A Success Story一个成功的故事
At 19, Ben Way is already a millionaire, and one of a growing number of teenagers who have
(1) Their fortune through the Internet. (2) makes Ben's story all the more remarkable is that he is dyslexic, and was (3) by teachers at his junior school that he would never be able to read or write (4) . "I wanted to prove them (5) ", says Ben, creator and director of Waysearch, a net search engine which can be used to find goods in online shopping malls.
19岁时,Ben Way已经是一个百万富翁了,他是越来越多的通过
互联网获得财富的青少年之一。而使得Ben的故事更引人注意的是他有诵读困难,并且曾被他的初中教师告知他将永远不能正确读写。“我要证明他们错了。”Ben说。他后来成为Waysearch的创建者和董事长,Waysearch 是一个在网上购物商场查找货物的网络搜索引擎。
When he was eight, his local authorities (6) him with a PC to help with school work. Although he was (7) to read the manuals, he had a natural ability with the computer, and (8) by his father, he soon began (9) people $l0 an hour for his knowledge and skills. At the age of 15 he (10) up his own computer consultancy, Quad Computer, which he ran from his bedroom, and two years later he left school to (11) all his time to business.
"By this time the company had grown and I needed to take on a (12) of employees to help me", says Ben. "That enabled me to start (13) business with bigger companies.” It was. his ability to consistently (14) difficult challenges that led him to win the Young Entrepreneur of the Year award in the same year that he formed Waysearch, and he has recently signed a deal (15) $25 million with a private investment company, which will finance his search engine.
“此时公司已经发展壮大,我需要雇用几个员工帮助我”,Ben说,“这使我开始与更大的公司做生意。”正是他持续不断地克服困难挑战的能力使他赢得了“年度青年企业家”,也是同年,他成立了Waysearch。最近,他与一家私人投资公司签署了价值2 500万英镑的交易,这家公司将为他的搜索引擎提供资金。
remarkable / ri'mɑ:k?bl / a.卓越的,值得注意的
dyslexic /dis'leksik / a.诵读困难的 n.诵读困难者
authority /?:'θ?r?ti / n.权威,权力,当权
consultancy / k?n's?lt?nsi / n.凡咨询公司,顾问工作
overcome / ,?uv?'k?m / v. 克服,胜过
entrepreneur / ,?ntr?pr?'n?:/ n. 企业家,主办者
investment / in'vestm?nt/ n. 投资,投入
1. What makes Ben's story all the more remarkable ... : 使得 Ben 的故事更引人注意的是…...
2. It was his ability to consistently overcome difficult challenges ... : 正是他持续不断地克服困难 挑战的能力…