
时间:2022-09-19 00:58:02 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#小学英语# 导语】英语练习首先解决了面对应试教育的问题,让你多方位学习和掌握英语类型题的解决方法,其次,做英语练习题可以让你增加做题量,积累更多英语知识点,对将来的发展也有很大的作用。以下是®文档大全网整理的《人教版小学六年级英语练习题》相关资料,希望帮助到您。


  boat_________  taxi_______  motorbike _______   bus _______
  地铁          轮船         飞机             火车
  附近          走路          骑单车          上学
  because_______  by car _______  sometimes________ often________
  1.There are four fans _____ the classroom.
  2.I usually go to school ____ foot. Because my home is _______.
  3.Look, the ruler is ______your book.
  4.Usually I go to school _______motorbike. It’s fast. 



  1.________ ________, is there a bookstore near here ? Yes,________ ________.

  2.__________is the post office, please?________ ________ ________the cinema.________ ________far from here?

  ________, it’s very far.

  3.__________can I get to the museum ?________ ________go by the No.1 bus.________ ________ ________the cinema.

  Then________ ________for 3 minutes.The________is________the right.

  4.__________the hospital? It’s west________the bookstore.And then ? ________left________the post office, then ________ ________,________ ________ ________Left.


  1.___________________________? No, there isn’t a hospital near here.

  2.___________________________? The bookstore is next to the cinema.

  3.________________________________________________?I am going to buy a pair of shoes on the weekend.

  4.________________________________________________?Walk east for 5 minutes ,the museum is on the right.

  5.________________________________? You can take the No.3 bus.

  6.________________________________? No, it’s not far.


  1. I love all kinds of stamps. I love c___________ stamps.
  2. I am i         in playing sports.
  3. M         I need a lot of money.
  4. What do you do in your s          time?
  5. His h         are music and dance.



  ( )1. A. go B. son C. brother D. come

  ( )2. A. mother B. that C. these D. think

  ( )3. A. dad B. family C. father D. man

  ( )4. A. behind B. family C. kind D. Chinese

  ( )5. A. think B. picture C. policeman D. twin


  (   )1.______mother is a teacher of English.
  A. Lucy’s and Lily B. Lucy and Lily’s C. Lucy and Lily D. Lucy or Lily
   (   )2.My family ______ all ______ home.
  A. is, in B. are, at C. are, on D. is, at
   (   )3. Please ______ the new student, Mary.
  A. look after B. look like C. looks after D. looks like
   (   )4. Where ______ Mr. Zhang ______?
  A. does, work B. do, work C. is, work D. are, work
  (   )5. Kate works ______ a school. Her father works ______ a farm.
  A. in, in B. in, on C. on, in D. on, on
   (   )6.—What does your brother do? —He _____ a teacher
  A. do B. does C. works D. is
  (   )7. Mr. Black is a doctor. He works _____.
  A. in hospital B. on hospital C. in a hospital D. on a hospital
  (   )8. —What are you? — __________.
  A. I’m very well. B. I’m eleven C. I’m in Mr. Li’s office D. I’m a basketball player
  (   )9. What does your father _____ Sundays?
  A. do in B. do on C. does at D. does on
  (   )10. —______ does your brother work? —In a factory.
  A. How B. Where C. What D. Which


  (1)I am ________(make)a toy car for my little brother.
  (2)—What’s the weather like today?
  —It ________(be)windy.
  (3)My sister ________(be)at home yesterday evening.
  (4)—What ________(do)you do every morning?
  —I ________(do)morning exercises in my school.
  (5)—Who’s ________(call), please?
  —This is Jack ________(speak).
  (6)I’m ________ to visit a flower show tomorrow afternoon.
  (7)These cups ________(be)very nice.
  (8)Look ! The kite is ________(fly)in the sky.
  (9)My mother ________(like)chocolate.
  (10)She can ________(speak)English very well.
  (11)I ________(watch)TV last right.
  (12)—What ________(do)he do?
  —He ________(be)a teacher.
  (13)I ________(be)ill yesterday.
  (14)I ________(wait)for Bob now.
  (15)He ________(do)his homework yesterday evening.

