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【#儿童故事# 导语】通过阅读童话故事,可提高儿童的阅读能力。童话故事可以引导儿童学习知识,教给他们正确的是非对错观念,童话故事,都是小孩的最爱,我们在阅读故事给孩子听的时候,要注意正确的引导孩子的思想教育,下面是®文档大全网整理分享的英文童话故事,欢迎阅读与借鉴,查看更多请点击®文档大全网儿童故事频道。


A quiet night, suddenly heavy rain. A hungry cat was caught in a mess. Suddenly, he saw a rat hole, and he had a bad idea.

It thinks: treat a food full, drink sufficient, clever rat absolutely can not hard chuang. Because the cat is hungry and hungry. So he leaned over the hole and said feebly, "how do you do? Little mouse, open the door for me! This frightened the mouse, knowing that there was danger approaching it. But it's still in control. The mouse was angry and said, "cat and mouse are enemies. Why should I open the door for you?" The cat said, "if you don't come and open the door for me, do you want to see me die on your doorstep? It won't do you any good, "said the mouse. It opened the door to the cat, and it took a lot of effort to pull the cat in. He gave all the food in the house to the cat. The cat ate the food and the strength came back! It first blocked up the hole and caught the mouse. The mouse was angry and said, "cat! You ungrateful wretch! Before the mouse had finished, the cat struck the mouse hard on the ground. Because the hole was blocked, the mice had to work very hard to get out of the rat hole. And the cat opened its mouth and pounced on the mouse. As a result, the cat got stuck in the rat hole without the help of a mouse. The mouse thought: what an eye!

A few days later, the cat died.

The story tells us that good is good and evil is rewarded.


Tom and jerry were good friends, but they became enemies because of one thing.

One day, the mouse and the cat went out to find something to eat. They found a can of lard. When they came back, they hid the pig oil. After a few days, the cat was hungry and said to the mouse, "my cousin has a son and I want to see it." The mouse agreed. The cat came to the place where the lard was, and the skin of the lard was eaten, and the mouse returned and asked, "what is the name of your cousin's son?" "The cat said," go to the skin!" The mouse felt strange but did not ask. After a few days the cat was hungry again and had to say to the mouse, "my cousin has a son, so I can go and see." The mouse agreed, and the cat came to the place where the lard was and ate half of the lard. Then the mouse returned and asked the cat, "what is your cousin's son's name?" The cat said, "half done," and the mouse was more surprised, but did not ask. After a few days, the cat was hungry again and said to the mouse, "I love my baby, tell me to be a father," and the mouse agreed. The cat came to the place where the lard was and ate all the lard, and came back to the mouse and asked, "what is your baby's name?" The cat said, "call a sweep," the mouse was even stranger, but did not ask.

Winter arrived without food mouse think of lard, it's called the cat go to lard, found the place where the Tibetan lard lard, mice understand, angry at the cat, the cat suddenly and hungry, and ate a poor little mouse.

From now on the cat and the mouse became the enemy!


Once upon a time, in a community, there was a beautiful and fragrant red flower, on its petiole, and a few green leaves.

One day, the wind and the sun, flowers and leaves began to quarrel.

The flower said to the green leaf, "look at you, how ugly! Only you that ugly leaf, that green, ugly do not know how to describe! You look at me again, beautiful figure, lovely figure, how beautiful! You are so ugly, how can you live with me?

"You are right," said the green leaf. "though I am very ugly, I have my own use. I can feed you, you can't live without me!

The flower said, "I am more useful than you, and my purpose is to boast of my beauty and my beauty! Hum! What a big deal you have! How can I be better than me?"

"I don't want to argue with you," said the green leaf. But let me just say a few words. You must not leave me! You're going to die! That's not a beautiful question! So... "

"I will not listen to your ugly advice," said the red flower, without waiting for the green leaf. What you say is just nonsense! Hum! I tell you, you say this again, I must kill you not!!! "

"But... "

"No," said the red flower.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blowing, blow the safflower became "fragments", after a while, it feels dry, don't want to, can't breathe, it is dry, thirsty, hungry, it to remember the green leaves.

However, "red flower" now regretful is too late.


Once upon a time, there was a very lazy pig who only knew how to eat and sleep, and seldom did anything for others. One day, when mother pig came home, she was so tired that she asked the pig to buy food. After hearing the pig, he twisted his fat ass and said, "I don't want to go. I don't want to go." Pig mother listen to pig, say to it: "you this lazy insect, if you go, I give you chocolate to eat." Hearing this, the pig got up reluctantly, took a basket and slowly walked out of the house. Along the way, he played while he walked, smelling and smelling. Suddenly, the pig smelt a fragrance, so, the pig thought: there must be a lot of delicious food, ha ha. He walked along the scent, and at last came under a big tree. He saw many delicious food, and he jumped on it and ate. When he was eating, he had no idea that a ferocious Wolf was hiding in the grass behind him. In a few moments, the pig finished eating those things. Lying on the grass, he felt his round belly and said, "it's delicious. It's delicious." All of a sudden, the Wolf came out of the grass, and the two green eyes were looking at the pig. Piggy saw the Wolf and wanted to run away, but because the piggy didn't like to exercise, he ate so many things just now, he couldn't run, so he shouted for help. The Wolf got closer and closer, and the dog at the bottom of the mountain heard the cry of the piggy. He shouted to his companion, and he rushed at full speed to the mountain. Luckily, the dog ran up the mountain in time. The Wolf saw so many dogs, and was so angry that he ran away.

When the pig came home, he told the whole story, and the mother said, "my child! You should take this as a deep lesson and stop being lazy.

From then on, the pig got up very early every day and worked out, becoming a lovely and healthy pig.


The ball fish is full of prickly thorns, it has pierced the shark's lungs, the whale's heart, let these two mammals died in the deep sea.

The fish were so happy that they gave it a bunch of beautiful flowers. The undersea fish god knew this, and was very pleased to give the ball fish two powerful feet, so that it could live on land.

One day, the ball fish was crawling on land. It was looking for food to eat. Suddenly, a tiger found the ball fish, thought it was a porcupine, scared to run far, far away, out of breath. When a fox went out to see the tiger, he was so embarrassed that he wanted to laugh, but he could not laugh. He asked, "what's the terrible thing about tiger king?"

"I... I met the porcupine, and I was afraid it would kill me! Here we are!

"Don't worry, tiger! I'll help you! "Said the fox.

So the tiger took the fox to the spot where he had met the fish. The fish was walking up and down. The fox also thought it was a porcupine, according to the old way, put a smelly fart, fish ball is very smart, the body shrinks tightly, did not find a small aperture, like the ball, let the fox a hindrance. The tiger thought strangely: no, when the porcupine will die, how can you survive?

The fox's eyes mysteriously turned, and he thought of a good solution: find the weasel to help! He gave the place to the tiger, and let the tiger call the weasel, and he went and called the weasel.

Within a minute, Mr. Weasel had arrived. Weasel saw fish ball, or thought it was a porcupine, then put a smelly fart to faint, let the tiger and the fox fell flat, and fish ball is missing shadow jumped into the jungle, weasel despondently ran away.

The ball fish jumped out of the jungle and continued to search for food.

