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【#英语资源# #国庆节英语手抄报资料(精选13篇)#】一年一度的国庆节到来了,大街小巷都布置得漂漂亮亮,到处张灯结彩,洋溢着一派节日的气氛。®文档大全网为大家准备了《国庆节英语手抄报资料》,供大家参考阅读。

1.国庆节英语手抄报资料 篇一

  National Day is here, and the streets are extremely lively.

  The streets are bustling with people and traffic. The horn of the car is beeping, trees are greener, flowers are more delicate, and people wake up earlier than chickens in the morning. Everyone goes to the street to buy their favorite things. The road was crowded to the brim, and they jostled each other on the road without getting angry, with smiles still on their faces. The cars on the street are moving one by one, like rows of ants slowly moving, while electric cars and bicycles are driving freely like fish. A small red flag, resembling a fire, was hung on the roadside, igniting their hearts.

  The streets are filled with people and various vehicles are constantly flowing. The old ladies of the waist drum team danced happily, and even the children who couldn't walk had to be pushed by their parents to watch the excitement. People's faces were filled with brilliant smiles. Listen, the sound of car horns, the cries of shops, and people's laughter intertwine like a happy symphony.

  The store is filled with a wide variety of products, including clothes, bed sheets, daily necessities... The voices of salespersons introducing products to customers are everywhere in the store, and I think they are all very enthusiastic, with a smile on everyone's face. The shoppers formed a long queue, like a long dragon, patiently waiting for their beloved items in the store.

  I had a very happy time on this National Day.

2.国庆节英语手抄报资料 篇二

  October 1st is my mother's birthday, and our school has a 7-day holiday. I've been thinking about it for a while, what gift should I give my mother?

  On Sunday, my father and mother are not at home. I want to do something within my power, so that I can give gifts to my mother and share some household chores with her. Isn't this killing two birds with one stone? I ran to the bathroom at a sprint speed of 100 meters and picked up a mop to start mopping the floor. I mopped left and right, but I couldn't clean it. I tried my best to start mopping again carefully, and the floor was indeed mopped clean by me. I had a gust of wind under my feet and ran to the bedroom, stacking the messy quilts and pillows on the bed neatly. Looking back at the achievements of one's own labor, one's heart was filled with sweetness, joy, and pride. At noon, my father and they came back. I strode to the door and opened it. As soon as my father and mother entered, they happily said, "Wow! It's so clean, it's not bad. My son has grown up and is sensible now

  This is a special gift I gave to my father, mother, and mother of our country on National Day. My heart is filled with pride: I have proven in a special way that I grew up with my mother.

3.国庆节英语手抄报资料 篇三

  National Day is happy and cheerful for everyone, but I am distressed.

  Today, when I got up, I turned on the TV, but my mother stopped me, She said, "It's time for reading in the morning, don't you go listen to English now?" I said unhappily, "No, I'm not! Today is National Day, why can't we watch TV?" My mother taught me a lesson after listening to my words, "I used to be so picky when I could eat enough. I'm not as picky as you are." I replied, "It used to be the past, now is the present!" My mother angrily turned off the TV and even beat me up. With tears in my eyes, I ate Huanglian in silence - I couldn't express my bitterness, so I went to read English and do my homework. Listening to the laughter of the neighbors' children, I thought to myself: Mao Jiayi went to Beijing to play for seven days, Zhu Yu went to Shanghai to play for five days, and my brother went to Quanzhou to play for six days. Even on our National Day, I still have to study. I really want to play! I feel so lonely in my heart.

4.国庆节英语手抄报资料 篇四

  The annual National Day has arrived, and the streets and alleys are decorated beautifully, with lights and colorful decorations everywhere, exuding a festive atmosphere. Today, the sun is shining brightly, and my parents and I are going out to play with joy.

  On the street, there is a bright five-star red flag at the entrance of each store. A gentle breeze blows, and a red flag flutters in the wind, demonstrating the authority of the Chinese people. The shops one by one dazzle me, but what remains unchanged in every store is to offer discounts to celebrate National Day. Every household sets off firecrackers and celebrates National Day in harmony.

     Along the way, I saw many cars coming and going. Red lanterns are hung on both sides of the road, and there are also very beautiful flower lanterns. Colorful flags are hung at the entrance of factories and shops. It is extremely lively, with green lawns and colorful flowers. People are taking photos there as souvenirs. I also took a photo as a souvenir. The evenings in People's Park are even more beautiful and lively, with cars parked at the entrance of the park.

  People are coming here to watch the performance, with a sea of people and excitement!

  When people are filled with laughter, there are people who laugh more comfortably than us. They still have injuries and pain on their bodies, and there is a belief in revitalizing China in their hearts. They are patriotic generals who shed blood and sacrificed for today, and they are true heroes! National Day is the birthday of our mothers, and it is also their true birthday.

