

时间:2024-08-13 19:04:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#二年级# 导语】英语练习首先解决了面对应试教育的问题,让你多方位学习和掌握英语类型题的解决方法,其次,做英语练习题可以让你增加做题量,积累更多英语知识点,对将来的发展也有很大的作用。以下是®文档大全网整理的资料,希望有帮助到您。



1. What time is it? 让我们一起踢足球吧。

2. It`s twelve twenty . 几点了?

3. Let`s play football. 十二点二十了。

4. It`s playtime . 你在哪里?

5. Where are you? 游戏时间到了。


____onkey _____irl _____ose

____range ____ark _____um

____o ____oy _____each

____other ____ood _____ame


一、 圈出你所听到的单词。

1、thirty thirteen

2、forty fourteen

3、fifty fifteen

4、twelve twenty

5、eleven ten









1. He gets up early and ________ breakfast.

A. have a quick B. has quick a

C. has a quick D. have quick

2. The last train is left, so you _______ stay here until tomorrow.

A. must B. have to C. needn’t D. can not

3. Please _________ who broke the window.

A. find B. look for C. look at D. find out

4. Listen, a small number of students ______ in the classroom.

A. talk B. talks C. is talking D. are talking

5. _______ she is ill, _______ she goes to school.

A. Although; / B. Although; but

C. But; although D. Because; /

6.The No. 6 Middle School is not far ___ his home.

A. to B. from C. with D. at


1. —How does he go to Hong Kong?


A. Take the plane B. Take plane

C. By the plane D. By the air

2. —_____ do you live from school?

—8 miles.

A. How long B. How far

C. How much D. Where

3. I usually go to school ________.

A. ride the bike B. on bike

C. on the bike D. by my bike

4. –How do you usually go to school?

-- _____my mother’s car.

A. By B. With C. In D. For

5. If they live in Chongqing, they can go to Wuhan _____ easily.

A. on foot B. by the taxi

C. by boat D. by sea

