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Section B   Directions:In this section,you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it.Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs.Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived.You may choose a paragraph more than once.Each paragraph is marked with a letter.Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.   Promote Learning and Skills for Young People and Adults   A) This goal places the emphasis on the learning needs of young people and adults in the context of lifelong learning.It calls for fair access to learning programs that are appropriate,and mentions life skills particularly.   B)Education is about giving people the opportunity to develop their potential,their personality and their strengths.This does not merely mean learning new knowledge,but also developing abilities to make the most of life.These are called life skills——including the inner capacities and the practical skills we need.   C)Many of the inner capacities——often known as psych0—social skills——cannot be taught as subjects.They are not the same as academic or technical learnin9.They must rather be modeled and promoted as part of learning,and in particular by teachers.These skills have to do with the way we behave—towards other people,towards ourselves,towards the challenges and problems of life.   They include skills in communicating,in making decisions and solving problems,in negotiating and expressing ourselves,in thinking critically and understanding our feelings.   D)More practical life skills are the kinds of manual skills we need for the physical tasks we face.Some would include vocational skills under the heading of life skills——the ability to lay bricks.sew clothes,catch fish or repair a motorbike.These are skills by which people may earn their livelihood and which are often available to young people leaving school.In fact,very often young people learn psycho-social skills as they learn more practical skills.Learning vocational skills can be a strategy for acquiring both practical and psycho-social skills.   E)We need to increase our life skills at every stage of life,so learning them may be part of early child—hood education.of primary and secondary education and of adult learning groups.Life skills can be put into the categories that the Jacques Delors report suggested;it spoke of four pillars of education,which correspond to certain kinds of life skills—Learning to know:Thinking abilities:such as problem—solving,critical thinking,decision making,understanding consequences.Learning to be: Personal abilities:such as managing stress and feelings,self-awareness,self-confidence.Learning to live together:Social abilities:such as communication,negotiation,teamwork.Learning to do: Manual skills:practicing know-how required for work and tasks.   F)In today’s world all these skills are necessary, in order to face rapid change in society.This means that it is important to know how to go on learning as we require new skills for life and work.In addition,we need to know how to cope with the flood of information and turn it in to useful knowledge.We also need to learn how to handle change in society and in our own lives.   G)Life skills are both concrete and abstract—practical skills can be learned directly, as a subject.For example, a learner can take a course in laying bricks and learn that skill.Other life skills,such as self-confidence,self-esteem,and skills for relating to others or thinking critically cannot be taught in such direct ways.They should be part of any learning process,where teachers or instructors are concerned that learners should not just learn about subjects,but learn how to cope with life and make the most of their potential.   