Mark: But how can you play with peoplewho've been golfing for 20 years? Isn't it embarrassing?
R:Golf has a system called "handicapping" and the systemdoes its best to level out the differences in skill. It's quite common for anovice to play alongside a more experienced golfer.
M:That's interesting. I read an article once that says you can tell alot about a person's management style by how they play golf. Do you agree withthat?
R:Actually, yes. Say for example you hit your ball into a sandtrap...the way you react to that demonstrates a great deal about yourcharacter.
Robert告诉Mark, 打高尔夫球有所谓的handicapping system 差点系统,能level out the differences in skill 平衡不同选手的水平,让水平相对较差的新手novice能playalongside a more experienced golfer. 跟经验丰富的老手一起打球。在这里,新手novice还可以用rookie来代替。Robert说,从球风还能看出一个人的管理风格。
M:So the executives on the golf course are all sort of sizing eachother up?
R:Absolutely. So what about you? Do you play any sports?
M:I was on the ping-pong team in high school. Ping-pong suits mytemperament. It requires high concentration and quick decision-making skills.Unfortunately, ping-pong is not a game of choice for most business executives.
R:Yeah...I don't think CEOs like to get too sweaty. Are youinterested in trying your hand at golf?
M:I thing I might be. Do I have to purchase a set of golf clubs tobegin with?
既然从球风能看出一个人的经营管理风格,那球场上的公司主管们自然都会size each other up 相互打量,彼此观察。Robert 问Mark 喜欢什么运动项目,Mark说自己上高中的时候曾经打过乒乓球,因为It suits mytemperament. 乒乓球适合我的性情。temperamentis spelled t-e-m-p-e-r-a-m-e-n-t, temperament 是性格,性情的意思,可惜的是,乒乓球不是商界高层喜爱的运动,not a game of choice.
Robert表示同意,因为公司CEO们可不愿意get toosweaty 出一身臭汗。Robert 问Mark 愿不愿意try his hand at golf 试着学打高尔夫球。to try one's hand at something 是尝试的意思。Mark问Robert要不要事先准备一套球杆。Robert回答说:
R:Not in the beginning. I'll tell you what, let's go out to the cluband hit a few balls next Saturday morning. Who knows? You might get addicted.