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  【#一年级# 导语】在经济高速发展的21世纪,全世界使用英语的人口达四分之一,不仅如此,英语还是70个国家的官方语言,100多个国家的首选外语。如今,英语已经成为了世界语,渗透在全世界的每一个角落,政治、经济、文化、娱乐,可以说,我们每天的生活,以及生活的每个方面,都在这种语言的影响之下。所以,从小教育孩子学习英语,是为了将来更好融入社会而刻不容缓的事情!以下是©文档大全网整理的相关资料,希望帮助到您!


一、 把相应的字母大小写用直线连起来。(20分)

  A Q R Y U K L N H D

  q r k a y n h u l d


  1、一年级下册英语期中复习题:This is my ___________.(father,sister)

  He is a___________.(teacher,doctor)

  2、That is my_____________.(father,mother)

  She is a ______________.(teacher,driver)

  3、They are my ___________.(brothers,sisters)

  They are ______________.(pupils,nurse)

  4、The cup is _______ the desk.(on,in,under )


  1、_________pencils? 有多少铅笔?( )

  A、How many B、Where are the

  2、---Are you a doctor?

  ---_____________.不,我不是。( )

  A、No,I am. B、No, I amn’t.

  3、---What’s this?

  ---_______________.这是我的鼻子。( )

  A、This is my nose. B、This are my nose.

  4、---What are they?

  ---________________.他们是奶牛。( )

  A、This is a cow. B、They are cows.

  5、---Is it in the bag?

  ---________________.是的,它在书包里面。( )

  A、Yes,it is . B、Yes.it isn’t.


  red( ) green( ) blue( ) black( )

  yellow( ) white( ) pink( ) orange( )060s.com


  There is a bag in the desk.(桌子)

  There is a book on the desk.

  There is a ball under the desk.



  1.have a look_____________ 2.Come in.___________________

  3.on the desk_____________ 4.How nice!__________________

  5.in English______________ 6.Here you are.________________

  7.Come here._____________ 8.Thank you.__________________


  1.No,it isn’t.It’s a watch.

  2.How pretty!


  4.Is this a key?

  5.Can I have a look?



  ( )1.What ____ this in English?

  A.am B.are C.is

  ( )2.Is this your T-shirt?_____,it is.

  A.Yes B.No C.Not

  ( )3.Can I have a look?_________.

  A.That’s all right. B.Yes.Here you are. C.Thank you.

  ( )4.It’s ____ orange.

  A.a B.an C.the

  ( )5.What _______ telephone!

  A.good a B.a nice C.nice


  ( )1.What’s this in English? A.Yes,it’s a radio.

  ( )2.Is this a radio? B.Oh,I see.

  ( )3.Is that a clock? C.A tape is on the desk.

  ( )4.It’s a computer. D.It’s a key.

  ( )5.What’s that on the desk? E.No,it isn’t.It’s a watch.

  一、( )1.A.camera B.computer C.book

  ( )2.A.watch B.apple C.clock

  ( )3.A.crayon B.telephone C.tape

  ( )4.A.it B.on C.in

  ( )5.A.desk B.chair C.cake


  ( )1.May I come in?

  A.Come in,please.

  B.Here you are.

  C.Thank you.

  ( )2.Is that a radio?

  A.Yes,it isn’t.

  B.No,it isn’t.

  C.No,it is.

  ( )3.Can I have a look?

  A.Come in,please.

  B.Sure,here you are.

  C.Thank you.

  ( )4.What a nice watch!______.

  A.Come in,please.

  B.Thank you.

  C.Sure.Here you are.

  ( )5.What’s that____English?

  A.on B.in C.or


  1.一个书包_________________ 2.一把钥匙_________________

  3.这卷胶带_________________ 4.那本书____________________


  This is Nancy’s pencil box. It’s new. What’s in it?

  Let’s open it and have a look. Oh,a ruler,a pen and a key.

  Is this your key?.

  ( )1.The pencil box is new.

  ( )2.There is a ruler in the pencil box.

  ( )3.There is a ball pen in the pencil box.

  ( )4.The key is Helen’s key.



  1、      pple   2、      at

  3、      range  4、      ouse

  5、      ion   6、      oo


  vase      小提琴

  violin      冬天

  winter      花瓶

  pencil      春天

  spring      铅笔

  English     英语

  plane      轮船

  ship       大象

  train      火车

  elephant     飞机


  1、I     (起床) at six in the morning.

  A. gut up  B. play football   C. go to school  D. go to work

  2、He _______ (足球) in the afternoon.

  A. play basketball  B. play the flute  C. plays football  D. sing

  3、We    (去上学) by bike.

  A. walk to school  B. go out   C. go to school  D. go home

  4、We have     (数字和语文) in the morning.

  A. Maths and English B. Maths and Chinese  C. Music and Chinese

  5、My father goes to work    (骑自行车)。

  A. by bike  B. by bus  C. by plane  D. by train

  6、They    (吃午饭) at twelve.

  A. have breakfast  B. have dinner  C. have lunch  D. have sweets

  7、He plays the    (笛子) in the classroom.

  A. drums  B. flute  C. play pingpong

  8、Do you    (去游泳)?Yes,I do.

  A. go to swimming   B. go swimming  B. go swim

  9、We    (穿毛衣) in autumn.

  A. wear sweaters   B. wear shirts  C. wear gloves  D. wear hats

  10、In     (夏天),we wear T-shirt.

  A. spring   B. winter   C. autumn   D. summer

