【#新概念英语# 导语】新概念系列教材的经典早已不言而喻。其文章的短小精悍,语句的幽默诙谐,语法的全面而系统,历来被公认为是适合大多数中学生课外学习的资料之一。©文档大全网为您整理了以下内容,仅供参考。希望可以帮助到您!如果您想要了解更多相关内容,欢迎关注©文档大全网!
A fireman accidentally discovered the cause of the fire. 一个消防队员偶然发现了起火的原因。
Do you know the cause of the war? 你知道这场战争的起因吗?(cause通常与of连用)
Forest fires are often caused by broken glass or cigarette ends. 森林火灾时常由碎玻璃或香烟头引起。
What caused the accident? 事故是如何造成的?
Give me your reasons for going there. 请告诉我你去那里的理由。
What was the reason for the delay? 延迟的原因是什么?
What was the cause of the delay? (译文同上)
That was the reason why the meeting was put off. 这就是会议推迟的原因。
How can you reason with him when he is so worried? 他现在如此担心,你怎么能劝得了他?
throw作及物动词主要含义为"投"、"掷"、"抛"、"扔"。当它与不同的介词或副词连用时,其意义会稍有变化。throw away表示"扔掉"、"丢弃";throw at表示对准某一目标扔;throw to则表示扔给(某人):
Many people throw away cigarette ends carelessly. 许多人随手乱扔香烟头。
Shall I throw this old newspaper away? 我把这旧报纸扔掉好吗?
Don't throw stones at the dog/ the window. 别对着狗/窗子扔石头。
I threw the ball to John but Tom caught it. 我把球扔给约翰,但汤姆接住了球。
As he walked past the tree, an apple dropped from it. 当他走过那棵树时,一个苹果从树上掉了下来。
The waiter dropped a fork. 那侍者掉了一把叉子。
He dropped the bag on the floor. 他把包放在地板上。
I fell and hurt myself. 我摔倒了并受了伤。
Please hold the vase and don't let it fall. 请拿住这花瓶,别让它倒了。
When leaves fall in autumn, I'll come back. 秋天叶落时,我就会回来。
A What happened: began(1.2);examined(1.4);were not able to find(1.5);did not start(1.6);discovered(1.7); noticed (1.8);was wound(1.8);was able to solve(1.9);dropped (1.10); wound(1.11); it did so(1.11); sent(1.11); started(1.11)
What has happened: have put out(1.1)
What has been happening: have been trying to find(1.2)
C Jack looked at his watch for the twentieth time. Suddenly Jill arrived.
'I've been waiting for over an hour,'he said angrily.'You never come on time.'
'Oh, is that so?'Jill answered.'Were you here at 2.30?'Jack went red.'Well,'he said,'I go here five minutes late myself, but you weren't here.'
'I came here at exactly 2.30,'Jill said,'and I waited for five minutes, but you didn't come.'
'What have you been doing since then?'Jack asked.'I've just been to the hairdresser's,'Jill answered brightly.
a Look: you threw the potato-peeler away by mistake.
The shepherd threw some food to his dogs.
The teacher threw some chalk at a boy who wasn't listening.
b I'm quite certain these are my glasses.
The children are very quiet. What's going on?
c The cause of unemployment is complicated.
Can you explain the reason for changing our arrangements?
He reasoned that we would have to comply, even if we didn't wish to.
d Please don't drop that vase!
It fell from my hands and broke.
1c 2d 3a 4c 5c 6c
7d 8c 9d 10 a 11c 12 c
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