒,全部撤离到安全的地方。这一奇迹,缘于我们从2005年开始,每学期组织学生进行一次疏散演习。我倡议,每学期开始的时候,给学生上一堂紧急避险课。因为,生命的价值高于一切。开学第一课,知识守护生命。”