5.国庆节英语手抄报资料 篇五

  On National Day, we drove to the back mountain of Qingcheng. After arriving at Qingcheng, it was already 12 o'clock on the mountain. After lunch, we were ready to go hiking. On the mountaineering journey, the clear springs in the mountains flowed with our footsteps, and the roads in the mountains were winding, sometimes gentle, sometimes steep. Along the way, there were many beautiful scenic spots, such as Cuiying Lake, Baizhang Bridge, Huxiao Rock

  As we were about to reach the top, my parents and I had already had a slight pain in our feet. They were ready to take the cableway down the mountain, but I didn't want to because I was afraid of heights, so we walked down the mountain.

  It was already very late when we arrived at the foot of the mountain. So we planned to stay in Jiezi Ancient Town for one night and continue playing the next day.

  The next day, we got up early. We visited many scenic spots in Jiezi Ancient Town. After visiting the ancient town, it was almost noon and we were ready to head to the Intangible Heritage Expo Park in Wenjiang for a big meal.

  I had a great time playing this time!

6.国庆节英语手抄报资料 篇六

  Today is National Day, my father, mother, brother, me, and sister go to Shanxi Meile Amusement Park to play together. I am so happy.

  Along the way, we saw many tall and white windmills. Ah, finally arrived at the destination. Unfortunately, it was already noon and we went to the restaurant for dinner. After finishing our meal, we went to the amusement park. Entering the amusement park, we played Ferris wheel, Battle Shark Island, Space Walk, Pirate Ship, Rapids, Arabian Flying Carpet, and more.

  My favorite games are: pirate ships, and rushing through the rapids. When I wasn't on a pirate ship, I didn't think it was much of a deal. When I sat on the pirate ship, I was a bit worried. When I shook up, I wasn't afraid, but when I got down, my heart got stuck in my throat. We all shouted loudly, which could alleviate some of my fear.

  When I watch others play with the rapids, I feel very excited, but I am also a bit afraid because I am afraid that the rapids are as exciting as pirate ships. After queuing for more than ten minutes, we can finally play. At the beginning, we sat on a small boat, drifting down the water, thinking to ourselves, 'What's the fun of this?'. Unexpectedly, after a while, the small boat followed the conveyor belt up to a high place, and then rushed down like an arrow, splashing waves over a meter high, leaving me covered in water. But my heart is very happy and I really want to play again.

  It's getting dark and we're going home. We had a fun and exciting time today.

7.国庆节英语手抄报资料 篇七

  Today is the second day of National Day holiday. The sky is high and the clouds are clear, and the air is fresh. My mood is also particularly good because our family of three is going to grandma's house. Along the way, I saw many farmers busy harvesting crops, look! Big corn, like little dolls wrapped in blankets; Pieces of sorghum, like burning torches; The fiery red chili peppers are like small lanterns one after another... It's really the golden autumn season, with abundant grains!

  Finally arrived at grandma's house. I played "Happy Family" with my Congcong sister and Yixin sister. We have opened a "beverage shop" where Sister Congcong and my aunt, who sell drinks, are small customers of Yixin. We first put sand on a few paper cups as butter, then filled the cups with water, and inserted a small yellow flower into each cup to make a delicious "ice cream". Yixin came to buy "ice cream", and we kindly asked her, "How many ice creams do you want?" Yixin politely said, "Auntie, I want eight!" I told him, "Eating too much ice cream is not good for children's health!" Yixin nodded obediently. Then, we also acted in the story of 'Snow White'.

  I had a pleasant vacation at my grandmother's house. Next time it's vacation, I'll go to grandma's house!

8.国庆节英语手抄报资料 篇八

  On October 1st, National Day has arrived. This year's National Day is the birthday of our mother, who is XX years old, and it is also a common holiday of the Chinese nation. From infancy to adulthood, China has been a year of wind and rain, with the four seasons returning to the sea and mulberry fields, and China is dancing vigorously to celebrate its birthday. It's just heroic and majestic!

  On the vibrant National Day holiday, my aunt and I went to dig potatoes to experience the hard work of farmers watering the land with sweat. While digging potatoes, I wiped my sweat and gasped for breath. I thought to myself, 'Farmers are really not easy!'!

  In fact, many people yearn for the prosperity and strength of their motherland. For example, my father, uncles and aunts from the factory, and police uncles... they all stick to their work positions during holidays. Thank you very much to the working uncles and aunts for making our country develop rapidly. If it weren't for your hard work, our country wouldn't be so prosperous and strong. I am Chinese and I am very proud.

  I love my mother, I want to study hard and make progress every day. When I grow up, I must serve my country and wish our country a prosperous future!

9.国庆节英语手抄报资料 篇九

  Today is my mother's birthday - National Day. My mother took me to play at my grandmother's house, I am so happy. At my grandmother's place, I can play freely and see various flowers, grass, trees, and river water. The river water is very clear, and when it's hot, I can take a bath in the river. The air is also very fresh, and my grandmother's house also grows many vegetables that I like to eat.

