
时间:2023-08-30 08:24:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】春天已是往事,夏天也在不久前悄悄地离去,终于来到了我心心念念的秋天了。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的《关于秋天的英语作文》,欢迎大家阅读。

1.关于秋天的英语作文 篇一

  Autumn is like a beautiful angel. She came to us wearing a thin autumn mist cool shirt like a cicada's wing. She took advantage of the earth's lack of time to fold up her mist clothes and waved her magic pen, blending red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple into one breath, scattering it on all things in the world. When the fog receded and the clouds disappeared, the rising sun was surprised to find that it was a magnificent golden hue that greeted her!

  The weather in autumn is always very clear, and there is no cloud in the blue sky. I often look up and think that the sky on the grassland described by Lao She is like this... The sky is so high and blue. Looking at it, my heart also feels open. Occasionally, a small bird flies through the sky, causing my heart to tremble. I wonder how great it would be if I were as happy and free as a bird.

  I strolled along the rural path, and when I looked around, I could see the scene of a bountiful harvest in full view. The cotton fields are dotted with stars, resembling white clouds in the sky. The cotton peaches like copper bells bend the branches, and the morning mist soaks the cotton trees. The cotton leaves are moist and bright. The sorghum fields are bustling with activity, and each sorghum plant is like shy girls, with a red face, lowered head, and cheerful little boys, smiling and bending their backs. Looking at such a lovely sorghum, who wouldn't have a heart for love? The endless rice fields are golden in color, and by the edge of the fields, the fruits on the fruit trees are all ripe, waiting for the farmer's uncle to pick them; Under the tree, the farmer uncle put down his sickle, which had been saturated with the fragrance of rice, held a towel to dry his hard sweat, and smiled at the bountiful fields, enjoying the joy of the harvest to the fullest.

  Autumn is beautiful, because it becomes more beautiful when it matures!

2.关于秋天的英语作文 篇二

  I like autumn. I love the falling leaves in autumn. They cover the ground with golden yellow. When you walk on them, they rustle beneath your feet, just as if they are singing to you. I know trees get ready for their next year s rebirth by doing this, so I enjoy them without any sad feelings. The fields in autumn are fruity. People are easy to have good mood in a harvest season. So can t autumn sights bring happiness to us as well?

3.关于秋天的英语作文 篇三

  I love the blooming spring, the scorching summer, and the snowy winter, but I love the colorful autumn even more.

  In the orchard, it's so lively! The apples turned red, just like cute little faces smiling at us. The yellow bananas hung on the trees, like bright little moons. The purple red grapes shone on the tree tops, and the yellow and large grapefruit trees were next to each other, like two close friends leaning together. Other fruits also came to join the fun. The orchard was really full of colors!

  In the fields, there is a scene of abundant harvest. The heavy wheat ears lowered their heads, like children who had made mistakes, unable to lift their heads. The golden corn cobs were like golden dolls, revealing cute smiling faces. The soybeans shook the pods, emitting cheering laughter, as if gold were scattered on the ground. The tall sorghum raised its black, red, and black faces, as if singing happily. The fields were really lively and extraordinary!

  In the garden, all kinds of flowers have bloomed, including red, white, yellow, purple... One of them that I know is the wild chrysanthemum, which is very charming because it looks like small sunflowers one after another, so beautiful!

  Autumn is not as colorful and fragrant as spring, nor is there so many little creatures singing like summer, nor is it as beautiful as winter. But in my heart, it is the most beautiful.

4.关于秋天的英语作文 篇四

  Autumn has arrived, various crops have matured, the aroma of fruits is scattered everywhere, and the trees have quietly changed. These are all the masterpieces of Auntie Autumn.

  In the autumn fields, there are golden corn, smiling sorghum, round soybeans, bowing rice, jumping grasshoppers, and hardworking farmer uncles. Looking at them, they are colorful, and even the breath has a taste of harvest. The fiery maple leaves are like a brilliant morning glow on the horizon, with persimmons and apples hanging all over the branches. Leaves fall from the tree, like dancing yellow butterflies, while chrysanthemums and osmanthus emit bursts of floral fragrance.

  Autumn is not only a season of abundant harvest, but also a beautiful season. Walking into the autumn forest, lying comfortably on the grass, looking up at the sky, there are no clouds in the sky, the sky is high and the clouds are light. Wild geese fly south, and white clouds one after another run like a long dragon, and later turn into a sheep walking. A gust of autumn wind blew by, and the leaves fluttered and fell into the embrace of Mother Earth, accumulating a thick carpet that would make a rustling sound when stepped on. This is the sound of autumn, telling the big tree that winter is approaching, and also telling the small animals to harvest and hide in autumn. The sound is like Auntie Qiu singing again. She told us that autumn is really beautiful. Auntie Qiu is really an amazing painter, giving us a colorful world.

5.关于秋天的英语作文 篇五

  After an autumn rain, the long-awaited autumn has arrived.

  Autumn is a beautiful fairy. She comes to the orchard and lightly points with her magic wand. The apples and persimmons turn red, like cute little lanterns hanging on the branches; Yellowish pears and fluffy kiwifruit swing in the wind; Strings of grapes are crystal clear, embellishing the orchard like purple gemstones; The red pomegranates cracked their mouths one by one, laughing and talking about their beautiful dream last night

  She came to the park and waved her paintbrush. The maple leaves turned red, like a flame burning; Ginkgo biloba leaves have turned yellow, and each leaf dances gracefully like a yellow butterfly; The chrysanthemums bloomed, beaming and smiling among the leaves. The elderly, middle-aged people, and children all come to the park to do sports. Some play ball games, some take walks, some dance, and some play games. How happy!

  She came to the field and put on a yellow coat for the corn. Rows of neat corn looked like mighty soldiers waiting for the farmer's uncle to inspect. Peel off the corn coat, and the inside is golden and plump, which is as attractive as topaz.

  The blue sky is high and far, and white clouds are playing various games in the sky. They can change 72 times like Sun Wukong! Believe it or not, look at them. They change into rabbits, white sheep, and puppies. It's so interesting. They are the pets of Autumn Fairy, right! I love the beautiful autumn!