H)So these life skills may be learnt when learning other things.For example:Learning literacy may have a big impact on self-esteem,on critical thinking or on communication skills;Learning practical skills s ach as drivin9,healthcare or tailoring may increase self-confidence,teach problem—solving processes or help in understanding consequences.   I) Whether this is true depends on the way of teachin9—what kinds of thinkin9,relationship building and communication the teacher or facilitator models themselves and promotes among the learners.   It would require measuring the individual and collective progress in making the most of learning and of life,or assessing how far human potential is being realized,or estimating how well people cope with change.It is easier to measure the development of practical skills,for instance by counting the number of students who register for vocational skills courses.However, this still may not tell us how effectively these skills are being used.   J)The psych0.social skills cannot easily be measured by tests and scores,but become visible in Chang behavior.Progress in this area has often been noted by teachers on reports which they make to the parents of their pupils.The teacher’s experience of life,of teaching and of what can be expected from education in the broadest sense serve as a standard by which the growth and development of individuals can be assessed to some extent.This kind of assessment is individual and may never appear in international tables and charts.   K)The current challenges relate to these difficulties:We need to recognize the importance of life skills both practical and psycho-social as part of education which leads to the full development of human potential and to the development of society.The links between psycho—social skills and practical skills must be more clearly spelled out,so that educators can promote both together and find effective ways to do this.Since life skills are taught as part of a wide range of subjects,teachers need to have training in how to put them across and how to monitor learners’growth in these areas.   In designing curricula and syllabuses for academic subjects,there must be a balance between content teaching and attention to the accompanying life skills.A more conscious and deliberate effort to promote life skills will enable learners to become more active citizens in the life of society.   L) Governments should recognize and actively advocate for the transformational role of education in realizing human potential and in socio—economic development.Ensure that curricula and syllabuses address life skills and give learners the opportunity to make real-life applications of knowledge,skills and attitudes.Show how life skills of all kinds apply in the world of work,for example,negotiating and communication skills,as well practical skills.Through initial and in-service teacher training,increase the use of active and participatory learning/teaching approaches.Examine and adapt the processes and content of education so that there is a balance between academic input and life skills development.Make sure that education inspectors look not only for academic progress through teaching and learning,but also progress in the communication, modeling and application of life skills.Advocate for the links between primary and(early)secondary education because learning life skills needs eight or nine years and recognize that the prospect of effective secondary education is an incentive to children,and their parents,to complete primary education successfully.   