  I also have many friends there. We play war games behind the house, climb up and down, sometimes fall to sleep on the ground when we are tired and powerless, looking up at the blue sky and the ever-changing white clouds.

  We were playing hide and seek in the fields, and piles of hay became our hiding place. Sometimes we make the haystack messy and can't avoid adults' scolding, so we later go to other places to play

  Ah, How happy this National Day is!

10.国庆节英语手抄报资料 篇十

  October 1st is the annual National Day, which is the birthday of our mother. My mother is 58 years old this year, so the whole country is filled with a festive atmosphere.

  Taking advantage of this atmosphere, our family came to the picturesque grandmother's house.

  At noon, after finishing our meal, we strolled through the field market and enjoyed the rural scenery. When we arrived at my grandmother's house, we looked at the petite chili peppers, lettuce like flowers, and bamboo like chili peppers... everything made people feel a burst of joy. However, there is no such thing as moving forward:

  At the edge of a pond, there were a group of dead fish floating on the water, and the orange trees next to them also withered.

  Looking ten meters ahead, the orange tree is once again full of fruits and lush branches. This is really strange, just like others say that the soil and water are different!

  We walked along the mountain road again, and along the way, my parents stopped to introduce me and tell me some stories about their childhood It's not early! We took another road back to our grandmother's house. Along the way, we saw many purslane plants and jokingly picked a large handful of them, hoping to have a pocket to hold them. That's how we got back to our grandmother's house.

  Although I didn't go sightseeing outside this National Day, going to my grandmother's house was also a feast for my eyes!

11.国庆节英语手抄报资料 篇十一

  During the National Day holiday, my mother took me and my sister to visit my grandmother in Xinchang.

  Go to my aunt's house. Grandma prepared many delicious things for us. After we were full, our aunt took us to the park to play. We ride the boat by hand; Playing on inflatable trampoline; Then we took the Ferris wheel again. We walked to the place where we were making plastic paintings, and my sister said she wanted to make a beautiful sheep because beautiful sheep are the most beautiful. I chose Lazy Sheep, and I think Lazy Sheep is the happiest. We happily returned with our satisfactory works.

  The next day, we went to the Great Buddha Temple, where there was the famous "Jiangnan's largest sleeping Buddha". When we came to the Buddha statue, we saw a large Maitreya Buddha lying horizontally there. How big is it? I stretched out my hand and compared it, the entire palm of my hand was only the size of his fingernail. Many people came to worship him, and it is said to be very effective. I secretly bow in my heart and bless me with a score of 100. Mom seems to have guessed, nodding my head and saying; Silly child

  After watching the Buddha, we went hiking again. My sister didn't feel tired at all and quickly climbed to the top of the mountain. Standing on the mountaintop and looking down, everyone is as small as an ant. On the way down the mountain, a fragrant aroma rushed over our faces. It turned out that someone was making rice cakes, and my sister and I were so greedy that our mouths watered. Dad bought us a piece, it's delicious.

  After playing all day, I went to bed without dinner, and woke up the next morning.

12.国庆节英语手抄报资料 篇十二

  The National Day of the 11th is coming, and our whole family has made an appointment to visit Guanyin Cave.

  On October 4th, the weather was exceptionally clear. We drove to the Guanyin Cave Scenic Area. As soon as we got off the car, my sisters and I were like birds flying out of a cage, running and jumping, extremely happy. We went to several scenic spots, and finally, Dad said he would take us to climb Jiguan Mountain. We meandered up a rugged stone step road, flanked by towering pine and cypress trees, with lush branches and leaves that covered the sky and sun, forming a natural green passage. At the beginning, I was full of energy, bouncing and jumping all the way. Suddenly, I jumped out of the team and said to my sisters, "Hurry up." However full of energy, there would be times when I was tired. In front of the seemingly endless mountain road, I "gave in" and my feet were like pouring lead, unable to exert any force. Looking at me, who was exhausted, My mother smiled and taught me a lesson: "Climbing mountains should not be hasty, you should be down-to-earth, and only by taking each step smoothly can you reach the top of the mountain as quickly and effortlessly as possible." After listening to my mother's words, I decided to take a break and continue moving forward. Suddenly, a huge stone suddenly appeared in front of me. Dad said, "Look at this stone, doesn't it look like a cockscomb? This mountain is named after this big stone." I climbed up the Sea View Pavilion and looked out from afar, with a panoramic view of the scenery in western Liaoning. Nearby is the blue waves of the Xiaoling River winding around the mountain, and in the distance is the city center of Jinzhou, where tall buildings stand. Looking south, the jungle is stacked with trees and villages are dotted. The scenery is so beautiful that I forget my exhaustion all over.

  In the evening, when we returned home, my father said he would take us to the East Lake for a picnic tomorrow. My sisters and I jumped up excitedly, great! This "Eleven" Day is so happy!