M)Funding agencies should support research,exchange and debate.nationally and regionally, on ways of strengthening life skills education.Support innovative(创新的)teacher training in order to combine life skills promotion into subjects across the curriculum and as a fundamental part of what school and education are about.Recognize the links between primary and secondary education in ensuring that children develop strong life skills.Support,therefore,the early years of secondary education as part basic education.   N) As support to governments and in cooperation with other international agencies,UNESC0:Works to define life skills better and clarify what it means to teach and learn them.Assists education. policy makers and teachers to develop and use a life skills approach to education.Advocates for the links between a life skills approach to education and broader society and human development.   46.The recognition of life skills as part of education will promote the development of human potential and society.   47.The abilities to make the most of life consist of the inner capacities and the practical skills.   48.The progress in psycho—social skills can be measured by changed behavior.   49.Governments should examine and adapt the processes and content of education so as to balance the academic input and life skills development.   50.According to Jacques Delors,four pillars of education include learning to know, learning to be, learning to live together and learning to do.   51.The funding agencies should link primary education and secondary education to make sure that children develop strong life skills.   52.Learning literacy may exert an influence on self-esteem,critical thinking and communication skills.   53.One function of UNESCO is to help educational policy makers and teachers to develop and use a life skills approach to education.   54.Learning vocational skills can be an approach to acquiring both practical and psycho—social skills.   55.The abilities to manage stress and feelings,self-awareness,self-confidence are personal abilities.   Section B   促进年轻人和成年人的学习和技能   A)这个目标以“终生学习”为背景,将重点放在年轻人和成年人的学习需要上。它提倡应有公平的机会去学习适当的课程,还特别提到生活技能。   B)教育要给人们发展潜能、个性和优势提供机会。【47】这并不仅仅意味着学习新知识,还指培养能力,充分地利用人生。内在能力和我们需要的实用技能,这些都被称为生活技能。   C)大部分的内在能力——经常被称作“心理社会技能”——是不能作为学科来教授的。它与学术或技术的学习不同,但必须作为学习的一部分来塑造和促进,尤其要由教师来做。这些技能应该和我们的行为方式有关——我们如何对待他人,对待我们自己,对待生活的挑战和问题。它们包括沟通,决策和解决问题,协商和自我表达,批判性思考和理解我们的情感等方面的技能。   D)更实际的生活技能是那些我们进行体力劳动时需要的手工技能,包括生活技能里的职业技能,例如铺砖、缝纫、捕鱼或是修理摩托车的能力。这些是人们谋生的技能,也是离开学校的年轻人经常可以学习到的技能。事实上,年轻人在学习更实际的技能时,通常也就是在学习心理社会技能。【54】学习职业技能是可以同时掌握实际技能和心理社会技能的一种策略。   E)在生活的每个阶段,我们都要提高自身的生活技能,因此,学习这些技能也许是早期儿童教育、中小学教育和成年教育的一部分。生活技能可被归入 Jacques Delors报告所提出的分类;【50】该报告谈纠了教育的四个支在,这和某些生活技能相呼应:学习了解:思考能力,例如解决问题、批判性思维、决策、理解推理。学习生存:【55】个人能力,例妇应付压力和情绪、自我了解、自信。学习共存:社会能力,例如沟通、谈判、团队协  作。学习动手:手工技能,具备完成工作和任务所需要的技能。   F)在当今世界,为了面对社会的迅速变化,所有这些技能都是必要的。这表明,当我们需要为生活和工作掌握新技能时,知道怎样继续学习是很重要的。另外,我们需要知道怎样应对潮水般的信息,并把它变成有用的知识。我们也需要学习如何应对社会和我们自己生活中所发生的变化。   G)生活技能既是具体的,又是抽象的。实用技能可以作为一门学科直接学习,例如,学习者可以选修一门铺砖的课程来学习这项技能。其他生活技能,例如自信、自尊,与他人相处的技能,或者批判性思维不可能以这样直接的方式习得。它们应该是所有学习过程的一部分。在这一过程里,教师或是讲师应该关心的是,学习者不仅在学习学科知识,而且还在学习如何应对生活,充分发挥他们的潜能。   H)因此,在学习其它东西时,就可以学习到这些生活技能。例如:【52】识字可能会对自尊、批判性思维或沟通技能有很大的影响,学习驾驶、保健或裁剪这类的实际技能可以增加自信,教导人们解决问题的过程,或者有助于人们理解逻辑推论。   I) 这一切是否如此取决于教学方式——教师或辅导者自己的以及他在学生中提倡的思维模式,人际关系类型和沟通方式。它要求衡量个人或集体在充分利用学习和生活上所取得的进步,或是评估人的潜能可以发挥到何种程度,或是估计人们应对变化的能力。衡量实际技能的发展更容易一些,例如,通过   计算注册学习职业技能课程的学生数量可知其发展。但是,这仍然不能告诉我们这些技能是否得到有效的利用。   J)【48】心理社会技能不能轻易她通过测试和分数来衡量,但是可以体现在发生了改变的行为方面。这方面的进步经常在教师写给学生父母的报告里提到。教师的生活经验、教学经验和最广泛意义上的教学期望值可以在一定程度上作为个人成长和发展评估的标准。这种评估是针对个人的,决不会在国际表格和图表里出现。   K)【46】目前的挑战与以下这些困难有关:我们需要认识到生活技能的重要性——包括实际技能和心理社会技能——它是教育的一部分,可以使人们的潜能得纠充分发挥并促进社会的发展。心理社会技能和实际技能之间的联系必须更清楚地被阐明,以便教育工作者能促进这两方面的发展,并为此找到有效的方法。既然生活技能是作为众多学科的一部分来进行教学,那么教师就需要接受培训,学会如何传授技能,如何检测学习者在这些领域的进步。在设计学科的课程和教学大纲时,要平衡学科内容教学和对相关生活技能的关注。更加有意识地努力提高生活技能,使学习者能够成为社会生活中更加活跃的公民。   L)政府应该对教育在实现人们潜能和社会经济发展方面所起到的改造作用给予认可和积极提倡;确保课程和教学大纲涉及生活技能的培养,并让学习者有机会在现实生活中运用知识和技能,并表现自己的见解;展现各种生活技能在工作中是如何应用的,例如,谈判、沟通技巧和实用技巧;通过教师的初始教学培训和在职培训,增加积极参与式的学习方法/教学方法的运用;【49】检查和调整教育的过程和内容,以便平衡知识的输八和生活技能的发展;确保督教员不仅检查在教与学中所取得的学习进步,还要检查在生活技能的沟通、塑造以及应用上的进步。由于学习生活技能需要花费八到九年的时间,应提倡把初级教育和(早期)中等教育联系起来,并意识到,良好的中等教育能给孩子们带来良好的前景,这对孩子和他们的家长来说都是一种让孩子完成初级教育阶段学习的激励因素。   M)资助机构应该支持为加强生活技能方式雨进行的全国性和地区性研究、交流和辩论;支持创新的教师培训,以便把提高生活技能作为学校教育的基本部分与课程科目结合起来;认识到初级教育和中等教育之间的联系,以保证孩子们培养良好的生活技能。因此,中等教育的初期阶段也是基础教育的一部分,应当予以支持。   N)作为各国政府的支持者和其他国际组织的合作者,【53】联舍国教群文组织努力给“生活技能。下更好的定义,阐明这些技能的教学意义;【51】协助教育决策者和教师发扬和使用生活技能的教穿方法;提倡招生活技能的教育方法和更广义上的社会和人类发展联系在一起。   46.The recognition of life skills as part of education will promote the development of human potential and society.   将生活技能作为教育的一部分将会促进个人潜力和社会的发展。   【解析】 K)。细节题。由句中关键词life skills as part of education可定位至K)段第一句。原文提到我   们需要认识到生活技能的重要性,它是教育的一部分,使人们的潜能和社会得到充分的发展。   47.The abilities to make the most of life consist of the inner capacities and the practical skills.   充分利用人生的能力包括内在能力和实用技能。   【解析】 B)。细节题。根据句中关键词the abilities to make the most of life和the inner capacities and the practical skills可定位在B)段后两句。末句中的these代指the abilities to make the most of life。   48.The progress in psycho-social skills Can be measured by changed behavior.   心理社会技能的进步能够通过被改变的行为来衡量。   【解析】J)。细节题。由句中关键词progress in psycho-social skills定位至J)段第一句。原文提到心理社会技能不能轻易地通过测试和分数来衡量,但是可以体现在发生了改变的行为方面。   49.Governments should examine and adapt the processes and content of education SO as to balance the academic input and life skills development.   政府应该检查和调整教育的过程和内容,以便平衡知识的输入和生活技能的发展。   【解析】L)。细节题。由句中关键词government和examine and adapt可定位至L)段。Examine and adapt the processes and content of education SO that there is a balance between academic input and life skills development.(政府应该)检查和调整教育的过程和内容,以便平衡知识的输入和生活技能的发展。   50.According to Jacques Delors,foul,pillars of education include learning to know,learning to be,learning to live together and learning to do.Jacques Delors认为教育的四大支柱是学习了解、学习生存、学习共存和学习动手。   【解析】 E)。归纳题。根据句中关键词Jacques Delors和foul.pillars of education可定位在E)段。此段主旨是教育的四大支柱与某些生活技能相呼应。答题时可以通过跳读来获取信息,总结出教育的四大支柱为:学习了解、学习生存、学习共存和学习动手。   51.The funding agencies should link primary education and secondary education to make sure that children develop strong life skills.   资助机构应该把初等教育和中等教育联系起来,以确保孩子们发展出较强的生活技能。   【解析】 N)。细节题。由句中关键词funding agencies可定位在N)段。原文提到资助机构应该认识到初级教育和中等教育之间的联系,以保证孩子们发展出良好的生活技能。原文是 Recognize the links between primary and secondary education,而句中用的是link sth.with sth.的结构。   52.Learning literacy may exert an influence on self-esteem,critical thinking and communication skills.识字能够在自尊、批判性思考和沟通技能方面产生影响。   【解析】H)。细节题。由句中关键词learning literacy可定位至H)段。原文提到读书识字可能对自尊、批判性思维或沟通技能有很大影响。   53.One function of UNESCO is to help educational policy makers and teachers to develop and use a life skills approach to education.   联合国教科文组织的一项功能就是帮助教育决策者和教师发扬和使用生活技能来进行教育。   【解析】 N)。细节题。由句中关键词UNESC0可将答案定位在末段。原文提到“Assists educational policymakers and teachers to develop and use a life skills approach to education”。协助教育决策者和教师发扬和使用生活技能的教育方法。句中中把assist换成help。   54.Learning vocational skills can be an approach to acquiring both practical and psycho-social skills.   学习职业技能是可以同时掌握实际技能和心理社会技能的一种途径。   【解析】D)。细节题。根据句中关键词learning vocational skills可将答案定位在D)段末句。学习职业技能是可以同时掌握实际技能和心理社会技能的一种策略。   55.The abilities to manage stress and feelings,self awareness,self-confidence are personal abilities.应付压力和情绪、自我了解、自信的能力是个人能力。   【解析】E)。细节题。由句中关键词manage stress and feelings,self-awareness,self-confidence定位至E)段。原文提到处理压力、控制情绪和自我了解、自信都属于个人能力。 ※2017年6月英语四六级考试太难?只是你没有找对方法而已!点击查看秘籍!

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